Sunday, October 10, 2010

Messages For Baby Books

a distressing spectacle

The show which had long we are witnessing is nothing short of bleak. We refer to political life, politicians, who, with some exceptions, seem taken from a number of issues that have little or nothing to do with the real problems of the country and the weaker segments of the population. The problems of education, economics, public administration matters which appear to be secondary to the cause for such failure and pass certain laws that seem tailored for the powerful and only for them. On them, politics is screwed for some time. Not to mention scandals big and small, to escort and fixer, a system of bribery and widespread cross- political forces rooted in the North who use a language and reckless of local administrators that discriminate against people according to skin color and want to make the school a public hearing of their party.
The show is frankly indecent, so much to worry about the same Catholic Church which, by the mouth of the President of the Italian bishops, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, once again calls on Catholics "with gifts of mind and heart" to enter the political arena to give their contribution of ideas to build a more just and united country, especially in this time when the so-called federalism, wanted by the Northern League, is likely to divide the country into two or three main areas with significant advantages only for the richer regions. It is the design of the Po Valley - which does not exist, neither in terms of historical or geopolitical - that takes shape through the ploy and the pretext of federalism. Faced with the breakdown of democratic institutions and certain policy that feeds itself can not remain indifferent and silent. It is time to give marching orders to all those politicians who got rich with politics and have collected their homes and property for himself and his descendants, in the manner of the ancient feudal lords. Emblematic the case of former Minister Scajola, who - no one knows how - he found himself the owner of an apartment in Rome without his knowledge. Case symbolic and ridiculous. But it is not the only one. The list is long and would include politicians from local government. How can we forget the scandal of the Health Region of Puglia? Rivers of public money diverted into the coffers of some employers that if they could obtain favors of various kinds. Again suspects politics, business and general managers, with a side of cocaine and escort.
Ethical relativism is destroying the peace, a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy and freedom is undermining the foundations of our democratic institutions, reduced to a political horse trading, and bivouac risk alienating more and more citizens from the institutions. Cardinal Bagnasco ago pressure because you know how to involve young people in political life, "even if it means to limit the ambitions of those who already work there." Here, there are young guys with heart and intelligence that can make a turn to politics, still a prisoner of the old hands. The difficulty lies in the ambitions of those who dominate the party, even at the local level, who do not want to give up anything, as if politics can not do without them, or rather they can not do without the politics. The only weapons in the possession of the citizens are voting, and the active, conscious and responsible. We must elect people serious, competent, honest and then join, control and information. Where there ignorance is no crime and abuse, and a yardstick of honesty is the local administrator in the degree of poverty and detachment from the goods. Are they in the end of its mandate, has not become richer than it was, even poorer, he has been a good steward. Otherwise should be sent home and quickly forgotten.

Salvatore Bernocco
Yeast, October 2010 © Copyright

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pubic Hair - Especially Formallated Cream


E 'came for me - the BOARD.

with capital letters as it should be all that far away, mysterious, more .... seemingly unattainable.
as old age, Alzheimer's, Disability .... and naturl the MOOOOOOOOORTE!

most do not teach - and I think for the first time that teaching has been for over 35 years, my favorite activity, for better or for worse.
activity I shared with mothers, belonging to my beloved family, time spent with my husband or my son (and I've had one!)

50% of my life belonged to my teaching profession - 50% of my time, my thoughts, my affections, the incentive to continue to research, update, understand, transmit ..... .. check.

I was lucky enough to be able to love my job - for several reasons.

My temperament - active, positive, face outside of his own tormented eternally nostalgic Thurs and NTU.

The fortune of working for many years in a school district with students in the province, provincial and air .....
(yet I also liked when I was teaching in the Milan, the fog, immigrants, and the paranoia of sprawling urban industrial)

I'm starting to enjoy this was my new, much that I feared.
(the display just as the last door at the end of life)

I appreciate the pleasure of sleeping in the morning (venale!) - the pleasure of making those gestures that I like so much over time and the attention they deserve
(such as yoga, drawing, walking, watching the sea ................... and many, many others)

thank all the energy that young people - who I met, loved and hated in all my years of insgnamento - gave me.
I keep it close, I have the - and continuoo to love them, everyone - to follow, imitate .... envy (which is a nice feeling!)

prosssima to bet.


