Originally there is design, if anything, preceded by the tract, from the sketch, which is an advance toward the "end product", the painting.
But you would not believe that the design can not have and does not have its own autonomy, its own life in the context of the art of portrait or painting.
So, without too much forcing, I could say that there are patterns that do not stutter the subject of painting, but that these same issues are finished, delivered to the lovers of beauty, perhaps less mincing the category of critics, who often like to bask in the codes established (not by chance that the great De Chirico claimed that no serious and conscientious man could claim the title of 'art critic'). If artist's task is to represent not but express, as claimed van Gogh, it is immediate to conclude that a designer is an artist in the round in which nothing is missing nor talent nor expressiveness, he is also a turner of ways, as a potter work to his wheel, one hand hovering over a white sheet to give visual and symbolic expression of that inner world kicking and pawing, which is agitated in contact with the visible, which attempts to portray the aesthetic content from a intimate and subjective perception, which is also aesthetic, sometimes neurotic, which happens all the time that the futuristic titillates the soul, tempting to a frantic and exhausting search for new of styles and content.
Here it goes far beyond the call of Cezanne by the simple forms ("Treat nature by the cylinder, the sphere, the cone") or the six laws of painting cited by Shieh I, because it goes beyond the rules and some formalism . Here we talk about the Spirit, who sometimes found it difficult to adapt to the flesh, according to the thesis of the great French humanist Jean Guitton, although far be it from me the vision of the Platonic division between body and soul, the more convincing and close to the true holistic. Yet for those who cultivate the arts seems to result in irreparable fracture between the "spirit" and "brute", Charles Baudelaire, the author of the poetry collection immodest Les Fleurs du Mal, with frank brutality exhibited different approach to sexuality than the artist to the people ("The more a man cultivates the arts, less broom. It has become increasingly sensitive in divorce between the spirit and the brute. Only brute fuck well, fuck you and the lyricism of the people ").
Send "In the Sign of Stroke - Drawings of the Twentieth Century Pugliese", superbly edited by Carmelo Cipriani and Dominic Toto, is a hymn to the Spirit, valuable and even necessary appendage to the book "Echoes from the Novecento Pugliese. Tribute to Domenico Cantatore, "also offered to us by the two curators of the exhibition in the context of the same name held in Ruvo di Puglia from 26 July to 9 August 2008, which already contained some drawings by Domenico Cantatore (for example, the portraits of Leonardo Sinisgalli Lelj and Catherine, both of 1938). Even
"In the Sign of Stroke - Drawings of the Twentieth Century Pugliese" comes from the homonymous exhibition held in the former Dominican Convent of Ruvo 10 to 20 September 2009, and presents a fine overview of drawings by artists such as Francis Xavier Net , Richard Thomas, Jeremiah King, Francesco Domenico Di Terlizzi and Cantatore, Giuseppe Ar, Lanave Antonio, Antonio Piccini and others of no less talent and technique.
A text, to Cipriani and Toto, who goes with lightness and grace in the world of Suddenly, improperly considered the poor relation of the pictorial, and alerts us to the urgent need to preserve and promote cultural heritage, if you know of old, we return to our roots for this reason, the faces, the faces, places a time, only for the past neglect, superficiality and vulgarity of those who do not like the good and ignoring the spirit, inevitably underestimates or destroyed.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 - Studies Bitonto No 88/2009
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ontario Red License Plate
We should start from a semantic analysis. What does tradition? Where does this term sometimes abused, trampled on the transitional incomprehensible reasons, related to fashion or, worse, to the whims of someone?
So, the word tradition comes from the Latin traditio-onis, 'delivery, transmission,' and comes to betray, 'deliver'. The tradition carries with it the betrayal, since the verb betray also comes from betrayal. Perhaps it is no coincidence. It is difficult to keep intact what has been handed down by those who have gone before us, a little 'for sloppy, a little' lax for a bit 'for the damn nuovismo, which is a form of neurosis, and a little' because there is the habit of wanting to leave an imprint, his own, on the ground of tradition, as happens to Hollywood stars on Hollywood Boulevard, the famous "street of the stars' footprints of the stars scattered on the concrete. Footprint or a wound. The result is the same as that observed when an ancient mosaic floor is walked by hundreds of villagers and rough feet: no different than the design, the pieces appear faded survivors, some areas are stripped. In short, a devastation that would cry vengeance to competition authority of tradition, which unfortunately has not yet been established.
