Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Abreva Works For Cold Sores

FC contribution Albanians in Italy

Papas Prof. Giuseppe Ferrari


(Lecture given during the first meeting of Albanian Studies - Bari 1960)

was certainly warmly welcome the kings of Naples had given to many Albanian refugees, who, in sec. XV and later came to take refuge in this kingdom, from across the 'Albania and from various regions of Greece, the Peloponnese and in particular by' Attica. This is clearly evidenced by numerous documents, still existing in the archives of Naples, Rome, Venice and some families of the colonies. It was not only a deep admiration for the heroism of the little people had collected in Europe, for the tenacity and incredible strength, as opposed to the irresistible advance of the century Muslim conqueror. XV, it was only a gesture of gratitude for the valuable help, which, at that time, Scanderbeg and the Albanian had given to the cause of Aragon, but was especially clear-sightedness and political calculation, that prompted Spain, Naples and Palermo, to extend generous hand to the refugees. The Albanians would have been good soldiers, and for any damage to the reconquest of the crescent, both contain the boldness of the barons, who, driven from the outside, often rebelled. So Charles V, in a decree of 8 April 1533, sent to the Marquis of Villafranca, Viceroy of Naples, says specifically: "... we have agreed to settle in the realm Cotesta some riders from Crowns and Patras, because it shall retain, as long as you offer in that they can serve, ordering that their villages and lands assigned in Puglia, Calabria, Italy .. ). And, in terms of privileges, the same document continues: "... to ensure that they are free of tax payments and any other law ... ) And again: "... and give them and you pay each year, our treasury Cotesta kingdom, during our pleasure, seventy Duke you money ... and so on. ) (1). The successors of Charles confirmed all privileges. So Philip III, among other things, confirms: "... those items that Albanians can bear arms for them all realms. et majesty of the above Jurisdiction cesarean etiam up inside the room of their majesty et their officers, as other kings in the past have given them ... ) (2).

was no less warm and gracious hospitality of the Supreme Pontiffs, for the same reasons. E 'known as Scanderbeg was the same in Rome, not only to solicit aid, but because he thought Pius II to organize a crusade and to entrust the command to Castriota, already famous for his resounding victory.

Quite different was instead of the welcome they received from local bishops and barons. They did everything to alienate the minds of newcomers and established in their lands against their will and therefore accepted by all hostilities. Not only did not give effect to the papal and royal decrees, but taking every opportunity to oppress and insult them, so, quite often, not Albanians who remained to defend themselves with guns is not sufficient to defend the power of the state. The same Pope Leo X, in a bubble of 1521, reads: "... Ordinary locorum Latin ipsam nationem superdictis ritibus observantiis et in locis ubi praedicti morantur Graecia, daily harassing et disturbing disturbing ... ). So Paul III, in other bubble January 26 and again on 8 March 1540 and 20 July 1545. The same Benedict XIV, the famous bull "Etsi Pastoralis) thereafter. Misjudged by the Albanians, would actually defend them from the oppression of barons and bishops. Scrolling through documents from the XVI century and until the Risorgimento, it is easy to find, the echo of a sad state of affairs. For the barons and bishops, the Albanian refugees who were not thieves and murderers, without any religious faith, and therefore treated as such. On the other hand these guests, who came from the East, could not have any confidence, nor for the bishops, nor for the Barons. Educated to a spirituality that puts the rights of communities to those of the person, raised in Eastern Christianity, insists that both the eschatological vision of religion and community vision, therefore, also came from a 'Albania, for the first time in that memorable century. XV, overlooked in history and faced having overcome the divisions of the little princes, close, as a nation, around a prince who had brought them national glory, these refugees could not feel hatred and contempt for that deep Southern feudalism, which refused them the right to wear the sword at his side or wear a hat on his head, acknowledging the "lord of rights, many rights, without any many duties and duty to the people without any rights. A relentless struggle began, a struggle that in the minds of the feudal lords, had to end with the total extinction of the opponent, or, to illustrate, with the extinction of any privilege or any difference from the rest of the population. It is accepted in other words the entry of new flocks of attendants, but the cooperation of free men. If here and there were some aversion to the language and customs of the new come, it must be recognized that this was not general. In the midst of universal illiteracy, did not give any importance to the phenomenon of language, not enough to give her citizenship and in fact we have a language spoken but not written. The most terrible war was instead declared against Albania and against the clergy and religious rites, which constitute the real flag of distinction. In fact, if in many villages, to be left alone, since it gave the privileges and tax exemptions, the resistance was much tougher on the door of the church. There are also cases of priests and lay people killed and whole families destroyed, victims of violent attempt to force the Albanians to abandon their homeland rites. In Puglia, where many villages were the Albanians, who today remains a province of Taranto, San Marzano, and two in the province of Foggia, and Chieuti Casalvecchio, which is still spoken in Albanian, but here as well, already more than three centuries, has become extinct every trace of religious rites Albanians. And the same is true of countries in the area of \u200b\u200bTermoli, Molise, Barile, male and Broom in the province of Potenza and Greeks in the province of Avellino. Much tougher action in Calabria, in part, in Lucania and Sicily, where not only the nuclei, more numerous, opposed increased strength, but where the same topographic position isolated villages and made it easier for their defense, well armed against the barons and bishops, much easier, knowing backed by the Pope and the King and they knew what the oppressors and therefore tried by every means to foment discord and mistrust between the old and new residents and at the same time, waved to describe with these slanderous accusations Rome and Naples. And certainly reached, in large part, the purpose. In the same Calabria, only a small part remains, even today the language and rituals, has lost much of both and many, just as the already mentioned villages of Molise and Puglia, retain the language without the ritual.

