Conrad Malte-Brun Les Anglais Serbian entre l'invasion turque et l'ocupation
Histoire de l'empire ottoman depuis les temps anciens jusqu' á nos jours
de Théophile Sébastien Lavallée - 1855 - 528 pages
After this short and brilliant expedition, everything is prepared for a campaign was Europe. Murat gave the chief command of the troops, with the title of Beylerbeyi (prince of princes), to Lalaschahin, one of the comrades of his father, who had accompanied Soliman decision-Tzympe. The office of judge of the army, until temporary, was made permanent, and conferred Tschendereli-Khalil, to whom we had the institution of the Janissaries, who was over seventy years, and intended to play still an important role in the events the new reign. Besides these two veterans, the army was among its leaders Ewrenos Bey, renegade Greek-Hadji llbek; Timur-Tash, who all three, distinguished themselves by their success.
Aided by his lieutenants, Murat, at the beginning of 1561, advanced into Thrace. Cantacuzino had abdicated (1555) after the loss of Gallipoli, and John Palaeologus reigned supreme, but helpless, he did not attempt any resistance to the threatening invasion. After seizing Didymotichon (Dimotika today) and some secondary places, the Ottomans marched straight to Adrianople. This city, built by Hadrian at the confluence of three rivers, the Maritsa, Arda and Toundja was promptly become, thanks to its admirable position, rich, populous and flourishing was under the Byzantines, as it did in past the Ottomans, the second city of the empire. The Greek commander stepped forward to meet the Turkish army was defeated and fled, disheartened the garrison surrendered without any resistance near (1561). Ewrenos etLalaschahiu were then loaded, one down, the other up the banks of the Maritza, and submit circumjacent cities: the first came to the mouth of the Vardar and the second took Philippopolis and both Sagra, strong cities at the foot of Hemus. As a result of these expeditions was established law that fixed the division of the spoils. Under a provision of the Ko-ran, which awards one fifth of the poor and the Prophet, the treasury collected a fifth on the price of each prisoner.
Amurath employed the leisure that the win gave him to build mosques, monasteries, schools and baths àBiledschik at lenitschehr to Bush. It was also at that time he concluded the first treaty made the qu'aient Otto "mans a Christian power: he granted privileges to the small republic of Ragusa to trade in his dominions. When it came to sign the act, the barbarian king dipped his five fingers in the ink and bore the imprint on the parchment it was his signature, which ealligraphes added his name and titles. The touyhra or Seal of Sultans still remember its original form this impression.
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more than 22 years before the Battle of Kosovo, the Turkish they already filled in any part ballkans
of income in Europe in 1365, the Turkish Présance in Ballkans was the signal for new conquests, who gave his possessions to limit the chain of Hemus from the source of the Maritsa to the sea While his lieutenants kidnapped lenidge (Selivno) and Lambol on the Touudja, Ichtiman etSamakov, the Balkans, himself seized and Aidos Karnabat, who control two seats on the main parades Hémusr; Visa, Kirk-Kilissia, Binar -IIissar (Castle Sources) Sizeboli, etc.., successively fell into his hands. Five years were spent in these expeditions. At the same time, Dimotika, where he settled first, he urged the construction of the seraglio of Adrianople, which became his main residence. At the same time, the burden of vizier, vacant for ten years, was given to Tschendereli-Khalil, who occupied it for eighteen years under the new name Chaireddin Pasha. This dignity remained hereditary in his family until the time of pris'e Constantinople.
following years were spent in punishing some Byzantine cities whose governors had dared disturb the Ottoman territory, or to make conquests at the expense of little princes Serbs or Bulgarians, then he attacked the Greek emperor deprived him Paléologueet Tschatal -Borgas, Indschigis, etc. .. on the road from Adrianople to Constantinople. He granted him a new truce to turn against Slav or Vlach princes set in ancient Macedonia, West Rhodope. This branch of Hemus, who had previously served as a barrier to the incursions of the Ottomans, was reached: the south, all was conquered to the town of Seres, and the two Serbian princes of the country, storms and Bogdan were captured and then, Murat marched himself against the kral Served: it was then-Lazar Brankovic, grand-son of the great natural Douschan; he crossed the Bal-kan, beat him almost Samakov, seized the the important town of Nissa, forced him to pay tribute and to supply auxiliary troops. The Bulgarian kral, Siman, who had taken part in war, undergoes the same treatment, and was forced to send his daughter to the harem of Murat.