This preface is inherent in our traditional celebration of the Octave of Corpus Christi, held in June (at least that is obvious and is not subject to distortions). The scenario is no longer the traditional one, but decided that no one knows by whom and why. Once there were five altars, five moments of rest to honor the SS. Sacramento, devout recollection: Piazza Bovio, Carafa Course (Course at St. James), Piazza Matteotti, Porta Nuova (Purgatorio), Piazza Garibaldi, Menotti. This time there were three stops and a new round of the procession, which was articulated Via Corato and stopped near the hospital. The old town has gone to hell. Zero-stop, no altar: a contribution to the abandonment of an area that should be valued and which was intended to stop zone, yes, but cars. It has survived Piazza Matteotti, where, according to many present, the bishop said, a meditation focus more on respect for tradition, which clearly there was, that the religious significance of the feast of Corpus Christi. Very little time for reflection, to which even the priests had called the faithful during the Masses on Sunday morning. It probably has plotted the course of the market context, emphatically called fair, which, according to tradition, should not behave. The market for custom, it is held on Saturday morning along the Estramurale Pertini, and there should be confined, without interfering with the religious festival. Slide of the program initiatives of the boundary, yet once disappointing. Due to lack of funds? For the non-contribution of ruvesi? For these reasons, of course, although you do not see why we should help sustain traditions which will then be betrayed and distorted.
Already many - many also well - sometimes, the Pro Loco has attracted the attention of civil and religious institutions on the need to preserve cultural traditions, religious, popular in our town, devoting their thoughts to the public timely patron saint of the Octave of Corpus domains. We must say the silence is deafening on this point. No noteworthy initiative has been taken to restore order in the chaos of the party and to halt the intrigues of someone.
The patron saint is the patrimony of all ruvesi. Is not just this or that. If you depart from this basic assumption, it would probably a little further. Unfortunately, we fear that once again our appeal will fall on deaf ears, certifying the insensitivity of certain powers in respect of a country with ancient traditions.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The Rubastino
We should start from a semantic analysis. What does tradition? Where does this term sometimes abused, trampled on the transitional incomprehensible reasons, related to fashion or, worse, to the whims of someone?
So, the word tradition comes from the Latin traditio-onis, 'delivery, transmission,' and comes to betray, 'deliver'. The tradition carries with it the betrayal, since the verb betray also comes from betrayal. Perhaps it is no coincidence. It is difficult to keep intact what has been handed down by those who have gone before us, a little 'for sloppy, a little' lax for a bit 'for the damn nuovismo, which is a form of neurosis, and a little' because there is the habit of wanting to leave an imprint, his own, on the ground of tradition, as happens to Hollywood stars on Hollywood Boulevard, the famous "street of the stars' footprints of the stars scattered on the concrete. Footprint or a wound. The result is the same as that observed when an ancient mosaic floor is walked by hundreds of villagers and rough feet: no different than the design, the pieces appear faded survivors, some areas are stripped. In short, a devastation that would cry vengeance to competition authority of tradition, which unfortunately has not yet been established.
