Sunday, April 12, 2009

Funny Things To Write On Cd

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parties in Bosnia. 142
But the violent death of the weak king was made to light, to provide the rich power and unity. No sooner was the body of the murdered in the Kö »igsgräbern to St. Johann in Suttieska ceremoniously buried" ground, as the rumor of the unnatural death of the king, the country more than ever came to party strife and feud. Catherine, the king's widow wanted the lhron claim for himself and avenge the murder of her husband at his own son; Ban Radivoj, the king's brother, believed to have also not no part in the murder of it, rose again claims to the rule, before it times assert Ver "investigate and Stephan Thomasschevich existed also in the possession of power, as the rightful heir to the succession. For all three candidates are parties formed among the magnates and the country.

Sektmhaß and persecution of heretics increased the onion "costume and embittered the dispute over the crown. For long ago, Bosnia was in this relationship torn in themselves and in two camps divided, which faced each other with indelible hostility to each other: on the one hand, the Orthodox Catholic Christians who thought they were the Holy See, on the other the heretical Vlanichäer which would apply to the pure and the "semi Cathars (X "T ° ep5 '"

Had the old King stood in the evil reputation that he is not against these heretics zetreten with due rigor, "that he had favored in secret himself, said now, however, the Sobn, to make sure of the favor and the assistance of the Pope, to open and implacable pursuer these apostates and went against them immediately with violence. Two thousand of the "same could be to save only possessions, against

l) there T 122. 124.

will resume by the Catholic baptism in dm bosom of the only true Klrche, 40,
hauptet should have been, as prisoners sent to Rome, GE, "housed there in various monasteries, and, in penance and mortification of the flesh, by the Cardinal of San Sisto as long as instructed in the true faith, until their heresy formally renounced and as true Christ" most returned to their were discharged home ').

had by this brilliant proof faithful adherence to the Church and the Holy See, Stephan Thomasschevich course, as he believed, was acquired from Pope Pius II, the most powerful friend and ally, not only against the other pretender, but also against the common enemy of Christianity, the Sultan of Dsmanen. Pius II also gave the Church this faithful son of his delight immediately recognize the fact that he gave his lieutenants, who were already for a long time in those areas, again much to my heart, put not only the king with the then applied Sub 'Sidi to assist in every way, funds also in the whole of Bosnia, the to preach the cross and all who take off in person to fight against the Turks or by others who have rendered outstanding assistance to the holy work would be to bestow unlimited drain '). Moreover, he invited the king, like all the other princes of the Christians, healing, to appear in Mantua, where, in solemn council, Pope unter.des personal Presidencies, the matter de "

1) Vobellini? Kontiüci n N "IU." O "" nt "lü" now "- m" s "bi1iuin, <.) oder, im Munde des Volkes etwas entstellt, gewöhnlich Patarener genannt wurden.

u" t "l" pos> bu "" ui "r" ntiß "runt" tc, k> "m"

2 ) Two papal writing for that purpose "of May and June 1459 are at lloton" Ni "e" it. "SSU" Uunz, "" "1 XIV, p. 270-275.

parties in Bosnia. . 145 # c_top

Tnrlenkrieges in further Community council GE "; should graze" gene.

If, therefore, was the material of first aid is not just of concern at first, it was but instead of the king iv moral influence significantly. He considered himself against his rivals and believed also to the Ottomans' "immediately to take a stronger position. Suppurate on 3 June, he issued from Pristina from all his vassals a call, with their banners still in this month's run on the "through a two-time DSMA nmschlacht (1389 and 1448) already so famous plane Rigomezeu, ie the field of Kosovo in Kossowa einzu» found to get out of there as soon as possible, against the Ds' manes into the field to draw. "For what faithful followers of Christ and the Orthodox faith," it said at the conclusion of the royal circular, "may contain the tears when he looks at the fall of Constantinople - So we have this month of June on the level of Kossowa We collect and move out jointly against this dragon, so he auespeie not poison us about '). " However, King Stephen <> <»l. 1814 I<. IV, p. 125.

Whether this call then an actually meant seriously, and not rather out with such very different things in the army have shields, especially towards his liege lord, King Mathias' on Hungary, remains to be seen. It is certain that he immediately afterwards, allegedly a treacherous understandings According to and, as it was believed, at least, for a heavy sum of gold, the important frontier fortress of Semen "dr", the junction between Bosnia, Servia, the Wa "Lassko and Hungary, without striking a blow at the hands of the Ottomans supplied, which returns a strong garrison there, "left").

1) This "letter: there T. 276th About the two battles b «« offow "under Murad I and Murad II, Nd. I, this "works", ". M sgg. and ". 722 fgg.

2) V "d" llini aav l>. HI, N o.

