Violation de même avec les plus sévères sanctions à corps, le bien et la vie doit être sanctionnée. "Because it - it was said, for example, the reason to the princes, counts, prelates, knights, captains, etc directed land of the principality of Carniola Royal Decrees of 1 "En effet, que - disait-il, par example, dans le donc les princes, Comte, Prélats, des chevaliers, des chefs de terre, etc principality you Krain visé ROYAL DECREES du 1 er Octobn -" mug erkhennen Turgkisch the emperor, that we are autonomous in the peace, echoed the same ga'ntzlich decided, and acted so against it, was to have the tight to seriously sake '). " Octobn - "mug Turgkisch l'empereur erkhennen, la paix que nous avons Adopt, le même écho à décidé ga'ntzlich, et il avait été avec le sérieux de Dawid agi rationalis veulent avoir '). "
third chapter. Troisième chapter. Events at sea and the war with the Republic "blil Venice to the peace treaties in 1540. Les événements de la mer et de la guerre avec la République» blil Venise conclusions à la paix en 1540th
I) The Persian campaign and Händelzur I) La Perse et la campagne Händelzur
lake to the outbreak of the Venetian mer, à l'éclatement de la Vénitienne
Having now Sultan Suleiman the peace with King Ferdinand of zen at the northern limits "had its European empire given rest, be" excellent fchäftigten two things in his all-embracing "spirit and his ceaseless activity again: the campaign against Persia, and the extension his command of the sea. Après avoir la paix avec Sultan Suleiman par le roi Ferdinand de maintenant, le nord of limites "de son empire zen européen avait procure calme, be" fchäftigten surtout deux choses tout son vaste »et son esprit agit activity again: la campagne en Perse et l 'Enlargement de son règne maritimes.
^ notice de "peace" in Carniola: Ae'vay V.I53 aav. ^ Avis de «paix» dans Krain: Ae'vay V.I53 aav. A completely identical announcement in Latin, he> went vctober also to the commanders of the other border countries, including de »II. Une communication IdentiQuik en latin, il> a été également aux commandants adressee les frontières des autres pays, de "vctober II This means, among others, an" Lt, i "U
u" 8t3tu "eu" lliini »luelit, r "p" iilmt Inüe nu "llo N ^ e ^ io IUlln6» to eontl "f" ient "ii>" ut non obt "mp" n> "" un6 "m pr '^ ict" c "piti" nt «T vitll» muletll »in« ullo r »p« «tu P!« you »nt« t puni »nt, boni," 6 li »«: um n »tr» »» zium
u «8t3tu »« eu «lliini» luelit, r «p« iilmt Inüe nu »LLO N ^ e ^ io IUlln6» to eontl «f» «ient« II> »ut non OBT« mp «n> nt« »« un6 «m pr «^ ict« c »Misses» «t vitll» muletll »à« ullo r »p« «tu P! «Et» nt «Puni t» nt, boni, "6 li» «: pour n» tr »» »zium
und von der Schah Persien. et le Shah de Perse. 749 749
The ratios of the gate to the Shah of Persia had since Suleiman's throne had been nothing less than peaceful and friendly. Les ratios de la porte du Shah de Perse a été depuis Suleiman's pouvoir par rien moins que pacifique et amical été. The "between the two since the defeat of Shah Ismail's continuing-voltage would probably long since broken out into open war, if not Suleiman had the execution of his grand plans for the expansion of his empire in Europe included a far greater importance than these Asian affairs. Entre les deux depuis la victoire Shah Ismail's continue morceau "du règlement serait probablement depuis longtemps dans la guerre ouverte déclarée, si ce n'est de l'exécution de ses Suleiman grands projets pour l'agrandissement de son empire en Europe, une importance plus élevée aurait été resolu, ce que les affaires asiatiques. At least he had the Successor Ismail's, Shah Thamasb, which did not seem inclined to be against his power and to humble pride, the same for its accession to the throne in 1524 in a very threatening letter positively, he clarified, "he decided, his arms to Tabriz wear and Azerbaijan, and pitch his tent in Iran and Turan, in Samar country and Khorasan, would prefer "only his field against Hungary and Rhodes had ihn bisher verhin "DCRT, diesen seinen Entschluß auszuführen; nun werde aber er gegen ihn seine siegreichen Zügel lenken, um das Land, das ihm nicht Gebühr, in Besitz zu nehmen und die Welt von zu seinem Dasein fluchwürdigen reinigen '). At least he took the Ismail's successor, Thamasb Shah, who seemed gesonnen not, before his power and pride demüthigen upon accession to the throne in 1524 in the same letter, he threatens to "said he had decided its weapons after Tebra and Azerbaijan to his tent, and Iran and Turan in Samarland and Chorasan aufzuschlagen; only his area "would generate Rhodes, Hungary and cons have to date de prevenir "DCRT exécuter cette décision Sat, mais maintenant il serait de ses victorieux renes diriger contre lui, dans le pays, qui lui constituent pas en prendre possession et le monde de la Malediction de son existence digne à nettoyer).