This preface is inherent in our traditional celebration of the Octave of Corpus Christi, held in June (at least that is obvious and is not subject to distortions). The scenario is no longer the traditional one, but decided that no one knows by whom and why. Once there were five altars, five moments of rest to honor the SS. Sacramento, devout recollection: Piazza Bovio, Carafa Course (Course at St. James), Piazza Matteotti, Porta Nuova (Purgatorio), Piazza Garibaldi, Menotti. This time there were three stops and a new round of the procession, which was articulated Via Corato and stopped near the hospital. The old town has gone to hell. Zero-stop, no altar: a contribution to the abandonment of an area that should be valued and which was intended to stop zone, yes, but cars. It has survived Piazza Matteotti, where, according to many present, the bishop said, a meditation focus more on respect for tradition, which clearly there was, that the religious significance of the feast of Corpus Christi. Very little time for reflection, to which even the priests had called the faithful during the Masses on Sunday morning. It probably has plotted the course of the market context, emphatically called fair, which, according to tradition, should not behave. The market for custom, it is held on Saturday morning along the Estramurale Pertini, and there should be confined, without interfering with the religious festival. Slide of the program initiatives of the boundary, yet once disappointing. Due to lack of funds? For the non-contribution of ruvesi? For these reasons, of course, although you do not see why we should help sustain traditions which will then be betrayed and distorted.
Already many - many also well - sometimes, the Pro Loco has attracted the attention of civil and religious institutions on the need to preserve cultural traditions, religious, popular in our town, devoting their thoughts to the public timely patron saint of the Octave of Corpus domains. We must say the silence is deafening on this point. No noteworthy initiative has been taken to restore order in the chaos of the party and to halt the intrigues of someone.
The patron saint is the patrimony of all ruvesi. Is not just this or that. If you depart from this basic assumption, it would probably a little further. Unfortunately, we fear that once again our appeal will fall on deaf ears, certifying the insensitivity of certain powers in respect of a country with ancient traditions.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The Rubastino
Explain Low Loss Header
Pasquale De Palo The young leave the secretariat of the PD and instead settles Catherine Montaruli, frequently of long-standing policy ruvestina, former candidate for mayor for the center and advisor Municipal. The choice of Montaruli seems to derive from an agreement between the popular area of \u200b\u200bthe former (grassiani), that which belongs to the Regional Minervini and some ex pidiessino. Not everyone agreed, beyond the reach unanimity. Unspoken objective: to curb the political influence of someone else? Could it be, I'm not too surprised. There are deposits and old logic that may vanish only if there was a general clean-up exercise, which is highly unlikely. The radical revolution nobody likes, especially in our Ruvo plots where parental and friendship (and personal interests and cordata) weigh heavily on the political framework and its evolution. But are unwelcome even half-revolution, a bit 'for the sake of a quiet life, a little' because they fear repercussions, retribution transverse parallel convergences. And I remember what my father told me years ago with regard to the political and not only: in Ruvo everyone is afraid of everybody. The sheep are prevalent, and many more, on lions. The hare, then, do not count, and the hyenas and vultures hovering around threatening to alleged political corpses.
A closer look, then, revolutions do not like them, and this is a sign of stagnation and closure. The same former secretary of the PD was very explicit in this regard during his brilliant report and applauded when he said that in Ruvo "the time of "Ex-something" is finished, the time for "new" has not yet matured, but at the same time have been created and solidified ruvese sensitivities in our party, on the basis of factors combining to me unclear. We have chosen the road short of the individual the unity of the applications, the easy numbers, not that of sharing of paths and goals. "On this passage is all that is real discomfort of a young secretary who had to take note failure of revolution, total and partial, which is the first cultural and then political. It is frankly not a new story, and I'm surprised that we can still surprise that the political tent to renew itself without renewing a fig, a coy game of words that surround a corny scenarios. The Leopard docet. In politics, you go to make up for the beautician to give a new look and filed the nails that still remain very sharp as knife blades. This is the policy with the "p" tiny. The capital letters belong to the world of utopias and only at the beginning of the periods. Is it not true that in the spelling section is followed by a capital letter? Then, inevitably, followed by lower-case, and the Bolshoi one passes to the provincial theaters, smelly and imbued with smoke, in the twinkling of an eye, with almost everything, the chariot of Thespis. On the way melons settle: you should not disturb the maneuver, and other melons is wise to go with love and in agreement. From plastic surgery to lift and high cafonaggine of his nose is a short step, sometimes imperceptible. Many realize it but get distracted and turn their heads the other side: good manners to let him salons and dinner parties, politics is blood and tears, they say, elbowing and compromise, why not! Meanwhile the dust settles on the furniture for the traditions and political cultures of origin. The missed opportunities cry out for vengeance in the face of great political thought and those of all political, Ruvo allowed to make a qualitative leap, a lot, but a long time ago.