Zinl'isen "Tesch. d. o 'you. Reich. " II.10

this treachery, which we stayed the case of Consta "tinopel equally outraged the whole of Christendom, and made the king, now the Pope and King Mathias enemies. Plus II now wanted not only to him at the council at Mantua with its Ge »sent requirement that, to him is that guaranteed the independent royal crown and the protection of the Catholic" faith in Bosnia tables two or three bishops would be used, which also the authority should have to perform in the future at the coronation of his successors received, not, but allowed him and his country demonstrated also by his legate, the Bishop of Phara, with excommunication and interdict first

The Pope was here chiefly to pressure and persuasion of King Mathias, to do what it was, above all for the preservation of his suzerainty over the Bosnian crown. It was in this respect, it was positive to say through his lieutenants to get nothing, for the Ver »rätherischc convention Stephan's with the Turks saw him more, like all that was Schehen while his papacy, GE," with horror and pain met; at least he will now give him the royal crown, which has repeatedly demanded, but refused by his predecessors always tried "and had been to which he, Mathias, an unknown "law was quarrelsome ').

must have taken place in June od "to its embrace of July. For Piu 'Second, they explicitly mentioned in a letter to the Margrave of Brandenburg Ulbricht of 24 July 1459, "by ll" l. "n". a. D. p. 2?.

1) Pontifical 'letter of 18 therefore January 14NN: Il "r" s ". a. l3. p. 341.
< sagt geradezu: „»e««l,!li, l'mci», m»ßn» »uri p«n6«« oppiüum v«ntU6it." Die Übergabt

2) letters de "pope," so to his legate in Hungary and honey Mathi "itself: Xaton» AAVP 343-348. Vr have dm Minister Stephen '"he wrote to his lieutenants, the violence," made allegations "» "ti, "Loeent",
! "Tui" nobi, "lt on 'i, i" "ju" to T'ur "" ONV "nt>" ... ll "e" "i" Nuin "i" "pt" 'mu', 'mnibu "p" l "mt" i "n6

and Pope sought Plus 147 n.

On the other hand, Stephan also the likes of the Pope to restore calm as possible. Not from fniem will, he left him by his envoys present, but forced by Roth, he had the Turks Se> "handed nldra, moreover, he had even his devotion to dt" true faith and the Holy See by Regulation » tttibung the Patar from his kingdom sufficiently proved; ersoll "him again by the spell and therefore only be Interdict" free him and his counsel henceforth NOT BE 'say'). mnern

knew Despite this awkward situation in "the Stephen in the next few years, both against his express as against his enemies rather to keep" ten. Sultan Mohammed undertook after the occupation "on Semendra and some other small fortresses on the Danube Morawa and during the 1459 and 1460 in 1460 in these areas no longer relevant. The Ottoman "American privateer, which from time to time in Bosnia invaded" were, by Stephan's vassals, which "limits the zen protected, kept in check. Only in 1461 was 1461, the position of the Ottomans to again threaten this country "d", as the feud for the throne neuentbrannte Moham "neb again gave the opportunity, in the inner ratio" results to mix the empire.

Ban Radiwoy, Sigismund, the younger brother de "King and the Queen Mother Catherine wanted equal time," if not the whole kingdom, but at least a portion of each rule independently of it. And while "mld turned their gaze to one to Rome and to Hungary, where King Stephen was still" not good, do not despise the others, even Moham "ned to call as a referee. This therefore imparted his Beglerbeg Isa, who had Narti Skopia to be state "," before starting the year 1461 the Be "

l)" O "s" i "insoluble" according to the letter de ee "Pope" Kioig Vtathi 'Stephen' "Messenger," "" growth r «ßi, c"!-to ">" "cu", "" "erento» l, "i", il "tj, lui "" no "" Iunt "ti" ". <», niliil tot» pontili<:»tu u<»»lso »««F. si»»«, «zuoä ln»ßi» su«ri»u,

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:... "maritime du" 783 783
good as its actually reached end fin bien que son actually Even Gri-mani wanted to Doria's departure does not hold out longer En effet, Gri-mani voulu, après. Doria de départ, de ne plus supporter. He came back a moment later with the papal galleys to Ancona, where they immediately disarmed and empty the Venetians were sent back. revint Il à la même avec les Galeres pontifical à Ancône, où elle vide désarmés immédiatement et les ont été de nouveau Vénitien envoy.

Capello, who alone is the small coastal castle Risano in the Gulf of Cattaro, occupied, took this dismal outcome of which began with such high hopes the campaign so to heart that he was shaken in mind and body on the deepest, into a serious fell disease, which obliged him to resign the command and to spend the rest of his days in the Zurückgczogenheit. Capello, qui, ni la petite côte Risano château, dans le Golfe de Catta "


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