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Before seeing how those fragments were absorbed into the Ottoman power, we must say a few words of people who had already almost completely ruined this empire, because the Ottomans did not have it so easy to establish in Europe s only because they arrived in time to take advantage of the destruction made by the people of Servia, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria etc..
g VI. - History of Servia, Bosnia. Albania, etc..
The authority of the emperors did not extend more than Strymon to the west and the chain of Hemus north. Besides lunch, which still belonged to the French and Venetians, the western and northern provinces, have long occupied by Slavic nations or Tartars, who had often made formidable to Caesars Bysancc, came to be, in favor of discord that weakened John Palaeologus and his rival, finally pulled the Greek domination, and Servia, Bosnia, Y Albania, Bulyarie, Wallachia, formed separate and independent States.
1 ° Serbs belong to that of the four branches of the Slavic race, invahire Ballkans came from Russia and that people today in Bosnia, Servia, Croatia, Dalmatia, Slavonia, and so on. Towards the middle of the seventh century, they occih pèrent anciensTriballes in the country of Moesia Superior. Their conversion to Christianity during the reign of Heraclius, who sent them priests, but it was not as complete as the emperor Basil, they recognized the suzerainty, receiving a second baptism. Submitted twice by the Bulgarians, they returned with them under the domination of the Greeks in 1018, but they soon began to emancipate themselves. In 1085, Bodin and lifted Voulkan Servia and Bosnia and took the national title Schouyans. Beli-Ourosch son of Voulkan, styled himself Grand Duke of Servia, and was succeeded (1145) Stephen Nemania his pctit-(they, who made himself known by the Greek emperors independent prince of Servia, and was the founder a dynasty that lasted three hundred years. reshuffled had three son: Stephen II, who succeeded him (1197), Volkan, Duke of Zenta and Choulm, that is to say a part of Dalmatia and the Hertzegovine; finally Sava, founder of the patriarchate of Servia. Etienne obtained from the court of Rome the title of king. Emeric, King of Hungary, took offense, drove him from Servia and momentarily took the title of King of Raska 'but the dynasty Nemania was quickly recovered and took a new glow under Stephen Ourosch III. Finally came the glorious reign of Stephen Douschan (1555), which almost replaced by the Greek Empire Serbian Empire, the Ottoman power to abort and thus change the destiny of Europe. R Los
other three are Tchekee, who live In Bohemia, Poles and Russians. This prince
conqueror and legislator, who was in the so-quelqut Charlemagne Serbs, owned by himself or by his vassals almost all of Turkey in Europe now is to say, Servia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Dalmatia, Hertzegovine, Albania, the Star, etc.. He bed crown in 1340, to Uskioup, emperor of the Romans and Triballi, and conceived the plan to destroy the Eastern Empire, Byzantine Empire (Constantinople). Having once besieged Constantinople and forced the emperor Andronicus to ask him peace, he walked back against this city at the head of 80,000 men when he died in the path (1356).
He was succeeded Ourosch V, which did not inherit his qualities, and under the attacks of vassals who sought to become independent, the Serbian Empire was dismembered. We'll see what he became during the reign of Murat 1 ", and how the Turks took advantage of conquests Serbs, which had paved the way to Constantinople.
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2 Bosnia, as we have seen, inhabited by peoples of race Slav, had followed the fortunes of Servia to the time (1085) which made it a state Voulkan sometimes independent, sometimes vassal kings of Hungary. She was taken into the empire conv Etienne Douschan, separated himself after his death ...
i See on this country, page 18.
Revenue ei 1é65 in Europe, its presence was the signal for new conquests, who gave his possessions to limit the chain of Hemus from the source of the Maritsa to the sea While her lieutenants kidnapped lenidge (Selivno) and Lambol, on Touudja, Ichtiman etSamakov, the Balkans, himself seized and Aidos Karnabat, who control two seats on the main parades Hémusr; Visa, Kirk-Kilissia, Binar-IIissar (Castle Sources ) Sizeboli, etc.., successively fell into his hands. Five years were spent in these expeditions. At the same time, Dimotika, where he settled first, he urged Construction of the seraglio of Adrianople, which became his main residence. At the same time, the burden of vizier, vacant for ten years, was given to Tschendereli-Khalil, who occupied it for eighteen years, under the new name Chaireddin Pasha. This dignity remained hereditary in his family until the time of pris'e Constantinople.