Although there were other causes, of which we mention here and there, and especially in the light of this situation and the mood has arisen, which will historical explanation of so many glorious pages, written by Italian-Albanians in the whole period of the Risorgimento. Talking about the contribution of the great national cause, not only do the history of the act or acts of Agesilaus Milan Pasquale Baffi, Archbishop Bugliari, the Peace of Mauro, Damis and so many others. They were not that of the brave leaders of many slaves of fighters, so they carried the battle, but not always organized by them. In many villages, the organizers of the columns Albanians were the priests and priests of many houses were centers of secret societies. Then to investigate the history of the Italo-Albanians during this period, should shed light on the complete two major figures of bishops Albanians Bugliari by Francis S. Sofia of Epirus by Domenico Bellusci Frascineto. The first fellow, a relative and contemporary of Angelo Masci and Pasquale Baffi, the second teacher of the large and glorious host of Albanian students of the college in San Demetrio Corone Corsini, who took active part in movements from '48 to '60 and later . Garibaldi himself was impressed and moved its passage in Cosenza Castrovillari and saw groups of priests, with long hair and beard, put on clothes with wide sleeves, with the head in the characteristic Byzantine chapel and a red sash around the neck of fact, that, to celebrate the hero, the defendants were from neighboring countries, reaching across a vast cheering crowd below. In Cosenza, saw one of these priests, the most rowdy of all, Antonio S. Baffa Sofia of Epirus, who had asked the Prefect and Morelli, saputolo, ran over and shook his hand warmly. With

bubble. Pope Clement XII, of the Albanian mother, dated October 11, 1732, was erected in S. Ullano Benedict, in the province of Cosenza, a college for the Albanians of Calabria. A bishop was appointed to preside over the rite greek, Felice Samuel Rodotà. The King of Naples Charles III de Bourbon, in agreement with the Pope, saw to be executed immediately, despite the expected opposition. The new bishop, mind you, had no jurisdiction over the Albanians, but only within the walls of the Institute. It was the most you could get, considering the circumstances and timing, despite the Pope's intentions to get much further. But it was certainly something. It was mostly an official voice, that he would feel at Rome and Naples was the ignorance that was being fought with. the establishment of sleep and prevented the dangerous minds of the refugees. From S. Benedict Ullano the two brothers went out of Frascineto Bellusci, Angelo and Pasquale Baffi Masci S. Sofia of Epirus, Avatos Francesco Macchia, a famous Greek scholar, Alessandro Marini S. Demetrio Corone and Francis himself Bugliari fourth bishop Albanian, to name just a few. The Albanians were already being felt in a few years, a little 'everywhere, the weight of their culture. In Naples, the mustache and the lessons held Masci, surrounded by universal esteem. The second, he held various positions in the government, published in Naples in 1792 a pamphlet of their rights and prerogatives of the barons, in which he identifies all evil from the kingdom (3). The same in 1807 wrote and published a valuable book entitled "Discourse on the origin, customs, and current status of the Albanian nation" who had a second edition in 1847 and it was from Maldebrun almost immediately translated into French (4). The Albanians - Calabria then enjoyed wide esteem in France.

In that same period he lived Pasquale Baffi (in his native country, really, Baffa). Student, as I said, the college Italo-Albanian, in 1769 was the chair of Latin and Greek in Salerno in 1773 that of humanity in Latin and Greek military college in Naples, was an ordinary member of the Academy of Letters and Science and the Academy erculanese. He had various positions in cultural background. His card says Dorsa, became extinct with the lur political whirlwind of 1799, but did not. extinguished his fame. The Pagano Mario Botta and consider him one of the greatest Hellenist of his time, coupled with this, says Pagan, the most interesting diplomatic knowledge. European culture is largely occupied by him and celebrated name. Young age he joined the secret societies, and when the edict of 1775 considered the participation in the sect as a crime of treason, he, like others, began illegal activity. Arrested March 2, 1776, remained about one year in prison. His noble and generous Ullano his education at the Institute, the knowledge, experience, the particular conditions of his countrymen, led him naturally to Jacobinism. Forced to leave Naples, hid, with the male, in the countryside, where he was arrested again. After a few months in prison, was taken to the gallows on 11 November 1799. Very religious throughout his life, resigned, died as a martyr, leaving several letters overflowing with Christian faith and love of neighbor, for the "redemption which is offered in sacrifice (5).

At that time, to defend the throne of Naples, strenuously fought the Macedonian Royal Regiment, made up of Albanians. Therefore perfectly located opposite the reason why the Baffi fell and was heading toward which definitely our greatest cultural institute in the province of Cosenza. Even then, the best officers of the Sultan of Istanbul were Albanians and Ali Pasha of Tepelena, in the same period, he Albanian, Albanian Muslims with others, created a kingdom so ephemeral, but that shook the Sublime Porte, and still other Albanian Orthodox directed the glorious struggles for Greek independence. But nowhere in the world, the Albanians were fighting for their cause. The Real Macedonian Regiment was composed of Italian-Albanian but the Albanians of the motherland, the pay of the Kingdom of Naples. In Albania, then ideas about their national individuality and independence were not entirely accurate and were not general. The idea instead of a genuine Albanian looked increasingly clear to the mind of the Albanians of Calabria and she walked hand in hand with the dawn of the Italian Risorgimento. We'll see how it will be shaken in the Calabrian and Albanian literature of the time. Pasquale Baffi falls for the Italian cause and Albanians. If we needed a witness to this, just look to the work of the male, who was her soul mate, he was close throughout their lives. But soon there is another witness of blood.

In Calabria the direction of the Institute was held firmly in the hands of the other fellow's Whiskers: Bishop Francis Bugliari. Superior intelligence, totally dedicated to the education of his fellow Albanians, he is not at all disturbed by the tragic news coming from Naples and Calabria from the same villages where the unrest was the most alive and where he feared the reaction. The Bugliari, especially the good offices of mercy and of the Whiskers males in the capital, had successfully Ferdinand IV, with a despatch of March 1794, it transferred the seat of the College of St. St. Benedict Ullano Demetrio Corone, the monastery of St. Adriano, adding the many annuities the same as those already held. Here the institute, in a brief span of time, under the wise guidance of the bishop, was flourishing.

