The show which had long we are witnessing is nothing short of bleak. We refer to political life, politicians, who, with some exceptions, seem taken from a number of issues that have little or nothing to do with the real problems of the country and the weaker segments of the population. The problems of education, economics, public administration matters which appear to be secondary to the cause for such failure and pass certain laws that seem tailored for the powerful and only for them. On them, politics is screwed for some time. Not to mention scandals big and small, to escort and fixer, a system of bribery and widespread cross- political forces rooted in the North who use a language and reckless of local administrators that discriminate against people according to skin color and want to make the school a public hearing of their party.
The show is frankly indecent, so much to worry about the same Catholic Church which, by the mouth of the President of the Italian bishops, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, once again calls on Catholics "with gifts of mind and heart" to enter the political arena to give their contribution of ideas to build a more just and united country, especially in this time when the so-called federalism, wanted by the Northern League, is likely to divide the country into two or three main areas with significant advantages only for the richer regions. It is the design of the Po Valley - which does not exist, neither in terms of historical or geopolitical - that takes shape through the ploy and the pretext of federalism. Faced with the breakdown of democratic institutions and certain policy that feeds itself can not remain indifferent and silent. It is time to give marching orders to all those politicians who got rich with politics and have collected their homes and property for himself and his descendants, in the manner of the ancient feudal lords. Emblematic the case of former Minister Scajola, who - no one knows how - he found himself the owner of an apartment in Rome without his knowledge. Case symbolic and ridiculous. But it is not the only one. The list is long and would include politicians from local government. How can we forget the scandal of the Health Region of Puglia? Rivers of public money diverted into the coffers of some employers that if they could obtain favors of various kinds. Again suspects politics, business and general managers, with a side of cocaine and escort.
Ethical relativism is destroying the peace, a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy and freedom is undermining the foundations of our democratic institutions, reduced to a political horse trading, and bivouac risk alienating more and more citizens from the institutions. Cardinal Bagnasco ago pressure because you know how to involve young people in political life, "even if it means to limit the ambitions of those who already work there." Here, there are young guys with heart and intelligence that can make a turn to politics, still a prisoner of the old hands. The difficulty lies in the ambitions of those who dominate the party, even at the local level, who do not want to give up anything, as if politics can not do without them, or rather they can not do without the politics. The only weapons in the possession of the citizens are voting, and the active, conscious and responsible. We must elect people serious, competent, honest and then join, control and information. Where there ignorance is no crime and abuse, and a yardstick of honesty is the local administrator in the degree of poverty and detachment from the goods. Are they in the end of its mandate, has not become richer than it was, even poorer, he has been a good steward. Otherwise should be sent home and quickly forgotten.
Salvatore Bernocco
Yeast, October 2010 © Copyright