following years were spent in punishing some Byzantine cities whose governors had dared disturb the Ottoman territory, or to make conquests at the expense of little princes Serbs or Bulgarians, then he attacked the Greek emperor deprived him Paléologueet Tschatal -Borges, Indschigis, etc. .. on the road from Adrianople to Constantinople. He granted him a new truce to turn against Slav or Vlach princes set in ancient Macedonia, West Rhodope. This branch of Hemus, who had previously served as a barrier to the incursions of the Ottomans, was reached: the south, all was conquered to the town of Seres, and the two Serbian princes of the country, storms and Bogdan were captured and then, Murat marched himself against the kral Served: it was then-Lazar Brankovic, grand-son of the great natural Douschan; he crossed the Bal-kan, beat him almost Samakov, seized the the important town of Nissa, forced to pay tribute and to supply auxiliary troops. The Bulgarian kral, Siman, who had taken part in war, undergoes the same treatment, and was forced to send his daughter to the harem of Murat.
First Battle of Kosovo, Kassova, Cossowo) 1389
The Ottoman Empire became more and more formidable to his neighbors: the nombrenses principalities that had formed after the fall of the Seljuks, three were already acquired: Karasi by conquest, Kehnian by marriage!, llamid purchase by the princes of Karaman, who had long been the most powerful heirs' Sultans of Rum, found themselves dominated and threatened, too, in 1586, one of them. Alaeddin, emboldened by some symptoms of civil strife, and especially by the death of the sage Chaireddin Pacha, thought the favorable opportunity to take the offensive, he met his troops hoardings, Turkomans, spread throughout Asia Minor, and invades the province of Hamid. Suddenly he heard qu'Anmrat, he thought he could take by surprise, met in the plain of Koutahié all its military forces; beylerbey that arrived from Europe with an army which marched two miles auxiliary Serbs and people of all newly conquered. He immediately sent an embassy to sue for peace, but he was too later, the young vizier, Ali Pasha, had rejected all his proposals. The two armies met under the walls of Iconium, the capital of Seljuks and now formerly of the princes of Karaman. It was there that Bajazet, who was to succeed Amurath ~ reads his debut and earned its nickname of the value fiery Ilderim (lightning). The Karamaniens were defeated and the city, once besieged, could not long resistance; Alaeddin be submitted: thanks to the intercession of his wife, who was daughter of Murat, he preserved his capital and the states, provided for payment tribute.
The Sultan was now on the borders of the small Tekieh principality formed the former Pamphylic and part of Lvcie. He proposed to seize it: "The lion does not attack the flies," he replied dismissively. Then he added: "Know ye that the lord could not reign as Tekieh Istinos and Attalia? "It understood the hint, and offered the rest of its fields to keep the two cities listed.
Battle of Kassova. - Death of Murat in 1389
Hardly had the war ended she was in Asia that broke out in Europe. Lazarus, kral Served, and Sisman, kral Bulgarians, Unite, attacked a body of twenty thousand Turks who pillaged the Bosufe, and almost completely destroyed (1587). The Vizier Ali Pasha immediately advanced to Bulgaria, and went inside the parade Nadirderbend, which controls access Karnabat: Paravadi was taken by force; Shumla went; Sisman, besieged in Nicopolis. was obliged to submit: Murat, in recognition of his daughter, he demanded only the payment of arrears of tribute and the surrender of Silistra. Ali Pasha went to Servia. No sooner was he gone than i ^ sman, instead of making Silistra, added new fortifications. Immediately the vizier retraced his steps, and the war began: it ended with the submission of the almost entire Bulgaria.
