Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Online Recipe For Cottage Ham And Green Beans

The restless guest

Local politics screwed up or unscrewed itself in the sense of crazy, insane, irrational? Both, because the state is fertile ground for the solipsistic madness. Many people talk about him in these hours, even on websites. They write things I do not think, falsify the course of events, sweeten the pill. Between "strategy center" and "the theater of politics," the reason is lost, wrecked. Perhaps politics has its logical-illogical that do not belong to another area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences. It is local politics, a phenomenon to study, to be explored by sociologists, political scientists and philosophers to Cacciari. Or the opposite is true? Too simple reading of events to be credited to refined twisted minds, the simplicity and linearity having become part of the unusual and even the useless. We carry food for thought to our thesis, hoping to be proven wrong with serious themes and detailed and not with insults and threats, direct and indirect financial year, the latter, in which he excels ours that a politician does not give evidence of time passing and the establishment of new generations, its contortions, frankly, have little to learn, even nothing. Or maybe not, because, as claimed the French philosopher Jean Guitton, you know, by contrast, and then the figure rises to an emblematic figure in local political and symbolic how to be non-being and not-acting in politics and social life. Since the towns, villages, hamlets community of human beings in relation, if they were dependent on the whims and ambitions of power of the anti-politician would become a crossroads of caste and corporate self-interest. There would be no longer the man with his needs, but the individual to handle and serve its own purposes. There would be no society, but the secret societies, the cliques, the Carbonari. No friendship, because in politics it is not worth nothing but interest and mess-ups. Besides, personally I can see that this policy has expressly stated that, in politics, friendship is superfluous, a negative value, a mote in the eye of prey that must be eliminated with the drops of profit. A little 'drops of convenience and that's it, you truncate reports as ending sex play Berlusconi, with a kick up the backside, with the deception and lies. Bragging sweeteners. On this basis, the company reduced to aggregates of individuals struggling for survival. It is the law of the urban jungle, it is the litmus test of the level of acidity of hearts, to live, they need oxygen for truth and conduct transparent and crystal clear. In politics, the linearity and logic should never be abolished, because it gave birth to their lack monsters such as: administrative measures without head or tail, laxity, shallowness, ambivalence, awe, an iron fist, intolerance and intimidation, the dyad friend-enemy (you should reread Bobbio on this point), so if you're not on my side, you're my enemy, and I have to do everything in my power to reduce you to silence, destroy, make your life difficult. A

Ruvo we reached the bus stop? Not for me to say this, but we are on track. It is quite evident. Certainly, a restless and disturbing host wanders the empty political secretariat of the remnants of the party headquarters, where between one and a scopone tressette, a conspiracy of two or three, the whispering of the slanderers and the hiss left of informers, is plotting against the country of decent people - who still are - to the benefit of a few or none. Makes its way to the new Copernican view narcissistic: I am the center of the system, I count, I think, and I only solutions (a thing, especially when it is at the root of many disasters?). You, all of you, you are appendices of the prosthesis head, as it was Berlusconi's Lease (a prosthesis which he meant the Dragon, after the events of these days dressed escort, hoes, money, corruption, etc.., Is now quite clear) . The guest

disturbing is the cynicism that gives the driver's license social Catholicism who, if anything, using it instrumentally, just to catch the votes of some nostalgic for a time when DC was the party of Catholics and liberal Democrats, with a constant secular characterization that would dwarf today's Catholics provided to policy or rather, that they are in politics to get some loan, a seat in the province or region, which means lots of money and few hassles for at least five years. Too little and genuflections healthy secularism, because the government and the institutions are secular and not religious. We hope this operation would cease as soon as mystifying. As to faith, it is clear that rather than call themselves Christians, it should be. Would be the best food for the journey to new evangelization. It would be the highest service to the Church and the community of men and women. The guest

disturbing is the nihilism of the ruling classes, who put on the scales the calculation instead of the common good. Some suggest that alliances today for next May's local elections in fact reflect the calculations of the individual about their political future. In other words we feel to elect the mayor and city councilors, but actually bring water to the aspirations of individuals for other high-backed chairs, which the Province and the Region of Puglia, in advance. Yeah, we might as well call them, in this sense, early elections, says the appearance Ruvo, substance says "anywhere else", not here, not the city of commissarial two operations and two administrative failures, one left, maybe two, and one right, maybe two, if the "strange coalition" were to win the local elections. Ruvo's future is already written. We do Cassandre? It is likely, but what is happening in the shadow of Melody of the cock and its vicinity is eloquent. Let

aggirasi gray shadows and left and right on Avitaja Palace. We hope that a northwest wind sweeps away, before it is too late. Salvatore Bernocco

by Ruvolibera, Copyright 2011


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