The Church and its sins
Hiding behind a finger is useless. Conceal, glissando, invent excuses, transfer, angry behavior for hire is deeply wrong. The truth, as we have been taught from an early age, sooner or later comes to light, and imposes itself on misinformation and lies. We must get to the bottom, cleaning up, starting to judge for themselves, immediately dispose of the evil done to others, to pay a price if it relates to the innocent and defenseless creatures must be very high. Pedophilia is an abominable practice and widespread. It is a mortal sin and is a criminal offense. For priests and religious who have stained this shameful sin (and crime), that price can only consist in the removal from ministry immediately. They have no vocation, are predators of white souls, wolves in sheep's clothing. We must give him the sack. Let them go elsewhere to get treatment, if possible, and reflect on their misery, submitting to human justice, the civil courts, independently of covers and shields.
The Church of Christ simply can not tolerate that men and women who have taken a vow of allegiance to it, to love, to be chaste, to pursue purity, raped the children of God, the children. It is better for them that you put a millstone around his neck and cast themselves into the sea. Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the path of cleaning, despite the attacks of certain publications. And from now. I remember well that one of the first acts of his pontificate was to remove from his prosecutor father Gino Burresi, founder of the Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who has retired to private life. Among the reasons for the decision, the decree of May 27, 2005 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the first issued by the Congregation in the pontificate of Benedict XVI and which bears the signature of the new prefect, the former Archbishop of San Francisco, Cardinal Levada - even the accusations of sexual abuse made against the religious by some who were his followers and seminarians in the seventies and eighties.
same applies to the Mexican priest, founder of the Legionaries of Christ, Marcial Maciel Degollado, suspended divinis May 19, 2006 for child abuse, violation of the seal of the confessional and some sexual relations that the founder had had with women from whom he also had several children. The first apostolic visit, from 1956 to 1959, never reached a formal conclusion on the cause of death of Pius XII. In 2004, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said John Paul II and obtained permission to reopen the case. As a result of this new survey in January 2005, the priest was forced to resign from the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Pope Benedict XVI.
measures that speak for themselves and what needs to be sustained, if necessary. It is a moment of repentance and conversion, as mentioned by His Holiness. It is a trial period of suffering and darkness from which may arise as a Christian Church. This is not about homosexuality or of celibacy, homosexuality is a trend that does not necessarily lead to sin, while pedophilia is a depravity (not noted as sex tourism of many Italians? Many are neither celibate nor gay). Rather it is a matter of consistency and faith, holiness, incessant invocation of the Holy Spirit, so do not leave the human heart and make it be a new and noble, an alter Christus.
copyright Salvatore Bernocco