had passed since that terrible threat for almost a year, "Zehender. Depuis cette était presque un horrible menace to "Zehender passé. Only now seemed a fitting time to have come to make her the truth. Maintenant que le bon moment d'être venu semblait à la vérité de faire. Be an "event but this is hardly needed, but this also not wanting. Être un «événement mais à peine, il a fallu, mais aussi de ce manque pas. The Grenzvcrhältnisse of the Ottoman Empire was, as in Europe, remained so even after this side in an indefinite dubious position. Les Grenzvcrhältnisse de l'Empire ottoman, comme en Europe, notamment vers cette page que dans une situation indéterminée douteux rest. There was constant friction and multiple temptation to drop for faithless and tyrannical governor. Il y avait constamment of frictions et de nombreux à la tentation de déchets et traître Préfet dominateur.
had Sun at this time of the Ottoman governor of Biblis, Scherifbeg, renounced Suleiman and issued under the Persian Shah protection, while auf der andern Seite die von persischen Statthalter Aserbeidschan und Baghdad lllama und Sulfa-shan kar dem Sultan Thus, at this time of the Ottoman prefect of Biblis, Scherifbeg, Suleiman Shah and Persian losgesagt minutes of protection, while the another, the prefect of Persian Azerbaijan and Baghdad, and kar-Sulfa lllama Chan Sultan
der ihre Dsmanen Huldigung und der mit ihr zugleich die letztere Schlüssel von darbrachten Baghdad. Dsmanen their tribute and the last time with him clés de Bagdad were offering. But both were not able to keep its own against the power of the Shah. Mais les deux ne sont pas en mesure, à lui seul contre le pouvoir du shah se tenir. Ulama made a futile, attempt to win back Biblis and Sulfakar had its waste even pay with their lives, while Baghdad once the dominion of the Shah was subjected. Ulama a fait un vain, essai de Biblis à peu, et même avec ses a dû Sulfakar déchets perdent la vie, alors que la sway Baghdad encore du shah a été soumis. That could not tolerate Su glue. Cela a pu Su colle pas à tolérer. What is not his vassals succeeded, he wanted to assert themselves now. Ce qui n'est pas parvenu à ses Vassaux, il a voulu lui-même l'appliquer. The campaign to Persia and was adopted immediately after the conclusion of peace with King Ferdinand put into effect. La campagne en Perse, et il fut décidé après la conclusion de la aussitôt paix avec le roi Ferdinand en œuvre. He lasted two years and is distinguished by two outstanding facts: the conquest of Te "bris and the occupation of Baghdad. Il à durée deux ans et elle est remarquable par deux excellent facts: la conquête de Te "bris et la possession de Bagdad.
Ibrahim sat at the head of Persia-Ibrahim beftimm after a mis à la tête de l'après-Persia beftimm
1533 tcn army already in the autumn of 1533 to Asia Minor, wintered at Aleppo and held after arms in the spring of TCN dès 1533 dans de petits automne 1533 sur l'Asie, et Hivern a Haleb a tenu, après avoir, au printemps
1534 1534 fixed the locks at the Lake of Wan and on the way to the Persian capital almost without firing a shot taken in possession, had on 15 1534 1534 fixe les châteaux au bord du lac de Wan et sur la route de la capitale de la Perse presque sans coup épée avait pris possession, le 15 July its way into Tabriz, leave that in the Shah opened again without resistance its gates . Son entrée en juillet Tabriz, qui, par le Shah d'abandonné, même sans résistance a ouvert ses gates.