Meanwhile, Murat marched in person against the Serbs. Lazarus was called to his aid the princes of Bosnia, Valaclne. Albania, the Herz'é
he came even troops from Hungary and Poland. Mowing the troops waited met the Turkish army in the plain of Kassova, we noted the importance military was there was going to decide who belongs to the Eastern Empire which was more than a name . The Turks were so many interiors they hesitated to engage in combat. The grand vizier opened the Koran at random in search, according to custom of the Muslims, a sign of divine will, he came across this passage: "0 Prophet! subdue the infidels and hypocrites, because often a smaller troop shade larger. "Therefore he insisted on battle, Bajazet the ardent support for his opinion but as a fierce wind and blinding dust raised by the Ottomans, the night came before they had taken a party. Towards morning he fell a little rain, and the battle was resolved. As for Christians, no doubt of victory, and as proposed to attack the enemy at night. Cases Albanian countrymen objected because the night, he said, preclude pursuing the fugitives. Once the rain had ceased, the two armies began their battle, some of the Janissaries placed in front of the Ottoman arinée, awkwardly wielding guns of coarse, a recent invention from the West, and on which there were only little more than to intimidate enemies. Already the battle was joined the fray cl furious, especially on the left wing, when darting among the guards of the Sultan, a noble Serbian Milosch-Kabilovitch, exclaims that he wants to give it a secret on a sign Amurath allowed to approach, he couched as to kiss his feet, and he plunges his dagger into his stomach. Then, violently releasing the midst of the guards, he leaps and bounds to the riverside. Reached when it will fall out, he is torn to pieces. This is the story of Ottoman historians, here's what tradition tells Serbian and Byzantine historian John Ducas. "The eve of the battle, King Lazarus is to drink with his nobles, in cups stravizas called" Empty the cup to my health, "said Lazare Milosch, although you accused us trahir.-Thanks," said Milosch, to-morrow prove my loyalty. The next morning Milosch went on a mighty steed into the enemy camp, and asked to be admitted as a defector to kiss the feet of the Sultan, which was granted. Then he bent down ... etc.. "Anyway, Murat had time to give orders that ensured the victory. Lazarus, taken prisoner, was brought before him, and beheaded. He himself died a few hours a year (1589). A chapel marks the spot where Turkish Murat died and three large stones, placed at fifty yards from each other, indicate, it is said, the three bonds that made the killer trying to escape. The name-Milosch Kabilovitch remained popular among Serbs and is no less known among the Turks is preserved in the arsenal of the seraglio armor and equipment from his horse, and finally it is said, since this event that has mlro product use both arms held by all those who appear before the sultans. The Battle of
Kassova was the ruin of the Serbs, she decided the lowering or the subjection of all Slavic peoples and should definitely give the Ottomans domination of the countries that formed the Byzantine Empire.
After 150 years of Serbian rule in Kosovo of the Serb sub Nemagna first conquest in 1217 and the end of the Serbian Empire in 1389!
Bajazet was proclaimed on the battlefield Kassova. His first act was to order the death of his brother Yaqub, the value and popularity made him shade. "Sedition," said the Koran, is worse than murder. This maxim of the Prophet since served to legitimize the political atrocities that have inaugurated the reign of most of the sultans.
After his father and his brother magnificent funeral, Bajazet pushed vigorously the war of Servia, while his lieutenants into Bosnia and Bulgaria, he forced the Prince Stephen, son of Lazarus, to recognize his dependent and to give his sister in marriage. ************************************************* ******************************
5 ° We said in the description of Turkey, the Albanians were ancient race.
weak attachment to the Greek empire, they had taken in the decadence of the empire, their independence when they were temporarily overwhelmed by Etienne Douschan; they returned after his death in their isolation, were divided into several small principalities which took part in all wars of the Serbs against the Turks.
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4 * The Bulgarians, of Tartar origin, settled in the late seventh century in Moesia, and were for three centuries the terror of the Byzantine emperors. Tamed by Jean Zimisces (971) and converted to Christianity, they went independent again in 980 and formed a kingdom that was in continual war with the Serbs and Greeks. Basil II annexed them back to his empire. When Constantinople was fallen into the hands of the Romans, Bulgarians regained their independence and made a bitter war with French emperor. They subsequently fell under the domination of Serbian kings, who nevertheless left their national leaders. On the death of Stephen Douschan, they formed again a particular state or under Prince kral Sisman, and followed the Serbian * in all their wars against the Turks.
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5 ° II leaves us only to speak of Wallachia. We have said elsewhere about the origin of the people who call themselves Romanians and are widespread in the Hellenic peninsula, Hungary, etc.. These people, in the tenth century, became dependent on the Hungarians, they regained their independence under the Radoul Black (1290-1514); but they soon returned under Hungarian rule. Voivodes their princes had many friendly relations with kral Served, and fought with them against the Ottomans until the end of the fifteenth century.
As we have seen, all these people, the most important was undoubtedly the Serbian people: indeed, he had absorbed so much of the Hellenic race, the population that bears the name is actually composed of Greeks as Slavs from Russia and then Hellenized, he had joined the Illyrians (Albanians), it had given its language to the Bulgarians, who are now confused with him it was popular almost by all the Hellenic peninsula. Such people seemed destined to a great destiny, but the Slav race is not based in the Middle Ages, and the branch Illyrian (Albanian), a brave, poetic, but carefree, light-hearted, without thought of future never experienced that day to day, keeping his wandering habits, their primitive instincts, not thinking to assimilate the remains of ancient civilization, finally being tainted by the failure that has lost all the Christian nations of the East, its isolation from the Latin unit. We'll see how these people so interesting, in which the legacy Constantine seemed predestined that would allow easy prey to the happy Ottomans.