In 1799, under the pretext of Jacobin ideas entered the college, it was plundered by a gang of thieves. Again rearranged by the zealous pastor, he came to the sad 1806. The robber Antonio Santoro, the king called Coremme, won under Frascineto, runs towards Acre. But in fact, a prisoner in S. Sofia, the team of George Civic Ferriol, escapes and vows revenge. Becoming easy and useful tool for vile men, but smarter than he. Indeed, Aug. 17, after shaking some secret agreements with Bourbon St. Demetrius, usurpers of the assets of the College and therefore enemies of Bugliari, moves, with its large bandwidth, against Santa Sofia. The Ferriolo and almost all the residents, knowing they can not resist, turn away from the house "and leave their homes to plunder.

The Bishop, however, had clearly refused to leave, allowing only his niece Mary to take refuge with relatives of Spezzano Albanian. He accepted instead of hiding in the house of males, perhaps thinking of the prestige of the State Council. But the bloody fury overtook him soon. The Archbishop's brother, Domenico Antonio, was caught and shot now. But come before the prelate, still , the hieratic figure of an old Byzantine ascetic, who fearlessly took them praying and blessing, the killers had a moment of loss. But it was a moment. The they rushed me to the most furious and ended up with twenty-two stab wounds, without a groan escaped from the mouth of the Martyr, who died smiling, forgiving and blessing. It was August 19, 1806, to the resurrection of Italy, the first movement of the Risorgimento, a tribute of gratitude to the earth hospitable, that three centuries before they had collected refugees and wanderers, the Albanians have to sacrifice the best of them.

The corpse of the victim spent two days on the road. The killings horrified had fled. On August 21, all the villagers fell and gave him honorable burial in the parish church. But could not miss the response from the people. The popular fury targeted S. Demetrius and the home of Lopez, which turned en masse against the singing of popular songs exalting the figure of the martyr. The village was looted and burned the home of Lopez. Gradually met, by chance, a doctor, who said the house and Lopez was killed. The real perpetrators of the crime but managed to save themselves, protected by the Archbishop of Rossano Sanfedism (6).

It 's hard to say how much he had in this sad story. Certainly Bishop Andrea Cardamone hated Albanians, who many had settled in his archdiocese. Knowing the intention of the S. See the creation of a Greek diocese, he, under the guise of religious zeal, expressing doubts about the catholicity of the Albanians, in fact defends narrow interests. The Bugliari had made him lose the fat ones revenues of the Abbey of St. Adriano's already and now home of the college. And when the Cardamone tried to make me look bad in Naples and Rome, the Albanian bishop had thrown him against a real mastiff in Michael Bellusci, his affectionate friend and adviser, one of the most learned men of his time. So in the fight between the two, Cardamone was unsuccessful and the Sanfedism Cardinal Ruffo, as the interests of injured Lopez and Tocci, was a good opportunity for him. Of course the killers of the bishop were his friends and were protected by him. Strange case, Lopez is not the direct ascendant female branch of the great patriot Domenico Mauro. But the times they made their way to radical changes. The sacrifice of

Bugliari was a tremendous shock to all the Albanian villages and formed the foundation of that spiritual edifice of granite, built by Domenico Bellusci in the heart of his students, bringing forth abundant fruit soon. In fact, the whole great number of Albanian-Calabrian great patriots of '48 and '60 came out of this forge.

From this moment the history of the Risorgimento movement, not just the Albanian areas, but more than the whole of Calabria, is inseparable from the history of the College of St. Adriano, in S. Demetrio Corone. The Institute became the center of the Carbonari. The majority Albanian poet, Girolamo De Rada, son of the pastor of Stain and student of the Institute in those years, notes in his autobiography, as next to the books that the conformism of the time made it compulsory and books of religious inspiration, under the complacent gaze of the bishop-president Archbishop Bellusci, we introduce and spread among pupils, books of the new ideas (7). Very popular works of Salfi that during his time in Calabria and Others Cosenza, was bound to solid friendship with the two bishops and dawn it is Bugliari Bellusci and the elder brother of the latter, the already named Michael Bellusci (8).

Joachim Murat, on the merits and the great reputation of the Institute, by a decree of 1810 and a second in 1811, rose to the high school of the Three Calabria. But it was the opposition of Bellusci, Murat at the same time because the king had decreed the transfer of the college in Corigliano Calabro, the place is certainly more suitable in every respect, but that would lose its character and, sooner or later, have escaped from the hands of Albanians. In 1819, therefore the decree of dismissal was obtained.

For the Bourbons now the college was a thorn to the eye and called him "the devil's workshop."

I fail to speak of what happened in Italy and especially in Calabria, in all those years, because they are too well known. The Albanians were members in all noble undertakings and like to touch on only some of the glorious deeds and the main characters. We thus arrive Cosentini the massacres of 1844, in which the brothers were killed Flag. And here I should make a list of the Italo-Albanians, who, at that time, suffered several convictions: 21 were sentenced to death, 15 of whom were Albanians, namely: Raffaele Camodeca Castroregio by 25 years, Joseph Franzese years 44 by Cerzeto, Francesco Domenico Tavolaro of 26 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Federico Franzese 25 years from Cerzeto; Gianfelice Petrassi 24 years from Cerzeto; Carlo Mosciaro age of 21 years, from San Benedetto Ullano; Vincenzo Barsi of 30 years, from S. Ullano Benedict, a second was Tavolaro Francesco Gennaro, aged 21, from S. Benedict Ullano; Tavolaro Joseph Costa of 25 years, from S. Ullano Benedict, John Manes of 28 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Xavier Fuller 22 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Antonio Pinnola of 35 years, from S. Ullano Benedict, Horace Fuller 22 years by S. Benedict Uilano; Gaetano boat 34 years, from S. Ullano Benedict, Joseph Parisi of 24 years, from Cerzeto. By sovereign grace to some and punishment was commuted to twenty-one convicted of 1'11 at 22 July 1844, four were shot, two Albanians, and Franzese Camodeca Joseph. Even Raho Antonio Cosenza had to be shot, but preferred to die earlier, poisoned with their hands. He offered also to the Camodeca. Poison, but he refused and faced death bravely, shouting the last moment, "this is the day most of my life! Long live Italy! '.