Images Of Normal Vulva

J'accuse (part 2)

They range from good to better. The syndrome is manifested cupio dissolve. Was latent, it is now clear, obvious concern. With streaks of self typical of Berlusconi, hated and opposed what is practiced. The President wants Vendola a photovoltaic system on every roof in Puglia. Good thing in itself. There is plenty of sun at our latitude. If there were a lot of work as the sun, we'd be fine. Meanwhile, claims that D'Alema, Fassino and Bersani, all members of the PD, ie a party other than their own are "dead souls" drawing for the unpleasant definition eponymous novel by Gogol '"Dead Souls" (1842), although the Russian writer, alluded to another (but may take some Vendola corner). What do you mean Vendola for dead souls? And wandering souls are aching, almost Dante's Inferno, all those who have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe left than its own? Hindering the premiership? Of course for a man who often pulls in dance Aldo Moro, a skilled weaver of alliances and a master of dialogue and discussion, the definition was not happy with, and a stone further pulled into the courtyard of the Democratic Party, already struggling with many internal problems. On this basis it seems impossible to construct a politically feasible at the center. Vendoliana The equation is as follows: I am new, you are old. You go scrapped, I have to emerge. I repeat: not the best food for the journey to alliances series, constructive and sustained. However, this is national policy.
At the regional level we take note of another good news: the Regional Council asked the other four and a half million euro, "three and a half million checks to ensure the end of the mandate of the outgoing directors, one million of gold for pensions of politicians Puglia." (Paul Russo, the Republic , October 5, 2010). When it comes to money we are always in the field of instruments and automatic result of legislation passed, look at the case from the same regional council. He said the everlasting Onofrio Introna, which would, he, a living soul. Smile that severance pay be dropped to allow the "social rehabilitation" of the poor trumpet that regional directors for one or more legislatures, have suffered the negative consequences of their choice of candidates: no social life, depletion of meetings with family members, a few days of vacation, misunderstanding and abuse by the voters, requests for favors, suspects and investigations by the prosecution. A hard life at the end of the mandate that requires obviously a generous reward economic, a cadeau.
Then, the point, dear President Vendola, is as follows: reforms to be implemented concerning your privileges. Trim the privileges, benefices. Eliminate the severance pay. The solar or wind power following go hand in hand. If you do not give a concrete sign that effect, avoid talk of dead souls. For the simple reason that she'd hated the company.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lipstick Shade For Wheatish Complexion


One day Jesus went to Jerusalem and crossed the esplanade of the temple. With him were James and John. When people saw him, surrounded him, and he saw that there were many Pharisees, and some leaders of the city and they were talking among themselves, he stopped and sat on the steps of the staircase of the temple. Meanwhile the crowd increased and praised the name of God "These people - told the two disciples - did not need the words that I utter." Then he stood up and said: "A wolf was hungry, very hungry. Not eaten for days and had been rejected by everyone because they considered dangerous. One day he bumped into an old house and felt that the smell came from it milk and cheese. Wolves do not like milk and cheese, but having a terrible hunger, he said: "I will wait that the master out of the house. I intrufolerò in the store and eat what they find. "Crouched in the bushes and waited until the farmer came out. As soon as they came out, four went to the farm four. He looked to his right, then looked to his left. There was no one nor heard suspicious noises. He wandered around the house, sniffing here and there, and verified that the only way to enter the warehouse was through an iron grate. He was thin and we passed. Without thinking twice, passed through the iron grating. Entered, you I find the bendiddio: cheese at will, milk, scamorza, mozzarella. There he threw himself headlong and plunder. He ate a lot, to the point of bursting. Then, sated, dozed off. While sleeping, he returned to the owner. The wolf was awakened by the noise of the wagon and tried to escape, but, having eaten in stitches, he was unable to get out of the grate through which he had entered. The owner grabbed him and killed him. I say these things because they know that greed, all greed, leads to death. "After hearing these words, the Pharisees and the leaders of the people they left in a hurry. The people, however, began to praise the name of the Lord.