************************************************* ********************************** Albania, which includes part of ancient Illyria and all ancient Epirus, contains a population of 1,600,000 inhabitants, 200,000 Catholics, 500,000 Greeks, 900,000 Muslims. The Albanians, the Turks called Arnaout, Skipetars (men rocks) by themselves, are descended from the Illyrians and Epirots, and divide again into two distinct populations and enemy: the Gnëyues. inhabitants of Upper Albania, the Tosks. inhabitants of the lower Albania, the Scomber or route Egnatiennc forms the boundary between these two countries. The Ghegs Slavs mingled with the neighboring Bosnia and Servia and yet almost nothing taken from their manners and language; the Tosks mingled with the Greeks much more intimately, speak their language, and with them many affinities. The Ghegs are muscular and stocky, the Toski, slim, slender, and some other strong, sturdy and composing the most beautiful race in Europe. Characters common to both peoples are the love of independence, love of war, revenge, ferocity. Ge are soldiers robbers, wild, tireless, selling their services and their blood which paves the better, but alive, gays, adventurous, simple, generous and heroic qn'il is the defense of their country, their tribe, family. It's a race of iron as hard as the rocks they inhabit. They were the bravest soldiers of the armies of Pyrrhus, Alexander, Diocletian, and Scanderbeg rnlin Sultans of llyzance. They were in the pay of the States of Italy, mainly in Venice, and, under the name Stradiotcs, visited famous for their value and their cruelty. Albanians Catholic are residents of the Mirdita and Dukagin: they are almost entirely independent, pay no tribute, no Ottoman suffer on their territory, and are content to serve in the Turkish armies, but for the balance; Catholicism does not softened their manners and their ferocity. Albanians are mainly in Greek Epirus, and share ideas and passions of the Greeks. Muslim Albanians occupy the middle of the country: they are followers of the Koran very little zealous and have adopted the Mahometanism than to escape Turkish oppression and keep their freedom. Greek Albanians and Muslims are better than Catholics submitted to Ottoman domination; but in reality, they govern themselves by themselves and are divided into tribes, which enjoy considerable independence.
Albania, composed entirely of mountains, gorges, gorges, precipices, where we find large plains in the lower basin of the Drina, is a very difficult country to conquer, very friendly War chicanery, and almost completely isolated from the Ottoman Empire. It is generally infertile and poorly educated, only producing olive trees, fruit, a little wheat, a little wine, lush pastures, horses few. Crazy trade is almost zero. This
easy shipping finished, Murat turned his efforts against Albania, which was beginning to worry. Here a new high s'élail Hunyadi, whose name should not be less famous than the Hungarian heroes. Caslriol George was the youngest of Ulster JeanCaslriot, despot of northern Albania, or more exactly Township Mirdita. We said that Castriot had been reduced to pay tribute and give her four son hostage. The three eldest died poisoned, they say, the fourth, George, won the favor of the sultan, and when the Mirdita, after the death of John, had been annexed to the empire Ottoman, he obtained a command of 5,000 men in the army of Murat, where, because of his impetuous valor, he was known to Iskender Bey (Lord Alexander), a name that Europeans have turned into Scanderbey . The favors of the sultan made him remember his religion and his country, and in 1445, after the first battle of the lonyue Campayne, ^ he resolved to abandon the infidels: he presented himself at a secretary of the sultan, forced the dagger at the throat to sign the order to the commander of believers put space between his hands and then he killed the clerk and ran in Albania. After being in a band of around 600 supporters, Cro'ia he entered, opened the doors to its people and slaughtered the Turkish garrison. This was the signal for a general insurrection, the Ottomans spread in the villages were slaughtered, the garrisons of cities forced to surrender, and in thirty days, found himself master Scanderbeg of Albania, and all Christian princes and lords of the country recognized him as their leader and gave him all his quota. From 1445 to 1447, three armies were sent against him and defeats in succession, and a fourth was put on, stronger than previous ones, she was again beaten and the Ottoman general taken with its principal officers. Murat then resolved directing itself a decisive expedition, which was prepared for the following year (1448), but this time the war began with Hungary.