Meanwhile, the center for election for whom? Stragapede? Ottombrino? Crispin? Bets are open. We are cabal. Will apply the logic of internal consensus or the quality of software? We will consider the extent of public opinion or statements? We will start, as it should be, carried out by an examination of administrative or not done in these five years, highlighting good and bad, terraces and basements, or if they will do less prejudicially, adhering INValSI cliché that this Administration has done little or did not do anything? In the PDL
we brawl. Cross-accusations, threats to break careers and Commissioner documents were entrusted to clear provenance, more or less public statements and rumors of the night. John Mazzone, and not only opposed to Matthew Paparella, who put on the table a political issue: self-steering of the PDL, sublimating the discomfort of the coordinator Salvatore Barile and putting in the dock Mazzone, who, as other leaders of the PDL, they must "prove that you have a personal standing with the electoral verifiable election administration stating that they are the real roots in the area. This is clearly a preliminary to legitimize democratic rule ancient personal expectations, however, elected representation at all levels. " Intelligent
Paucar. Here is the question in terms of non-maintained, that the tart, the chop or fireplace does not matter. Who was to break the covenant of war between the internal components, now waste paper, Paparella or Lease? Could the local candidate of the PDL Regional oppose the great refusal, in the manner of Celestine V? What are these Paparella Lease and no one knows. The talks are private and covered by a blanket of secrecy. However, under the wise old rule, pacta sunt servanda, pacts are honored. Always. Their significant contribution to the campaign of another can be given, even from behind the scenes, working for them after he is gone into in other occasions. One should not work only for themselves. On this there can be little doubt: the word dates do not withdraw, except in one case, if there is common agreement and a new understanding. Meanwhile, those who suffer the repercussions of this controversy is the candidate for mayor of the center, Frank Catalano, launched in times of calm, perhaps in advance. Some now give his candidacy in the balance, weakened by internal fracture to the PDL, which could open up new scenarios. What is certain is that, as a kingdom divided within itself, is bound to perish, so a coalition riven simply no longer there, is destined to implode. And, I fear, to bury those who would lead it to victory.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The Rubastino
Pasquale De Palo The young leave the secretariat of the PD and instead settles Catherine Montaruli, frequently of long-standing policy ruvestina, former candidate for mayor for the center and advisor Municipal. The choice of Montaruli seems to derive from an agreement between the popular area of \u200b\u200bthe former (grassiani), that which belongs to the Regional Minervini and some ex pidiessino. Not everyone agreed, beyond the reach unanimity. Unspoken objective: to curb the political influence of someone else? Could it be, I'm not too surprised. There are deposits and old logic that may vanish only if there was a general clean-up exercise, which is highly unlikely. The radical revolution nobody likes, especially in our Ruvo plots where parental and friendship (and personal interests and cordata) weigh heavily on the political framework and its evolution. But are unwelcome even half-revolution, a bit 'for the sake of a quiet life, a little' because they fear repercussions, retribution transverse parallel convergences. And I remember what my father told me years ago with regard to the political and not only: in Ruvo everyone is afraid of everybody. The sheep are prevalent, and many more, on lions. The hare, then, do not count, and the hyenas and vultures hovering around threatening to alleged political corpses.
