PDL What's happening at home? There are fringe Finian in revolt claiming collective decisions, which jostle to get more space, which are struggling to sterilize other fringe groups that, according to a statement released by paparelliani (to illustrate), they command too it has not made any public consensus? How much is politically who has never run for any position? This is the underlying emphasis of paparelliani. Or all stems from an agreement signed some time ago, just before the provincial elections, when it was decided the trident be deployed for elections: Frank Catalano, candidate for mayor, Matthew Paparella, candidate for County Council, Antonello Paparella, or another area of \u200b\u200bpolitical ex-AN, a candidate in the regional? A pact of iron laid down in public, with an attached photo of the group. All satisfied. All over the moon. Col placet Coordinators Mazzone and John Salvatore Barile. Finian
I have nothing to do. We believe that there are not Ruvo, or if there are, we are not aware of. Is true that Matthew Paparella enter into the Provincial Council and was appointed commissioner. A full-blown political resurrection that many did not expect. Who deserves credit? Who has worn the cloth of Christ raising of Lazarus? Here the matter becomes a bit delicate, because it brings up the electoral potential of the individual, the organizational capacity of a party, the work of coordinators and committees. Well, according to some it would be self-resurrection in the sense that Paparella would do everything alone, according to the Anglo-Saxon tradition of the selfmade man or italics in the wake of the old adage "those who scratch your own for three." For others, the contribution of the coordinators, advisors, members of the Board, would be decisive. Whatever the case, the fact is that, perhaps galvanized by the consensus reached, Paparella could not resist the advances of the Minister Raffaele Lease, which the would be asked to apply to the Regional Council to support the candidacy, deboluccia, Rocco Palese. The iron pact crumbles, the first born of dissent. The coordinator Mazzone, who also had committed because Paparella came into Government, threatened to resign. For a time he resigned. Then, under pressure from the top of the supra-party, you fall, but with its own look and its reasons. The agreements must be maintained, he said. How can we not agree with him?
Two questions arise spontaneously. Lease and decided PDL ruvese knows nothing about it? Serious lack of tact. Very little respect for the bodies of the party. Dissidents / dissenters take different paths, they support candidates strangers, taking away pieces of consent the local candidate. The showdown is in the air, and will be held immediately after the election results, both negative for Paparella Palese.
Second question: why not ask the calling party's internal organization and discuss the choice of those who rent or for him? What would happen so serious? Faced with the final decision of the leader of the PDL in Puglia, we think that no one could plead anything. It would be noted. They would have revised the terms of the original agreement. It would have been other adjustments. So it was not. The mystery is dense.
Duro internal fight, then. A meeting ended in badly. Mazzone attacking Paparella, who, in response, articulated a policy document, in substance, calls for his dismissal, even the commissioner of the section. It is saved, no one knows why, Salvatore Barile. The signatories of the document will refrain from participating in the meetings of the board to solve the problem by the supra-party organizations. Timely coordination of counter-document, also referred to Bari, signed by municipal councilors and members of the Board, the majority.
Where to take this diatribe? What is certain is that it risks serious damage to the path of the center-right candidate for mayor, Francesco Catalano, launched too soon and in time of calm. Then, as is well known and well known, in politics things change. Just the slightest thing to blow up tables, and agreements and, if anything, imagine candidates for mayor out of the primitive arrangements. Or, as prophesied Wolf Marsicano, aka Franco Marini, the best time to sign a deal sealed just what is of greatest conflict. We'll see.
Salvatore Bernocco
Copyright 2010 The New City
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