Hunyadi, with an army of 24,000 men, invaded Servia, ravaged the country and went by the board Kassova to descend into Macedonia. Murat brings a huge army and came with more than 150,000 men, to wait on the plateau where famous decide the fate of the Hellenic peninsula. Hunpde would be joined by Scanderbeg and the Albanian army, instead of waiting, he decided to fight. Then ensued a terrible struggle and uneven, which lasted three days, October 17, there was little more than skirmish?: 18, it was a terrible battle. Betrayed by the Vlachs, taken back by some of the Turkish army, the Hungarians defended themselves all day but at night, Hunyadi, despairing of success, fled, and soldiers dispersed. Only 11 remained on the battlefield as auxiliaries with the German artillery, this handful of men began to fight the next day until it was destroyed.
The following spring, Murat went to Albania with his immense army Kassova. He took Sfetigrad and Dibra, but he lost two front shacks '20, 000 men, and was obliged to deliver to the following year the siege of Cro'ia (1450). The place made a heroic resistance, at the same time Scanderbeg with
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At the same time, King of France sent an ambassador to the Porte. The expedition of Hungary he had sought for him was another failure, since it had provided the House of Austria the opportunity to expand by two kingdoms. l1 was more than ever needs the Ottoman alliance. On the other hand, Charles V. Relations began to suspect his rival with the Porte, and loudly accused of treason against Christianity. Francis was first worried that the clamor raised this denunciation: he denied its formal alliance with the Turks and Charles replied "that he had lied in his throat. But he nevertheless continued his relations with Soliman, and sought to legitimize in the eyes of Christians, in the eyes of his subjects, by using them to protect lidell of East and restore our influence dansres countries. A gentleman named Rincon was charged with this negotiation succeeds. The French alliance was too valuable to Soliman n'accédât for it not generously to the requests of King Christian * very long time indeed French trade
had received protection from the Turks at the time they were still in Asia, the merchants of Marseilles had obtained commercial advantages. In 1507, they had been given by the Sultan Bajazet II of the privileges which were increased by Selim I, and containing elements of capitulations concluded between France and the Ottoman Empire. In 1528 Suleiman renewed these privileges in an act whose text was lost, but there are some fragments: that is what our historians call a truce market. The factories, consuls, pilgrims from France, were placed under the protection of the Sublime Porte and secured against insult. Then the French flag reappeared vividly in the Mediterranean, and he was greeted with gratitude by the Eastern Christians, who hoped to relief and protection. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem began again, a French bishop went to visit the churches of Albania, Scanderbeg had been forgotten in their wild mountains, and he woke up the name of France in the Skipetars Mirdita.
The religious zeal of Francis I did not cause the Ottomans nor discontent nor surprise: East, men and people are estimated based on their fervent belief, the alliance became even more intimate. We may judge by the letter of the Sultan (September 1528) the king of France:
"To thee, who art Francis, Bey of the country of France.
"You have sent to the palace of the Sultans and welcomed my door, which is east of prosperity and the place just kiss the lips of kings and princes, a letter in which you spoke of a church formerly belonging to Christians in Jerusalem, part of our states best kept, and later became a mosque. I know in detail what you talked about it. The friendship and affection between my glorious majesty and you make your wishes with my qualifying person, the source of happiness, but this case does not look like any other business area and property, it relates to our religion. According to the Sacred Order of the Most High God, creator and benefactor of the world of Adam, according to the law of our prophet, sun of both worlds (on him be blessing and salvation), this church has long been a mosque, and Muslims have made the namaz (prayer). Yet it is against our religion a place that bears the name of mosque and where is the namaz, is now altered by a change of destination. Even if our legislation would authorize this change in general, your request could not be allowed near my person, source of happiness. Places other than the mosque will continue to remain in the hands of Christians, nobody molest, under our equitable reign, those who remain. They live quietly in using our proteetion; being allowed to repair their doors and windows, they will keep safely oratories and facilities they currently occupy, without anyone to oppress and torment of any way. We knows well. "Such were
official results of the mission of Rincon, but it is likely that the presence of the envoy had to contribute to poor treatment received Ferdinand's agents, and he carried the promise of a future decision of weapons. Before going to Constantinople, he visited Hungary and Poland, and at his request a Hungarian bishop was sent to France. Résullat the negotiations started by him and the bishop was a treaty of alliance between Francis I and you Zapoly King, treaty by which it designated as his heir a son of the king of France.
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