At that trial, 10 were sentenced to 30 years in irons, and another 12 to 25 years. Of them were Albanians: Gary Tocci of 25 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Michele Candreva of 26 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Domenico Sarri 26 years, from S. James, Angelo Mazzucca of 19 years, from S. Benedict Ullano; Joseph Pollera 27 years old; Raffaele Matrangolo of 23 years, Domenico Gliosci of 37 years, Domenico Franzese of 74 years, 32 years in Franzese Ferdinand, Domenico Matrangolo of 28 years, all from Cerzeto. Six years in prison there was, among others, by Domenico Petrassi Cerzeto. Acquitted dubious: Pasquale Conforti, and Cesare Migliani Pietrangelo, S. Benedict Ullano. Acquitted two other Albanians Agesilaus Mosciaro and Joseph S. Bellocchio Tavolaro Benedict Ullano (9).

But the processes and sentences did not stop there. Domenico Mauro also was arrested and made available to the police. Courage, however, showed that the victims moved the whole of Calabria. I said as he preferred Raho poison, but here I must add that, before his death, the condemned had long debated whether it was more glorious to the country voluntarily give death. Against the advice of Raho, supported the Albanians Camodeca and Franzese, that his death was an act of weakness, not courage, only the blood from. enemy or the Executioner would be fruitful for the homeland. And when the valley Rovito felt the echo of the discharge of rifle and the last of the martyrs cry "Long live Italy! their faces were not prey to terror, but shone with joy. It was this joy, once again, like the mustache, like that of Bugliari expression of genuine gratitude of the Albanians to Italy, the Italy of the Heroes and Italy said this at one with the echo of the cry of the Martyrs: Viva l ' Italy!

Their bodies were buried in the Church of St. Augustine and in 1848 settled with dignity. As the thirst for blood was extinguished. On 25 July, in the same valley Rovito, fell the Bandiera brothers and their companions (10).

A thrill of indignation ran through the whole of Europe, for the sad events of Cosenza. Suddenly the King and Queen of Naples fall in Calabria and September 10 of that year, appearing in Paola. The official reason for his visit, he said, was a vow made by the sovereign S, Francis. In fact they wanted to deny the news, which circulated in Europe, now irreconcilable hatred toward the government of Calabria. An hour after landing, they took the route of Cosenza. The people stood quietly at home. The press officer was forced, grudgingly, to admit when he wrote these few words, "the couple left for Cosenza August at 6.30 am and then had left for Roggiano. "

The editors of the newspaper" The Calabrese "held by men renowned for culture and liberal spirit, he continued, despite everything, to maintain the flame of freedom, even if shewn more cautious in the circumstances. There was no lack in preparing the Albanians. Among the many, and I quote the illustrious Prof. Vincenzo Dorsa, a distinguished scholar and worthy of the Albanian culture, greek priest and teacher at the high school Telesio, nephew of Bishop Bellusci. It was one of the greatest exponents of the secret societies. Here he writes with as much care in one of his articles. Print "Who does not see The immense benefits originated from Dante and Vico to our century and the revolution in the minds of their move to Europe? The nineteenth century by the rise of literature long after the barbarism that had turned off the seeds is the only that included the great men, who alone can be called the fulfillment of the labors of six centuries ... '. Cesare Marini, another distinguished scholar of our S. Demetrio Corone, wrote in his study "Selva Bruzio" Calabria where he reminded all the wrongs suffered by past and present governments. Nicholas of Jeno Coronei published a book entitled "The Relief of the Poor" that in the secret language of the Carbonari in the province wanted to mean "the redemption of the people" (11). The Regaldi, among the lessons that was held in Cosenza, he played one on Marco Botsazi, a theme dear to the Albanians and as an act of homage to these activities.

In 1847 a revolt flared up all around Sicily. Even Albanians are not present here, as Emanuele Bider, Gabriele Dara and many others. Francesco Crispi on all stands. The great statesman was born in Bider, near Agrigento, where the family had moved to business. But Crispi are natives of Palazzo Adriano, one of the four Albanian villages of Sicily and the grandfather of the politician and that his nephew was named, was a priest greek. He was the grandfather to ensure the education of his nephew in the seminary greek-Albanian Palermo. In 1838, former attorney, based in Palermo "Oretea the" newspaper of various literature, exercising at the same time the legal profession. In 1831, ceases publication, leave the profession and enter the judiciary only twenty-three years. But in 1842 has a violent verbal confrontation with the Attorney General. The incident illustrates well in relief the figure of Crispi. Craxi The Prosecutor claims that the King of Naples has the power to levy taxes in Sicily by divine right; Crispi occurs with violence, arguing that they should only come from the national representation of Sicily. The Craxi the call to order, but the young magistrate rebels. With scornful words resigns and leaves the classroom and the office. In Naples, where he moved, he knows and makes contact with the Albanian colony, including the De Rada, Angel and Vincenzo Basile Turella, the latter of the Albanian Basilicata Barile, who at that time directed the literary journal "Omnibus" . In Naples, by elements of Calabria and Albanians, Crispi became part of the secret societies and committees Patriotic and it is precisely in these circles, that his business background and his views regionalistic rather, they become pro-unification stance. This transformation undergone by him in contact with the Albanians of Calabria and will later be guided by patriotic and all that it will lead to the pinnacles of government. The Calabrian insurrection and repression that followed touched him deeply and led him to greater action. In '46, when the insurgency flared up more and more into the kingdom, Crispi had to be stopped, but, realizing in time, unable to save themselves. In December of '47 runs in Palermo prepare all the rescue and January 12, 1848, an outbreak of rioting. In all these events, he demonstrated exceptional organizational skills and it is no wonder if we will see in the '60s as one of the most lucid minds of the Thousand. On January 27 he founded his second newspaper 'The Apostolate "which has as its motto" nous marchons "and as the program spread the cult of the Fatherland; spread the light of redemption, preach the doctrines of evangelical fellowship of men and peoples, based on equality, freedom, justice ... '. On March 24, opens the general Sicilian Parliament. He, a member of Ribera, sits in the House of Commons, while the upper house sits uncle Rev. Joseph Crispi, brother of the father, the bishop of greek rite and professor at the University of Palermo. Congressman sits on the far left and is the most tenacious in seeking revocation of the proclamation of Ferdinand II, which both chambers voted unanimously on April 13. On December 8, he advocated a constitutional Italian, which part of Sicily. We are unified idea. After the reverse of '49, departs May 7 from exile in Palermo, where he returns on May 6, '60, to bring Italy (12).