A closer look, then, revolutions do not like them, and this is a sign of stagnation and closure. The same former secretary of the PD was very explicit in this regard during his brilliant report and applauded when he said that in Ruvo "the time of "Ex-something" is finished, the time for "new" has not yet matured, but at the same time have been created and solidified ruvese sensitivities in our party, on the basis of factors combining to me unclear. We have chosen the road short of the individual the unity of the applications, the easy numbers, not that of sharing of paths and goals. "On this passage is all that is real discomfort of a young secretary who had to take note failure of revolution, total and partial, which is the first cultural and then political. It is frankly not a new story, and I'm surprised that we can still surprise that the political tent to renew itself without renewing a fig, a coy game of words that surround a corny scenarios. The Leopard docet. In politics, you go to make up for the beautician to give a new look and filed the nails that still remain very sharp as knife blades. This is the policy with the "p" tiny. The capital letters belong to the world of utopias and only at the beginning of the periods. Is it not true that in the spelling section is followed by a capital letter? Then, inevitably, followed by lower-case, and the Bolshoi one passes to the provincial theaters, smelly and imbued with smoke, in the twinkling of an eye, with almost everything, the chariot of Thespis. On the way melons settle: you should not disturb the maneuver, and other melons is wise to go with love and in agreement. From plastic surgery to lift and high cafonaggine of his nose is a short step, sometimes imperceptible. Many realize it but get distracted and turn their heads the other side: good manners to let him salons and dinner parties, politics is blood and tears, they say, elbowing and compromise, why not! Meanwhile the dust settles on the furniture for the traditions and political cultures of origin. The missed opportunities cry out for vengeance in the face of great political thought and those of all political, Ruvo allowed to make a qualitative leap, a lot, but a long time ago.
Meanwhile, the center for election for whom? Stragapede? Ottombrino? Crispin? Bets are open. We are cabal. Will apply the logic of internal consensus or the quality of software? We will consider the extent of public opinion or statements? We will start, as it should be, carried out by an examination of administrative or not done in these five years, highlighting good and bad, terraces and basements, or if they will do less prejudicially, adhering INValSI cliché that this Administration has done little or did not do anything? In the PDL
we brawl. Cross-accusations, threats to break careers and Commissioner documents were entrusted to clear provenance, more or less public statements and rumors of the night. John Mazzone, and not only opposed to Matthew Paparella, who put on the table a political issue: self-steering of the PDL, sublimating the discomfort of the coordinator Salvatore Barile and putting in the dock Mazzone, who, as other leaders of the PDL, they must "prove that you have a personal standing with the electoral verifiable election administration stating that they are the real roots in the area. This is clearly a preliminary to legitimize democratic rule ancient personal expectations, however, elected representation at all levels. " Intelligent
Paucar. Here is the question in terms of non-maintained, that the tart, the chop or fireplace does not matter. Who was to break the covenant of war between the internal components, now waste paper, Paparella or Lease? Could the local candidate of the PDL Regional oppose the great refusal, in the manner of Celestine V? What are these Paparella Lease and no one knows. The talks are private and covered by a blanket of secrecy. However, under the wise old rule, pacta sunt servanda, pacts are honored. Always. Their significant contribution to the campaign of another can be given, even from behind the scenes, working for them after he is gone into in other occasions. One should not work only for themselves. On this there can be little doubt: the word dates do not withdraw, except in one case, if there is common agreement and a new understanding. Meanwhile, those who suffer the repercussions of this controversy is the candidate for mayor of the center, Frank Catalano, launched in times of calm, perhaps in advance. Some now give his candidacy in the balance, weakened by internal fracture to the PDL, which could open up new scenarios. What is certain is that, as a kingdom divided within itself, is bound to perish, so a coalition riven simply no longer there, is destined to implode. And, I fear, to bury those who would lead it to victory.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The Rubastino
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wood Stove Thermometer
PDL What's happening at home? There are fringe Finian in revolt claiming collective decisions, which jostle to get more space, which are struggling to sterilize other fringe groups that, according to a statement released by paparelliani (to illustrate), they command too it has not made any public consensus? How much is politically who has never run for any position? This is the underlying emphasis of paparelliani. Or all stems from an agreement signed some time ago, just before the provincial elections, when it was decided the trident be deployed for elections: Frank Catalano, candidate for mayor, Matthew Paparella, candidate for County Council, Antonello Paparella, or another area of \u200b\u200bpolitical ex-AN, a candidate in the regional? A pact of iron laid down in public, with an attached photo of the group. All satisfied. All over the moon. Col placet Coordinators Mazzone and John Salvatore Barile. Finian
