Sunday, December 26, 2010

Skin Tags On My Tongue


The Mushroom Festival Cardoncello of 13 and 14 November, the twelfth edition of the Mediterranean Tourism Exchange held in Paestum Archaeological November 19 to 22, the Gang of Ruvo with Pino Minafra and Maestro Michele Di Puppo in Bari at the Kursaal Saint Lucia, November 24, where he was presented the new CD published by Matthias Winckelman Enja label Bavaria, as the previous work titled "La Banda".
Pro Loco di Ruvo di Puglia has admirably organized the festival, which had record attendance of visitors, and participated in the Mediterranean Exchange of Paestum to reiterate that it will continue to be the bearer of the traditions and those values \u200b\u200bon which Ruvo was founded and still is based, despite the palpable signs of fatigue and apathy that through politics, economics, trade, culture, society. It is as if he had failed the glue that holds hope for a redemption and a new beginning. Societies become community if this glue, and we can consolidate. When you loose, communities are reversing down a step, they become society, ie the aggregate of men and women living in a place without a feeling of belonging to it, without taking part in decisions about the future of the country. Do not perceive what the common good. Follow the rules, traditions, regulations, and so on because, in a sense, you are forced. In truth, the idea just outlined the company can reverse a step further, and you can transform into an aggregate of men and women, which occurs when the sense of not belonging takes on aspects of almost violent rejection of the rules and customs, individualism and personal or corporate gains ground, the policy is no longer able to manage with vision and is not concerned even to-day administration, everyone tries to make his way through even the corpse of their loved ones. A doomsday scenario? Absolutely not, suffice to analyze the crisis of complex societies, especially in this era of deep moral malaise and global economic difficulties. The alternative to situations of degradation, including preventive function, is the culture, whether poor or refined does not matter. Culture as knowledge, useful knowledge to be of community and personal growth, opening the virtuous circle that goes from the individual to the community and vice versa. Culture as compared to the existing alternative development and imagination, as a combination of wise traditions and new quality to be exported according to the appeal and attractiveness for tourists. It is known that not everything new that is proposed and obtained substantial funding is great news, that is useful to that process of growth and development of which I have said. How many have been passed off as bad news events? Several, with waste of public money and no benefits for the heart and mind, for business and tourism.
On 19 June 2009, the band of Ruvo di Puglia was a huge success in France, the festival of Saint Denis in Paris. The music of Holy Week and those of Nino Rota merged and gave rise to a significant event that proved popular with audiences and critics. The Pro Loco in Paris also played an important role in promoting our country and our traditions, taking advantage of an opportunity of prestige that rarely occurs.
The Talos Festival is dead and buried, is now a memory. The former Dominican Convent is a white elephant. The music school council, which has churned out hundreds of talented musicians, has been closed. There are myriad cultural and musical associations that do not make a system, which are fair and unfair competition, struggling to carve out some small area of \u200b\u200breputation and get the support of the Economic Council. Bands, bands that become parties to the conflict between them. This fragmentation does not benefit the country or the community project. This individualism associative - an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, in hindsight - does not carry oxygen to the lungs of Ruvo. Should move beyond the infantile selfishness - because, basically, of this is - and imagine doing a nice stretch of road together, enhancing the specificity and the experiences of everyone, without making a display of intolerance and primacy.
This is not to abdicate in itself, but of being in a larger project, more human scale, which is being in relationship with other men to a high moral and educational purpose: to give the younger generation reason for hope, trust them a living organism, not a patient in a coma. Salvatore
RUBASTINO IL, December 2010, Copyright


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