Under the pressure of events, Ferdinand II, January 29, 1848, was forced to grant the constitution, swearing solemnly on 10 February. The jubilation and enthusiasm of Calabria was indescribable. In Cosenza sang a Te Deum in the cathedral and an Albanian, Alessandro Marini, held the pulpit. Were released from jail political prisoners and gave solemn and honorable burial to the Martyrs of '44, led a procession into the cathedral. At the ceremony, many Albanians from all over the side which gravitates around Cosenza. But just as the presence of large houses that gravitate around Castrovillari, a charming town at the foot of the Pollino, towards the border with Basilicata (13). A leader of the Liberals in this huge area there is still an Albanian Muzio Peace. This was to found in Castrovillari the National Guard and take the functions of sottintendente, by starting the holder Bourbon.

At the first parliamentary sitting Naples various Albanian deputies, among them, the two major sides of Cosenza Castrovillari and two characters who have as their representatives will talk about much: Dominic Mauro Peace and Muzio. With this party back to Naples a good nucleus of their trusted friends, a kind of bodyguard, among them John and Agesilaus Mosciaro. All they found a warm reception from our colony which I mentioned.

It 's too well known what happened. In the famous uprising in the capital had more than one nuclei of Albanian unrest. Famous became a priest Albanian Plataci: Angelo Basile, author of the tragedy Ines de Castro, made in Albania and then translated and published in Italian. It was more implacable. A head of a long line of students armed with sticks, followed by a large crowd, dressed as a priest with the typical greek hats, rode around the city carrying a flag and forcing opponents to see her under the threat of sticks. Then lived in Naples a priest named Don Placido Becher, who was holding the lower Volga and venerated as a saint. He lived in the lower part of the city in a low not too hygienic. It was said of him that he was confessor of the queen and spy for the government, he headed towards his home, the procession of Basile, who, raggiuntolo, without much preamble gl'ingiunge to swear to the constitution. But the old man out of breath, for fear fell dead. De Rada tells us that he had met Basile, on that same afternoon, sitting at the bar and surrounded by good crowd, to dry the sweat of breathlessness and fatigue and perhaps of remorse, paid him generous glasses of brandy. But the news of the death of Don Placido had spread through the city and considered a great evil to Naples. The next day the maid, leading to the De Rada breakfast, told him: "Quellu prievite Grecu who comes to them cu vui went studienti and mazzatu Don Placidu, but Jesus Christ nun lu sabatu pay." It was easy prophet. The Basile arrested and fell ill, died in a psychiatric hospital, while window invoked by the manacles of his native village, his grandson, who took active part the Risorgimento, Garibaldi had a sword that still maintains the family, as Damis of Lungro and Mauro S. Demetrio Corone.

After the treachery of the government and the fierce repression of the capital, republicans and monarchists huddle in unity of action in Calabria. Members Albanians in Cosenza, Domenico Raffaele Mauro Valentini-and even these Albanian blood on the maternal side-with their colleagues in Calabria, southern addressed a proclamation to the people, urging them to rally around their legitimate representatives. The parliamentarians undertook to guarantee freedom and the safety of citizens, whose rights had been trampled on so fiercely to what they called "the bad government. " At the same time, given the situation in Naples, invitations to all members to agree to Cosenza, on June 15. (14)