I have nothing to do. We believe that there are not Ruvo, or if there are, we are not aware of. Is true that Matthew Paparella enter into the Provincial Council and was appointed commissioner. A full-blown political resurrection that many did not expect. Who deserves credit? Who has worn the cloth of Christ raising of Lazarus? Here the matter becomes a bit delicate, because it brings up the electoral potential of the individual, the organizational capacity of a party, the work of coordinators and committees. Well, according to some it would be self-resurrection in the sense that Paparella would do everything alone, according to the Anglo-Saxon tradition of the selfmade man or italics in the wake of the old adage "those who scratch your own for three." For others, the contribution of the coordinators, advisors, members of the Board, would be decisive. Whatever the case, the fact is that, perhaps galvanized by the consensus reached, Paparella could not resist the advances of the Minister Raffaele Lease, which the would be asked to apply to the Regional Council to support the candidacy, deboluccia, Rocco Palese. The iron pact crumbles, the first born of dissent. The coordinator Mazzone, who also had committed because Paparella came into Government, threatened to resign. For a time he resigned. Then, under pressure from the top of the supra-party, you fall, but with its own look and its reasons. The agreements must be maintained, he said. How can we not agree with him?
Two questions arise spontaneously. Lease and decided PDL ruvese knows nothing about it? Serious lack of tact. Very little respect for the bodies of the party. Dissidents / dissenters take different paths, they support candidates strangers, taking away pieces of consent the local candidate. The showdown is in the air, and will be held immediately after the election results, both negative for Paparella Palese.
Second question: why not ask the calling party's internal organization and discuss the choice of those who rent or for him? What would happen so serious? Faced with the final decision of the leader of the PDL in Puglia, we think that no one could plead anything. It would be noted. They would have revised the terms of the original agreement. It would have been other adjustments. So it was not. The mystery is dense.
Duro internal fight, then. A meeting ended in badly. Mazzone attacking Paparella, who, in response, articulated a policy document, in substance, calls for his dismissal, even the commissioner of the section. It is saved, no one knows why, Salvatore Barile. The signatories of the document will refrain from participating in the meetings of the board to solve the problem by the supra-party organizations. Timely coordination of counter-document, also referred to Bari, signed by municipal councilors and members of the Board, the majority.
Where to take this diatribe? What is certain is that it risks serious damage to the path of the center-right candidate for mayor, Francesco Catalano, launched too soon and in time of calm. Then, as is well known and well known, in politics things change. Just the slightest thing to blow up tables, and agreements and, if anything, imagine candidates for mayor out of the primitive arrangements. Or, as prophesied Wolf Marsicano, aka Franco Marini, the best time to sign a deal sealed just what is of greatest conflict. We'll see.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The New City
PDL What's happening at home? There are fringe Finian in revolt claiming collective decisions, which jostle to get more space, which are struggling to sterilize other fringe groups that, according to a statement released by paparelliani (to illustrate), they command too it has not made any public consensus? How much is politically who has never run for any position? This is the underlying emphasis of paparelliani. Or all stems from an agreement signed some time ago, just before the provincial elections, when it was decided the trident be deployed for elections: Frank Catalano, candidate for mayor, Matthew Paparella, candidate for County Council, Antonello Paparella, or another area of \u200b\u200bpolitical ex-AN, a candidate in the regional? A pact of iron laid down in public, with an attached photo of the group. All satisfied. All over the moon. Col placet Coordinators Mazzone and John Salvatore Barile. Finian
I have nothing to do. We believe that there are not Ruvo, or if there are, we are not aware of. Is true that Matthew Paparella enter into the Provincial Council and was appointed commissioner. A full-blown political resurrection that many did not expect. Who deserves credit? Who has worn the cloth of Christ raising of Lazarus? Here the matter becomes a bit delicate, because it brings up the electoral potential of the individual, the organizational capacity of a party, the work of coordinators and committees. Well, according to some it would be self-resurrection in the sense that Paparella would do everything alone, according to the Anglo-Saxon tradition of the selfmade man or italics in the wake of the old adage "those who scratch your own for three." For others, the contribution of the coordinators, advisors, members of the Board, would be decisive. Whatever the case, the fact is that, perhaps galvanized by the consensus reached, Paparella could not resist the advances of the Minister Raffaele Lease, which the would be asked to apply to the Regional Council to support the candidacy, deboluccia, Rocco Palese. The iron pact crumbles, the first born of dissent. The coordinator Mazzone, who also had committed because Paparella came into Government, threatened to resign. For a time he resigned. Then, under pressure from the top of the supra-party, you fall, but with its own look and its reasons. The agreements must be maintained, he said. How can we not agree with him?
