Sunday, November 14, 2010

When Does The Tahoe Change Body Styles


mind you: is not a question of parties, political groups. It is independent of the sympathetic to the right, center or left. It is a much more serious concerns that public ethics and the example you give to the younger generation, whose precarious existence is nourished more and more sex scandals that in other Western nations and others, would have raised a ' wave of indignation, put the leaders under pressure, forcing them to resign and live in their private vices. Yeast
readers will remember what went to meet the U.S. President, Bill Clinton, because of an extramarital affair with a certain Monica Lewinsky. He was impeached and touched the impeachment. A few years earlier, again in America, a Democratic candidate running for the nomination was forced to abandon the competition for a sexual relationship with a handsome friend. But the list could be long and detailed, and let us not throw it down.
In Italy, however, there is unperturbed. That the President of the Council of Ministers, which travels to eighty, often very young escort and tissues, which makes gifts of princely goodness of heart, raises bawdy jokes, the comment stung and the irony of the Christian Family and amazement of newspapers half the world, whipped the opposition, but everything remains woefully unsuccessful. Indeed, it is even proud of their deplorable behavior, such that the same president, instead of doing the mea culpa, says to love the good life, beautiful women and never giving up her lifestyle. If we are to the doctrine and the Gospel, he should be included in the group of revelers or lustful, which, if to be frank, the absolution and communion should be given with some caution, not to discount on that powerful before God , have no value. Meanwhile, one wonders how he can also speak to the president above the national conference of the family, held in Milan from 8 to 10 November. What could it mean? What lessons could give? What issues could touch?
Some might argue that private vices and behaviors that have nothing to do with public functions. Not so. Private affairs are up to and when they do not harm the image of a country and its democratic institutions. We will say more: it is whether the subject is of public office. Where is the mayor, administrator, president of the province, region or the government, in other words if it is a politician, what is private has implications inevitably public, should be subject to consideration and review by the public, which has the right to be governed by people worthy, serious, responsible and ethically correct, devoted to the common good rather that the skirts of showgirls and escort, the jokes and the usual gesture of horns at the international level. The former mayor of Bologna Del Bono had his Cinziagate and resigned from the City Council. The Chairman of the Council's Rubygate there was the affair D'Addario. Another story the red light is coming out with spicy details and disturbing, while the mayor of Bari Emiliano has appealed the ruling class from Bari to guard the cocaine.
The impression one gets is that of a nation in which immorality reigns supreme, where the garbage was added to the Neapolitan of the ruling classes, where rampant corruption and the mafia. It stops and another one hundred ten are given the same trafficking. Why? For money, Mammon, power, is the king of this world, shines. All those who serve him, are evil and do evil, they will experience death, which may or may not know. Because, sooner or later, Mammon has the account, and it is salty. Mammon asks in exchange for his soul. We did
Catholic morality bigots? Not really. We talked about what is happening, this depressing sight that worries the Italian bishops and the Holy Father.
You need Christian politicians, and of healthy people of good will, free and disinterested, to make a place in this country, first of all cultural and moral. The risk is that we can accustom all'andazzo considered normal and what is the product of licentiousness and debauchery.

Copyright 2010, Salvatore Bernocco, Yeast November 2010


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