did not have any confidence in the National Guard, were multiplied in every city and village, the seven secret Young Italy, also known as "churches", the famous lodge Lungro, directed by men from the hardening of steel as Damis and Vincenzo Stratigò. At this lodge, or that of S. Demetrio Corone, many of the clergy took part in the Italo-Albanian, and most important families of different villages. Castrovillari also had his. While less important than those of Lungro and S. Demetrio Corone, it counted up to four hundred members as tutors and had two Greek priests of St. Michael Bellizzi Basile and Michael Bellusci's Frascineto, nephew, the latter, the famous bishop. In those years, each village had ten to fifteen Albanians, up to twenty or more priests, almost all lawfully married, right costume of the Greeks, always with us in force. Good fathers, all educated in the college in S. Corsini Demetrio Corone, in those years, true beacon of culture, they presented themselves to the masses with great prestige by virtue of its moral integrity and: lle their intellectual abilities. It 's true that the clergy in eastern people has always enjoyed special prestige, but here were not only the Albanian Orthodox to worship them and follow them, were in the same Calabrian what race and even in the capital of the south was considered a great thing, for the noble families, having a greek priest to tutor their children. Towards the end of the first half of the 800, as I pointed out above, they were almost all members of the secret societies. Hardly ever is writing the pastor of a village-but this rule has several exceptions, while professing, apparently, the same ideas. And they understand too well why. The experience of four centuries they had been overly cautious. The De Rada, which, although very active in the riots that took part of his time, did not appear to have been entered, precisely because he was the son of the pastor of Stain. Many times they pretend to Bourbon to the bitter end. And who does not know exactly their position, can fall in gross errors of evaluation of many historical facts. The rest of the game was easy, given that the bulk was illiterate, could not speak and did not understand Italian, and these priests and their close circle of friends were the interpreters of nature. The Diocesan Bishop of the Latin Ionian Cassano, who had gone a year Lungro, on a pastoral visit, he had a magnificent reception from the Albanian priest and a welcoming speech, which certainly had to entice him. This is in Italian. Then he apologized and allowed Excellency, to speak in Albanian, to have the opportunity to extol the virtues of the visitor and make understand the people and here, without surprise the audience, which remained disciplined, a download of incredible insults against the person who listened and smiled smugly. You would think at this point that it was disreputable men, from the viewpoint of the Christian Faith, none of this. They were upright men, whose loyalty to principles, "the dogma, the morality of the Catholic Church, was above suspicion. It 'basically the same problem that inspired the deputy Crispi and what is far more serious, under the complacent gaze of his uncle-Senator Bishop, to fight for inclusion in the Sicilian constitution, the Catholic religion as the only religion of the state. Spirituality to which the Albanians drew their training is more intransigent on the issue of religious unity, the same, Western Catholicism. The movement would then be an act of protest against the barons against the abuses of the powerful against the misrule of the Bourbons that accoltili on their land, had not then been able to defend the host. And, you know, for Albanians the guest is sacred. Any offense against the host must be considered as made to the entire family and calling for vengeance, blood revenge. L 'art. 97 of the Code of Lek Dukagjini, paragraph 643, reads: "If you put your guests in jest or in any way you insult, you must protect and defend his honor, even with the risk of your life. And in paragraph 648: "Whoever attacks its host or does it attack others for treason, is sentenced to be shot, to be performed by the whole village and his blood remains in revenge. And again in paragraph 649: "And 'sentence reads: one forgives the insult to his father, his brother and cousin who does not leave even the heirs, but the insult to the guest does not ever forgive." For the Italian-Albanian it was then, above all, a matter of honor. Rebel against the powerful, stand before the bullies, is an old instinct of Albanians, an ancient tradition, to which no one can escape the irresistible charm. That the clergy, which was for many centuries only guide the people, was well know and, of course, tried to inculcate and foster in every way, to survive, having experienced that the villages were surrounded by enemies that sought to destroy them, cloaked, very often, religious zeal. On May 17 in Cosenza introducing the public health committee. The "'same thing happens in Castrovillari, always under the chairmanship of Muzio Peace. In order to protect public order, down here, from surrounding villages, 500 Albanians who lined up in the course. On June 2, arrived in Cosenza Count Giuseppe Ricciardi. Fled from Naples, had fled to Malta and from there went to Sicily, where he made contact with that committee and was from Sicily in Cosenza. With him was inaugurated a provisional government. At the head of power executive, was placed on Valentini. On June 3, was published the first issue of a newsletter, edited by Valentini, by Mauro from Mocciaro. The latter was responsible for organizing a mobile column of a thousand men to occupy the hills of Paola. At the same time took care of the contacts with the committees of Naples, Salerno, Messina and power. Followed the example of Catanzaro Cosenza, headed by Vincenzo Marsico, Baron Lattimore, and Regina S. Benedict Ullano who, with his wealth, much helped the national cause, Calabria was all so up in arms. A Castrovillari, June 5, he wanted to celebrate the victims of the May 15, in the church of Our Lady of the Castle. The above-named Michael Bellizzi held papas a patriotic speech, which excited the people on the Range country. The Ricciardi meanwhile, threatened by the reaction Bourbon Cosenza, Castrovillari asked relief. The quota of this city was led by the son of Joseph Pace Muzio, a brave soldier who now appears on the scene and will overcome with countless acts of bravery, the same glory of the father. Joining the quotas S. Basile, led by Constantine and those of Bellizzi and Frascineto Eianina, ran toward Albanian Spezzano. Here they found not only the core of the town, led by Vincent Lights, but the united forces of Acquaformosa, Signature, commanded by Dominic Lungro Damis; four hundred men, who joined the others soon arrived and marched, with his hat Feathered, the streets of Cosenza. Joseph