Two questions arise spontaneously. Lease and decided PDL ruvese knows nothing about it? Serious lack of tact. Very little respect for the bodies of the party. Dissidents / dissenters take different paths, they support candidates strangers, taking away pieces of consent the local candidate. The showdown is in the air, and will be held immediately after the election results, both negative for Paparella Palese.
Second question: why not ask the calling party's internal organization and discuss the choice of those who rent or for him? What would happen so serious? Faced with the final decision of the leader of the PDL in Puglia, we think that no one could plead anything. It would be noted. They would have revised the terms of the original agreement. It would have been other adjustments. So it was not. The mystery is dense.
Duro internal fight, then. A meeting ended in badly. Mazzone attacking Paparella, who, in response, articulated a policy document, in substance, calls for his dismissal, even the commissioner of the section. It is saved, no one knows why, Salvatore Barile. The signatories of the document will refrain from participating in the meetings of the board to solve the problem by the supra-party organizations. Timely coordination of counter-document, also referred to Bari, signed by municipal councilors and members of the Board, the majority.
Where to take this diatribe? What is certain is that it risks serious damage to the path of the center-right candidate for mayor, Francesco Catalano, launched too soon and in time of calm. Then, as is well known and well known, in politics things change. Just the slightest thing to blow up tables, and agreements and, if anything, imagine candidates for mayor out of the primitive arrangements. Or, as prophesied Wolf Marsicano, aka Franco Marini, the best time to sign a deal sealed just what is of greatest conflict. We'll see.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The New City
Dangers Of Using Vuse
morning, just got up and running before the sea, I accidentally came across a thought of the Indian Jesuit Father Anthony de Mello (1931-1987): "Religion is not a matter of ritual or academic studies. It is a type of worship or to perform good deeds. Religion is to eradicate the impurities of the heart. This is the way to go to meet God "That's right: religion can be a purely external event which does not alter the bleak inner framework. No real change, no clean-up of thoughts, no change of heart, but outwardly, ritual, folding screen that hides all sorts of moral and spiritual deficiency. Those that de Mello called "good deeds" can also convey outside our selfishness, so do a good deed to gratify my ego rather than for true love of my neighbor. Worse still would do a good deed for the love of God and not man, whom God has wished to be identified.
And what about some theology (the "academic studies") that explores the unfathomable mystery of God, the waters and confuse the Gospel in transforming philosophical text? Better understanding of the Gospel does not mean an act or an intellectual effort, but the adoption of another way of life: to be small because only small, the humble, the forgotten people have access to the depths of the mystery of God is God himself who shows its young without human mediation. Access to the heart of the Father of the poor is denied to the learned and the wise. Said Christ: "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to babes" (Mt 11, 25-30). Who are the "small"? Someone who claims to be his disciples. Maybe, although she prefers to think of the humble shepherds who went to the grotto of Bethlehem, to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Bernadette Soubirous, to the Indian Juan Diego, to whom Our Lady appeared at Guadalupe, Mexico, Saint Francis 'Assisi. Poverty in the literal sense, simplicity, lack of assets to which stick, renunciation and detachment from the safety of money and power to adhere to the riches of Christ.