About a month earlier had left Constantinople Suleiman himself only to follow Ibrahim. Environ un mois plus tôt avait Suleiman, Ibrahim même Constantinople quitter à suivre. About Nicaea, Kutahia, Alschehr Konia and he also met on 27 À propos de Nice, Kutahia, et il a également Konia Alschehr rencontre le 27 September in a Tabriz, where, after brief contains on "the train to Baghdad has continued. Septembre, dans un Tabriz, d'où, peu après sur "contient, le train à Bagdad a été poursuivie. With enemies had been little more with the Unfavorable elements and the hardships of the march to fight. Avec, on avait peu d'ennemis, de la plus défaveur de la problematique et les éléments de la marche à combattre. Baghdad was the first mid-winter to late Decem-ber reached, and since it had been abandoned at the approach of Dsmanen of its crew, Ibrahim filled without further notice. Baghdad en plein hiver a été, à la fin de Decem-ber, et Precaucion, parce que le rapprochement of Dsmanen de son equipage, a été abandonné, d'Ibrahim, sans autres occupé.
The winter months Suleiman brought there especially with the establishment of the administration of the conquered land Les mois d'hiver a Suleiman there especially with the introduction of the management of the conquered country
1535 zu. In 1535. In den ersten Tagen wurde der of April 1535 Rückmarsch angetreten. In the first days of April 1535 was the return OFFERED. Er war und nicht minder langwierig beschwerlich. It was no less difficult and time consuming. Volle drei Monate vergingen, ehe man 3e> Persien in 4533-4536. Three months passed before full 3e> Persia 4533 - 4536th 751,751
break wieder erreicht, und noch sechs andere wurden gebraucht, um den Weg nach durch Kleinasien Constantinopel zurückzu-legen, wo Suleiman am 8. breakage yet reached, and six others were needed to guide them across Asia Minor, after due Constantinopel define where Suleiman, 8 Januar 1536 die fast unblutige schönsten of 1536 Vereinigung mit seinem Reiche Persians Theile durch triumphirenden Einzug feiert. January 1536 about the association in 1536 without bloodshed most beautiful Theiler Persia with its rich triumphirenden withdrawal by celebrated. Sowol in Tebra, wie waren in Baghdad osmanische Statthalter zurückgeblieben neugewonnenen Landschaften und die durch die Band alttürkischer Lehnsverfassung Enger year das Reich Sultans gekettet worden. Sowol in Tebra, as in Baghdad, was the Ottoman governor remained upset by the landscapes and the narrow band at alttürkischer Lehnsverfassung l'empire du sultan a été enchaîné. We
this Persian campaign have touched only in his head moments, because he had on the relations of the European-Ottoman Empire, which are preferably subject of our presentation, no lasting and immediate impact. Nous avons dans cette campagne que ses principaux moments persan préjudice, parce qu'il a de la situation de l'Europe et l'Empire ottoman, qui fait l'objet de notre preference, ne sont pas eu une influence a durable et directe. There had, however, even during his lifetime Shah Ismail's, in 1523, between 1523 and Emperor Charles V, between this place, a certain movement, the purpose of an alliance have to simultaneously fight the common enemy seems to be, but he had no more a consistent and engaging episode, as the later shipment of the Knights "Knight John of Valley, which came to pass in 1529 1529 on behalf of the emperor Shah Thamasb to this move to attack the Ottoman Empire in Asia, while he himself, together with King Ferdinand, was going to try to break from Italy and Hungarians from the Suleiman's power in Europe. Il avait certes, Cependant, déjà de son vivant Shah Ismail's, en 1523, entre ce dernier entre 1523 et l'empereur Charles Quint, un certain traffic eu lieu, dont le but the alliances une lutte contre tout en l'ennemi de l ' été seems to be, but it also had little ongoing monitoring and intervention, such as sending future of Saint John "by Jean Knight Valley, which lies in 1529 1529 on the orders of Emperor Shah Thamasb launched for the attack against the Ottoman Empire in Asia to move, while himself with King Ferdinand Kingdom, Italy and Hungary, Suleiman's power in Europe wanted to try to break. Die wenigen Nachrichten, welche sich in den genannten Bevollmächtigten Briefen of the über diese Sendung finden Kaisers, beweisen nur, dass sie nicht zu dem Resultate erwünschten führte, und daß sich in dem Dunkel der Ungewißheit, in welchem \u200b\u200bsie sich verliert, keine Thatsache findet, welche für die damaligen Beziehungen zu den Persians Machtens of Abendland irgend eine Bedeutung gehabt hätte '). The few messages that are in the letters of the agent of the emperor about this issue to find, prove, that does not work the pipe and into the darkness of uncertainty in which it lose Thatsache find relations between Persia at the time the forces of the West had a certain importance ').