Pace was appointed Major of the battalion and Domenico Albanian Damis, with three others, Captain. Meanwhile, news came that General Busacca, with 2500 men, had landed at Sapri. Muzio Pace warned the Ricciardi, who arranged to postpone the battalion in Castrovillari, appointing commissioners with full powers, the two Albanians Muzio Peace and Domenico Mauro. But there was a serious psychological error. Already by June Cosenza had appointed special commissioner for the organization Praino Louis, Cassano Ionian neighboring country, and now these commissioners, during munere had absolute powers. This creates confusion and hurt the pride of Castrovillari and Albanians. Just this advantage of the reactionary Bourbon, in order to raise his head. The Pace went to Cosenza, in order to explain the situation. It was a serious error in that moment of general confusion. The Committee remained undecided on the action to be performed. So Busacca, day 16, arrived in Castrovillari. Palermo The Committee had decided, in turn, to organize an expedition to Calabria, sending immediately effect the decision, the orders of the Ribotti 14, heard by Mosciaro, landed at Paola. In the evening of 15 entered in Cosenza. In the meantime came Albanian Spezzano, June 14, various forces commanded by Dominic Mauro. From there, going to sign and all countries Lungro-Albanians strengthened gradually, reached the heights of Campotenese, where the 17 had already occupied the whole area. It was more than 3000 men, nearly all Albanians. The district was commanded by Castrovillari Peace; Albanian Spezzano by Vincenzo Lights; Lungro, Signature, Acquaformosa by Damis; San Rasile by Bellizzi, S. Sofia of Epirus by Luigi Raffa, S. Demetrio Corone and stains from the Albanian priest Antonio Marchi, vice-chairperson of the Corsini, who, for the occasion, had closed, taking volunteers following all pupils. Non-Albanians were missing in Lucania, under the command of Vincent Smilari. Even Albanian Spezzano, in a short time, gathered the forces of freedom around the general Ribotti Sicily and 800, which arrived there on 20. Here too many Albanian men were agreed by countries, in particular from S. Catherine headed by Lacosta, S. Benedetto Conforti Ullano with Achilles, S. George Vaccarizzo, S. Cosmo Alessandro Mauro's brother, Dominic, while a third brother, Vincent, he too greek priest, was alongside Dominic, in the mountains of Campotenese. The Busacca, in Castrovillari, surrounded in this way, it was certainly convenient. Noticing that the two fields to break and Campotenese is reinforced every day, and immediately broke all secretly moved towards Albanian Spezzano. He arrived at the foot of the hill when the volunteers were taken by fatigue, were sleeping. They provided the country's Albanian women to wake up in a hurry, running knocking on door to door, where they were staying. Arrived in town, June 22, they were welcomed in an entirely unexpected. It struck a fierce battle in which, to give time to the soldiers of Ribotti to organize itself better, the first impact was sustained by the Albanian women who threw themselves on the enemy with spears and knives from the kitchen while the children themselves hit hard with a thick sassaiuola. There were no deaths among both women and children among the ranks of Busacca. Meanwhile, they set in motion the artillery of Ribotti which soon obtained a great victory, forcing a retreat to Coscile Busacca, and then return to Castrovillari. The Mauro expected that that the Ribotti move forward because, after futile waiting, the army encamped on the heights of Campotenese, devoid of the necessary catering, narrowed day by day. The forces of Lucania had already shifted, while advancing from the north, with a strong contingent, General Lanza, already arrived in Lagonegro, with the intention to join the Busacca Castrovillari. The Ribotti instead thought of his retreat from his forehead and did not want to be disturbed by Busacca. Mauro therefore ordered to send 500 men to the mountain of Sant 'Angelo, near Morano, ensuring that it intended to order the surrender of Busacca, stationing two guns on the same mountain. Mauro complied, sending the 27, on the heights overlooking the river valley Coscile, Damis, Stratigò, Bellizzi, Joseph Baratta and peace with their respective volunteers, with the delivery of not to attack without first having heard the guns of Ribotti, according to the guidance given by him. But the Sicilian Ribotti did not see nor hear the cannons were made. The Busacca, by contrast, sent against the Peace three companies that violent attacks. The company Damis-Stratigò immediately ran to the aid of other Albanians. There was a brief but violent battle, which gave the Albanians, once again, evidence of undoubted value. In this battle he was wounded and taken prisoner Gennaro tag, then sentenced to penal servitude of Procida, a companion of Settembrini. The Bourbon retired in Castrovillari, without being able to reach the mountain held by the heroic defenders, but even then they had to abandon the position, to return to Campotenese. This was the battle of Sant 'Angelo. True prayers turned to Ribotti which meanwhile had turned in on Cassano Ionian. The same Joseph Pace was leaving to go to the Campotenese Ribotti, through Frascineto-Eianina, but Cassano knew that he was again returned to snap, which stubbornly continued to live in his idleness. And all this while General Lanza had reached positions Mauro Campotenese. 30, the two sides clashed in a very unequal fight, which gave rise to a fierce battle. The Albanians of Mauro, without food, without ammunition, rushed like lions, believing abandoned and betrayed, in a memorable melee, writing a real page with the blood of glory. They crossed the river has not retired that night. But it was the last glimpses of light that was extinguished. The dead were many. Fell by brave Mosciaro Agesilaus and others of the best. A small patrol of ethnic Albanians, led by two priests, Vincenzo Mauro (Dominic's brother), Dominic Chiodi, both from San Francisco and Maria Tocci by Demetrius S. Cosmo, were dispatched to the field of Lanza, determined to kill him. But they were injured in the melee and were taken prisoner. Invited to shout "Long live the King" refused, instead shouting "long live Italy". After much abuse, which lasted several hours, were brutally massacred. Mauro was dismayed. Wrote again in vain to Ribotti. Despairing of the cause on the morning of July 10 fell to Lungro, where dissolved companies. The Lanza, and occupied so Mormanno Campotenese, was reunited with Busacca Castrovillari. A committee was therefore Cosenza Castrovillari, to declare the city's submission to King Ferdinand II. The Ribotti, passive spectator, July 2 and took over the route of Cosenza. The 'greater Albania Sarri ran back with a score of his own, decided to dump him the guns, but could not reach it.

