The maneuvers ahead of the vote in local elections next year have begun. The policy framework is emerging in a way not always linear. The comparison between the local political forces emerge room for confusion about future alliances and some Gordian knot to unravel so that there is very clear and voters can vote ruvesi knowledge and belief, influenced more by small and large that personal expectations, by a careful and conscious reflection on the men and administrative programs, the future of Ruvo, to be redesigned according to the logic of progress that combine environmental protection with economic development and productive. We talk more and more about sustainable development, which, for us, it could mean a pay maximum attention to the PUG and its impact on quality of life of ruvesi. Rumor someone who intends to apply to manage the implementation phase. There are about appetites of the Plan? There are interests that are more or less unmentionable at the base of certain applications? These are questions that currently can not be answered. The British say: "Actions Speak Louder Than Words", that actions speak louder than words. True. Are the facts, actions, administrative actions speak loud and clear, beyond the administrative programs that often are books of dreams, a hodgepodge of good intentions without success, the classic bait and switch. Except that these days the number of foolish lark is clearly decreasing. There is a critical consciousness that tries to impose itself thanks to web sites, and Ruvodipugliaweb Ruvolo, a certain little line and press freedom, as the new city. Facebook is not only a place of "cazzeggiano" virtual, but the political arena, where he also discusses local politics and politicians are perceived or real, and nominations of candidates. They are welcome.
That said, it seems that now there is no longer any doubt about the vertical split in the PDL. Neither seems to be no doubt that the scope for consolidation are practically nil, as indeed confirmed the strong presence of provincial and regional leaders of the PDL at the convention held at Hotel Pinewood, which is officially a candidate for mayor of Franco Catalano . The PDL points strongly on him, while Matthew Paparella, according to rumors, the opponent will be a jumble of lists of support. But it will not affect painless. Influential members of the PDL have told us that the officially Paparella candidacy for mayor will have serious consequences on the provincial plan. Paparella no longer led by its Executive Councillor in Schittulli political sponsor? If it was true, it would be dealt a deadly blow to his aspirations, which was one expulsion from the PDL. On this point we can understand where he wants to end up with his new Schittulli regional movement.
The UDC is being courted by the right and left. They all claim to maintain good relations with Xavier Fatone and to be close to a deal with him. The contractor of the UDC's position allows little room for maneuver and a considerable power to influence the political and administrative. Fatone, who is not a fool, has hit the rim and the barrel, which means that the state of the art, is on standby, waiting for you to understand better the strength and consistency of the forces in the field to to remove the doubts and decide. This does not preclude an application of the UDC in the first instance to count the consensus that you have to rely on it and at the negotiating table.
Viriamo left. Snake still discontent and distinction on the candidacy for mayor of Vito Ottombrino that certain members of the PD believe has been piloted and Ammann. In other words, it would take to get the nomination, he would have handled it do not show others. It is a criticism of the work of the Secretariat led by Catherine Montaruli, which our knowledge that has explored other possibilities, and collecting receiving denials unavailable. Even the outgoing mayor is not exempt from Stragapede stored. He is alleged to have washed from the political point of view, the hands, like a new Pontius Pilate. He was supposed to be the mayor that he should prepare for the transition, to ferry a new political class to the assumption of administrative responsibilities, indicate, in a sense, his successor. Instead, we confides one of his advisors, he did not. But the task of a mayor should be even that seems excessive. The truth is that the political class no longer has a place for selection and growth rate that has surged of individualism and self, in other words, the "all against all." The political insight was acquired in the parties, as indeed has understood the Northern League, which has set up training schools for local administrators. Today, at least in Ruvo, there are margins of dominus and their henchmen, the young journeyman, the hard-liners, dumb fans and supporters without discernment. Small groups of loyalists ready to drop his pants for a handful of lentils.
Now, it seems that Vito Ottombrino, which has no easy task, must act quickly because the squared circle and does not warp. On his side, however, there were already the Italy of Values, API Rutelli, City in Motion, Communist PRC. The
are recognized moral qualities of kindness, honesty, humility and availability. For some, this corresponded to fessaggine goodness and humility. Instead, conditions have to be in tune with the people at the service of the weakest, in order to understand better the needs. We believe that in a world of evil a good mayor, whether right or left, that that is not sold to the direct and cross, which does not use its power and its influence to harm those who disagree with him, not failures. A good mayor can be a good mayor, there is no contraindication.
First citizen, then, not born, one becomes one with the commitment and work with a team of competent assistants and managers. The fortunes of a mayor for a very large part depends on its contributors. Believe that one man can solve the problems of the country is an illusion. A dangerous illusion. On second thought is a step back in time, a return man of providence. With disastrous consequences.
Salvatore Bernocco
November 2010, New City, Copyright
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