Copyright 2010 Salvatore Bernocco

Friday, October 1, 2010

Simcity Patch 4 1.1.638


The President of the Region Vendola has accustomed us to talk of broad, new stories, a speech full of references fluid and romantic and even nostalgic. Speeches that lift the spirit, fill the heart but not the pockets of the poor, although that is true and not live by bread alone man. Not for a long time ago, when he won the regional competition for the second time thanks to the myopia of Raffaele Lease, has launched the conquest of the national political scene, wanting to contend with Bersani or to whom the leadership of the center or sinistracentro, because, let's face it frankly, a former popular in the dike and former PD there are only very few, who make an immense effort to find reasons to stay. Vendola In short, relying on his oratory skills and some suggestions, is trying to impose itself on the national PD after being imposed, and won his battle, on PD Puglia. Only Vendola that is not part of PD, is the national leader of SEL, which is another left-wing political party which I think can count on national rates are low. Removed the Puglia, the SEL is a party almost ectoplasmic. But these are other issues.
Now Vendola champions the poor, the dispossessed, the marginalized, the precarious, of all that portion of suffering humanity and aggression wound capitalist economic policies. Berlusconi and Tremonti yells, he gets angry with Lease, and is also good, says things left. But what makes the Red Nichia in practice despite the hole in the budget of the Region of Puglia? Assist in the caste.
is the news this morning, I read on the regional pages of the Republic (article by Lello Parise, page VI), which for the former regional directors shoot the pension increase. The poor former advisers will receive € 120 more per month. With € 4000 after receiving just one term and at the age of 55 years of age, not make it to reach the fourth week. The cost of living, is demeaning to pull a living. Thus, perhaps in an unguarded moment the President Vendola, struggling with his fabrications, the Regional Assembly on February 25 of 2010 approving the incli, that is, to use technical language, the increase of 3.09% of the allowances and annuities Survivors of the former directors with effect from 1 January 2010. Cost for the region Puglia: 300 000 € a year. Something similar happened to the Province of Bari, where there was increased presence of the allowance, while the president Schittulli declared himself ignorant of the operation and "extra-budgetary debts incumbent on the Province of Bari should amount to 73 million € , an enormous sum of nearly one third of its budget overall "(ipse dixit Michele Monno, Councilor PD). A sort of remake of the film policy in sauce "fall from the clouds" of Apulia Checco Zalone. Everyone seems to fall from Aaron's pants and / or from the clouds when it comes to money. They are ashamed, after all, but they do not care. After a while, 'the redness goes live and it almost with detachment, as if they had won the contest win for life, and without spending even one euro.
few years ago we made fun of the vessel, Massimo D'Alema, the exorbitant cost of his shoes. Someone told me that being left did not mean to be poor. Be left implied the surrender or loss of the lower middle class. Have gone a bit 'of years From that day, but even the shadow of redemption. Who should do and live as a man of the left and is living as a man of the right. And when it comes to your wallet fall distinctions, we are all birds of prey and in the service of the god of money. We all dress Graffiti designer from head to toe, you spend thousands of euro in various trips and amenities, it is covered benefits and privileges during and post, while many poor people suffer, do not know how to make ends meet. Dependent children, single entrance, rent and bills to pay, if anything, precarious work, and you're almost on the pavement, you're almost a beggar.
While the poor are increasing, the already rich will increase the privileges and increase their wealth. This is outrageous and unacceptable, dear President Vendola. I believe that the good politician is one who, at the end of the mandate, is less rich than it was in the beginning. But maybe I'm blathering about and yearned for a different world. Maybe I'm saying things too leftist. Indeed, early Christian.

Salvatore Bernocco