The President of the Region Vendola has accustomed us to talk of broad, new stories, a speech full of references fluid and romantic and even nostalgic. Speeches that lift the spirit, fill the heart but not the pockets of the poor, although that is true and not live by bread alone man. Not for a long time ago, when he won the regional competition for the second time thanks to the myopia of Raffaele Lease, has launched the conquest of the national political scene, wanting to contend with Bersani or to whom the leadership of the center or sinistracentro, because, let's face it frankly, a former popular in the dike and former PD there are only very few, who make an immense effort to find reasons to stay. Vendola In short, relying on his oratory skills and some suggestions, is trying to impose itself on the national PD after being imposed, and won his battle, on PD Puglia. Only Vendola that is not part of PD, is the national leader of SEL, which is another left-wing political party which I think can count on national rates are low. Removed the Puglia, the SEL is a party almost ectoplasmic. But these are other issues.
Now Vendola champions the poor, the dispossessed, the marginalized, the precarious, of all that portion of suffering humanity and aggression wound capitalist economic policies. Berlusconi and Tremonti yells, he gets angry with Lease, and is also good, says things left. But what makes the Red Nichia in practice despite the hole in the budget of the Region of Puglia? Assist in the caste.
is the news this morning, I read on the regional pages of the Republic (article by Lello Parise, page VI), which for the former regional directors shoot the pension increase. The poor former advisers will receive € 120 more per month. With € 4000 after receiving just one term and at the age of 55 years of age, not make it to reach the fourth week. The cost of living, is demeaning to pull a living. Thus, perhaps in an unguarded moment the President Vendola, struggling with his fabrications, the Regional Assembly on February 25 of 2010 approving the incli, that is, to use technical language, the increase of 3.09% of the allowances and annuities Survivors of the former directors with effect from 1 January 2010. Cost for the region Puglia: 300 000 € a year. Something similar happened to the Province of Bari, where there was increased presence of the allowance, while the president Schittulli declared himself ignorant of the operation and "extra-budgetary debts incumbent on the Province of Bari should amount to 73 million € , an enormous sum of nearly one third of its budget overall "(ipse dixit Michele Monno, Councilor PD). A sort of remake of the film policy in sauce "fall from the clouds" of Apulia Checco Zalone. Everyone seems to fall from Aaron's pants and / or from the clouds when it comes to money. They are ashamed, after all, but they do not care. After a while, 'the redness goes live and it almost with detachment, as if they had won the contest win for life, and without spending even one euro.
few years ago we made fun of the vessel, Massimo D'Alema, the exorbitant cost of his shoes. Someone told me that being left did not mean to be poor. Be left implied the surrender or loss of the lower middle class. Have gone a bit 'of years From that day, but even the shadow of redemption. Who should do and live as a man of the left and is living as a man of the right. And when it comes to your wallet fall distinctions, we are all birds of prey and in the service of the god of money. We all dress Graffiti designer from head to toe, you spend thousands of euro in various trips and amenities, it is covered benefits and privileges during and post, while many poor people suffer, do not know how to make ends meet. Dependent children, single entrance, rent and bills to pay, if anything, precarious work, and you're almost on the pavement, you're almost a beggar.
While the poor are increasing, the already rich will increase the privileges and increase their wealth. This is outrageous and unacceptable, dear President Vendola. I believe that the good politician is one who, at the end of the mandate, is less rich than it was in the beginning. But maybe I'm blathering about and yearned for a different world. Maybe I'm saying things too leftist. Indeed, early Christian.
Salvatore Bernocco
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