l) In der Instruction, welche Karl V. Februar 1529 im dem Ritt "Valley ertheilte, heißt es unter andern:" Ut i 'r', t "" "u" "naked"
" u "luv us
l" v "li" l) à l'instruction, de Charles Quint, en juin 1529 le cheval "imparted Valley, dit-on en changer" UET i 'r', t "" "u "" nu "
" u "us luv
l" v "li"
That one ftht but the campaign Suleiman's i »Persia in Europe with the most intense attention followed, and it tied perhaps even some hope that indeed the results were of the same rather Ver »eitelt as revived, among others, demonstrate the simultaneous correspondence of the French ambassador to Rome, Venice always about what the best news of the status and progress of the Dinge in Persien erhielten '). But we ftht Suleiman's campaign i 'from Persia to Europe with the coupling to test attention and there may even be hope has developed, however, that the same results rather different "have eitelt been like a breath of fresh air, on the other hand, the evidence at the same time sent letters to France, Rome and Venice, which have always the best news of the progress of things and Persia, was').
Höherer weit von Bedeutung von den wichtigsten Fol "gen für die europäischen Verhältnis der war die gleichzeitige Erhebung osmanischen Seemacht im mittelländischen Seas. Plus important de loin, suivi par les principaux "tion de la situation européenne, la perception de la puissance maritime ottomane simultanée dans la mer méditerranéenne. Since the conquest of Rhodes, the fleet was Suleiman's not yet emerged in significant activity. Depuis la conquête de Rhodes, la flotte ne sont toujours pas Suleiman's grand en apparus activity. The Venetians, they had to fear most was succeeded in it by a wise policy 'til then to retain within the Dardanelles. Les Vénitien, qui en ont le plus à craindre, il était parvenu, par une politique »à ce moment-là dans say til the Dardanelles retenir. But die, wenn auch nur durch den vorübergehende Besitznahme Korona Admiral of Kaisers Karl V. musst für Sulei "man eine zu ernste Mahnung breast WAS er in dieser Be> ziehung Fürchten zu habe, wenn er nicht auf seine Seemacht einen seiner entsprechenden Landmacht achtunggebietenden Fuß brindle. But, even temporarily Korona possession by Admiral of the Emperor Charles V, due to Sulei "a serious warning to what he has in the Be> similarly feared that, if not its naval power in his country a power of the mighty foot climb. Denn selbst die von Wiedererobcrung Koron hatte eher ihre Schwach, als ihre Stärke bewiesen. Indeed, even Wiedererobcrung Koron de leur avait plutôt faiblesse, leur force de la preuve.
lacked vessels are Suleiman course not, a large number of them were resistant to all sizes of sail "ready in the ports of Constantinople and Gallipoli, the main station locations of the Ottoman fleet, the seats at Beglerbeg of the sea, in the shipyards there was a UN" suspended activity, the Arsenale were with. De navires, il n'existe pas non pas Suleiman, un grand nombre de toutes les tailles de même voile était stable "realisee dans les ports et de Constantinople, Gallipoli, la station principale des lieux de la flotte ottoman, dans les sièges de la Beglerbeg la mer, sur shipyards was a 'submissions Thätigkeit arsenals have been involved. Allem age> Fullt, WAS zum Bau und zur Unterhaltung einer großen Armata gehört. It handles> that satisfies the construction and management of a large Armata belonged. Aber das Ganze war doch noch in eine "sehr mangelhaften Zustand. But everything was still a "very bad condition. Es fehlt year geschickten Schiffs' baumeistern, tüchtigen Werkleutcn, einer guten Bemannunz He also lacked skillful ship "BAUMEISTER, Werkleutcn efficient, good Bemannunz,
it "t! ° n" Nd. 1)>
it "t! No. "Nd. I. p. I. p. 253, 2 "4, 2" ", 27". 253, 2 "4, 2" ", 27".
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