We must be sincere. Telling the truth is never a sin, indeed. There is a part of the Church as an institution with the power that chirps. There were and there are examples in the Catholic Church not to follow. The relentlessness of the moral principles taught to the faithful is not always matched by a morally exemplary behavior on the part of many adherents to the Catholic Church, in the case of prelates, priests, nuns or laity simple. Carry on their shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility to the world in which we would have to reveal Christ in His omnipotence of love and salvation. His Holiness Benedict XVI has accepted, in truth and in no uncertain terms, that the worst danger for the Church comes from the inside by the sin of its members. It is a statement of strong impact and multiple perspectives, to be followed by acts of consequential damages. This Pope is not weak, is facing with courage and firmness many nodes have come home to roost, and will do the best of his ability.
is a phase of catharsis and conversion of hearts. It is a mild season, painful, but necessary. God will bring good from evil. Each of us is asked to cooperate in this moral and spiritual renewal, starting from myself, from his actions, by their own ideas, which should be re-oriented. Transfer funds to rehabilitate and be less unworthy of Him who gave His life for us. It is the task for this summer. See you in September! Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 Yeast, July-August 2010
morning, just got up and running before the sea, I accidentally came across a thought of the Indian Jesuit Father Anthony de Mello (1931-1987): "Religion is not a matter of ritual or academic studies. It is a type of worship or to perform good deeds. Religion is to eradicate the impurities of the heart. This is the way to go to meet God "That's right: religion can be a purely external event which does not alter the bleak inner framework. No real change, no clean-up of thoughts, no change of heart, but outwardly, ritual, folding screen that hides all sorts of moral and spiritual deficiency. Those that de Mello called "good deeds" can also convey outside our selfishness, so do a good deed to gratify my ego rather than for true love of my neighbor. Worse still would do a good deed for the love of God and not man, whom God has wished to be identified.
And what about some theology (the "academic studies") that explores the unfathomable mystery of God, the waters and confuse the Gospel in transforming philosophical text? Better understanding of the Gospel does not mean an act or an intellectual effort, but the adoption of another way of life: to be small because only small, the humble, the forgotten people have access to the depths of the mystery of God is God himself who shows its young without human mediation. Access to the heart of the Father of the poor is denied to the learned and the wise. Said Christ: "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to babes" (Mt 11, 25-30). Who are the "small"? Someone who claims to be his disciples. Maybe, although she prefers to think of the humble shepherds who went to the grotto of Bethlehem, to the three shepherd children in Fatima, Bernadette Soubirous, to the Indian Juan Diego, to whom Our Lady appeared at Guadalupe, Mexico, Saint Francis 'Assisi. Poverty in the literal sense, simplicity, lack of assets to which stick, renunciation and detachment from the safety of money and power to adhere to the riches of Christ.
We must be sincere. Telling the truth is never a sin, indeed. There is a part of the Church as an institution with the power that chirps. There were and there are examples in the Catholic Church not to follow. The relentlessness of the moral principles taught to the faithful is not always matched by a morally exemplary behavior on the part of many adherents to the Catholic Church, in the case of prelates, priests, nuns or laity simple. Carry on their shoulders a heavy burden of responsibility to the world in which we would have to reveal Christ in His omnipotence of love and salvation. His Holiness Benedict XVI has accepted, in truth and in no uncertain terms, that the worst danger for the Church comes from the inside by the sin of its members. It is a statement of strong impact and multiple perspectives, to be followed by acts of consequential damages. This Pope is not weak, is facing with courage and firmness many nodes have come home to roost, and will do the best of his ability.
is a phase of catharsis and conversion of hearts. It is a mild season, painful, but necessary. God will bring good from evil. Each of us is asked to cooperate in this moral and spiritual renewal, starting from myself, from his actions, by their own ideas, which should be re-oriented. Transfer funds to rehabilitate and be less unworthy of Him who gave His life for us. It is the task for this summer. See you in September! Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 Yeast, July-August 2010
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