Dear Editor, I am
once again to ask for hospitality. My previous reflections on the local political situation, you kindly published on your site, related only to the center. In many friends and they asked me, if only for a sort of level playing field, instead of what I thought internal affairs - which have always reflected the outside world - the Democratic Party, not long ruled by Professor Catherine Montaruli. As you know, I served as Mayor of the interviewer Stragapede the Feast of the PD, and on that occasion, two elements have emerged with clarity: 1) the chagrin of the Mayor for "ingratitude" of some members of the Democratic Party against him, which, for reasons that are exposed, they had diminished the commitment and marginalized the results of administrative action, although they had never observed their dissent either in its policy council or anywhere else, 2) the desire not to reapply for the next administrative reasons personal, in my view, are political in nature.
Well, in those circumstances, my reasoning is simple and starts with a question: what is in dispute, the Mayor Stragapede? On what political basis on which facts and what context is it reasonable to prepare for succession well in advance and without waiting for decisions? Wishing to apply for the position of mayor, which is considered to have more - I speak of political skills - than Stragapede? Why do not you go out into the open externalizing distress, distinctions, critical, avoiding the old worn-out patterns and tactics? The sequences are prepared if there was a difference, if you feel that the mayor has done some work or ill, or creeps the suspicion among the public that points exclusively to occupy a position of power regardless of analysis programs, outputs, balance sheets of government. A succession is prepared from premonitions or speculation. It is based on the point of political ethics if the deficiencies were so many and serious and detailed as to leave no alternative. In the case of the Mayor Stragapede one gets the impression that it was "urged" to take the decision to abandon the field to make room for another person who, if victorious, will only continue to work - mind you - the work already started . Interruption may be with respect organization of personnel (in our City leaders over the figure of six general manager are frankly excessive), the relaunch of the bureaucratic apparatus, the selection of new directors, subject to the three hot potato which will require a strong commitment to joint, bipartisan: Ruvo Services issue, a matter Waste expropriation issue. With respect to this gap, and the necessary consequential actions can also be scheduled by an incumbent mayor. A new administrative organization can best be based on experience, which has been treasured and you became aware. Now, I think the best mayoral candidate for the center is - state of the art and you do not settle the political issues that I mentioned - the outgoing mayor, Michael Stragapede. Hats off to the other names circulating in recent days, some of which are invisible even in broad sectors of the same PD perhaps irreparable injury to (the marriage between former and popular ex Diesse does not work very well and is a harbinger of unknowns), but these could lead the Democratic Party on the verge of a nervous breakdown, take him to a fight inside the outcome unpredictable. The path of democratic primary convincing, but in a moment of apparent difficulty of the center, I think the candidacy of Michael Stragapede sederebbe contrasts inside the Democratic Party and the center-compact. COPYRIGHT 2010