Seventeen years ago, April 20, 1993, Don Tonino blew, leaving indelible marks of his passage on this earth of Puglia and in the Church of the Diocese and beyond. His teaching is not so much in his words read like poetry and incisive, as in his gestures and acts, in his behavior, authentic witness of Christ's love for the poor, the last, the forgotten, the oppressed by the many structures sin that suffocate the man and they killed the hope in a time isaitico, a time of peace, the final eclipse of evil, of glorification of the good and the beautiful, the victory of fatherhood and motherhood of God on the tricks and deceptions of the Antichrist, who weaves patterns of suffocating death.
Don Tonino was a defender of human life, actor and star of battles for the job, for the resurrection of young people duped by the lure of drugs that give pleasure without pain and then being infinite, for the defense of Apulia by military occupation tested with air and deadly. He was champion of policies with a human face, merciful, addressing many politicians (and unheard) appeals to take care of the weakest parts of the city and hurt them.
He turned to his priests the tenderness of a father, inviting them to embrace evangelical poverty in view of the preciousness of the kingdom of God, to dispose of ritual without soul to share the ordinariness of everyday life, to go down head-on in the squares and streets do not work proselytize, but to do good, from which they come credibility, trust, faith and God's renewed desire
The new evangelization of Don Tonino concerned about the veracity of personal testimony. Evangelize, in other words, it means to be Christian rather than call themselves Christians, according to the penetrating discussion of Cardinal Tettamanzi. The faithful interpreter of Vatican II, was published at the pastoral expectations and hopes it raised, dotted with the new spring freshness, cleanliness, love, openness to the world they bring healthy men and women imbued with the power of the Holy Spirit which, if accepted, makes all things new. Not to mention what is shaking the Church, called to purify and convert to the miseries of a few that are passed off as a lack of a multitude, with Don Tonino, mindful of his message, his gestures, we are called upon to interpret a diversity that has never distance from the things of the world, but yeast and ferment a renewed awareness of and sensitive, refractory selfishness, that challenges the minds and hearts of those who are seeking the truth and a meaning to their life.
Salvatore Bernocco - Yeast May 2010
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