has always wondered whether the conduct of Ribotti had been dictated by cowardice or treason. This has always been the conviction of the countries Albanians. To me, Albanian, but it should be allowed to express my doubts. Perhaps it was only a serious military error, or rather more serious psychological error. Probably the Ribotti understood that it was a lost cause and did not want to sacrifice himself needlessly, he sacrificed his men and his artillery. He had, however, the right to sacrifice unnecessarily the lives of others.

On November 13, Ferdinand II again summoned the electoral meetings. In this House there were forty of the 169 Albanian deputies. At the same time began a fierce persecution against the rebels and political processes were endless. The prisons of prisoners galore. Nearly three thousand Albanians were arrested in those days. (In many of our homes countries in Calabria, you can still admire the ingenious hiding places. In the house of Domenico Bellizzi, who was medical Frascineto, being much sought after by the police, a false door in the dining room, allowed him to attend an interesting spectacle: the cops of bourbon sat, ate and drank to the health of the master of home, of course, after putting the house upside down and having possession of all easy under the pretext of searching. One day the doctor's wife had to pave the gun against them, reducing them to a more merciful.

Among the many prisoners in that sad period, I mention only some of the Albanians: Giuseppe Domenico Sarri Peace and sentenced to death, managed to hide; Damis Domenico, Vincent Lighting, Constantine Bellizzi 25; Domenico Mazziotti, Michael Chiodi to 7 years; Marchianò Antonio 2 years, 7 years Pasquale Conforti and Eugene, Gaspar and Filippo Conforti 2 years; Holofernes Conforti, Hercules Musacchio, Nicodemus Migliano 25 years Achilles Musacchio, a boy, the years; Louis and Athanasius Baffa and Gaetano Cortese 25 years, 7 months Giacinto Manes. A good group to prison, in addition to already named Gennaro plate Civita. I want to tell an episode of another of our prisoners, that Gennaro Dead. Procida was he able to get to a dagger, which he kept hidden, for all practical purposes. And he could very useful. Some condemned the guards extorted large sums of money, under threat to leave him dead within twelve hours, which unfortunately gave threat to run, with real pleasure of the government. One evening one of the chosen victims, he also Albanian, went to greet the dead; can not in fact have the required sum, he knew well what would be his end after a few hours. The dead man said he was ready to pay him the sum for the partner and in fact, grabbed the knife, which he kept hidden, then rushed him to the jailers who were terrified, put an end to the vile market. Girolamo De Rada was also arrested, but for his fortune, the court was a great admirer of our poet's literary and put it back in freedom, placing on record to testify him personally on the fidelity of the government of Naples. Another Albanian spoken of in those days was very Pasquale Scura, Vaccarizzo of Albanian. He was Attorney General in power, during the period when the Bourbon police went in search of the deputy Peter Carducci, who moved among the villages of Lucania, to keep alive the patriotic sentiment. Unable to get it in the hands of the police, after frantic searches, they resorted to treason, making him assassinated. The Prosecutor Dark strict orders an investigation to discover the killers, but, as it seemed difficult to get light, he went personally to the scene of the crime. This did fit on a rampage, the Court of Naples, who had him arrested, the Prosecutor and the placed under criminal proceedings. The dark but managed to escape and after many vicissitudes, he saved himself an exile in Piedmont, where he found Mauro, Crispi and many other Albanians (15). A nephew of the Dark, Dark Angel, telegraph clerk of Genoa, informing it of the secret orders of the patriots of Piedmont, who was in frequent travels through southern Italy, posing as a music teacher and sent to the Liberal government of the secret information.

too well known is the story of Agesilaus Milan. I'll make a sign on it, reflecting on some appropriate consideration. A native of S. Ullano Benedict, where his family still lives, Agesilaus was educated, he, too, in the Italo-Albanian College, like other great patriots of the time, a student of Bishop Bellusci. A closed, intimate friend of St. Athanasius by Dramis George Albanian, his contemporary and fellow student, were seen very often together, in that environment where there was no talk that the unity of the country and everyone was encouraged emulation of others, to perform some heroic act, the two friends thought to kill the king Ferdinand. Perhaps it was then only an idea, coming up in that age youth. But it was a circumstance to flesh out the idea. Among the many Albanians suspected of Bourbons, there was also the father of Ageliseo against Milan. than he was, issued arrest warrant. The police visited the house to arrest him, found him in bed with high fever. A time ignoring all the pleas of family members, because the recovery was expected to remove the house. The orders were strict and there was nothing to do. In the midst of violence of all kinds, the patient was torn from home to be taken to prison. But the hapless died just arrived at the police (16). It 's easy to imagine the mood of the child Agesilaus. The heroes of his youth's ideas are presented in the new format. Deadly hatred that had hatched in college against the homeless, now joins a strong desire to avenge the death of his father. Despite the rigors of the law and the condemnation of religion, both Catholic and Orthodox, the Albanians have always maintained, for millennia, the custom of revenge, considering action to be brave. Conversely, the revenge is not considered cowardly act that dishonors the man. Article. 128 of the Code of the mountains Albanian Lek Dukagjini (17), already quoted, says specifically: "The blood never stays in revenge." The king had killed the father of Agesilaus methods using extremely vile. It 's true that Article. 125, Dukagjini warns that the old code Albanian wanted the murderer only to fall under the law of revenge, but everything was firmly established before the use to refer to revenge all the male relatives and then he looked very noble revenge on the police, who executed an order.

Agesilaus The two young friends and therefore did Dramis Attanasio oath to remove the tyrant. To achieve this goal enlisted as soldiers instead of their brothers who, in that year, were both military. 'S stewardship of Cosenza had no difficulty in granting the change, not at all suspicious of the project. They left so, Agesilaus to Ambrose and Athanasius to Achilles. The

Dramis was assigned to Salerno, while Milan was in Naples in the body of the hunters. So 1'8 December 1856, while King Ferdinand to review the troops on the field of Capodichino, Milan came to him by pretending to deliver a petition and at the same time, rushed against three bayonets, of which but only one reached the king in the thigh, he wearing armor under his clothes, which Agesilaus had not foreseen. Would continue to vibrate if the other shots Lieutenant Colonel La Tour had not been prevented, jumping roofs lean against the horse. The heroic young Albanian was killed there and then if Ferdinand had not given orders not to. Certainly not out of generosity, but only because the cunning and vile tyrant wanted to know him before his accomplices. But there was complicit in the shade. After several days of unnecessary torture, sentenced to death, Milan Agesilaus was hanged Dec. 13, 1856, also giving a rare example of courage on the scaffold, and having received all the spiritual consolation from the greek priest resident in Naples. It seems that the fear and received the shot in the thigh had been the downfall of Ferdinand, to take him to the grave after a while.

How to judge the act of Agesilaus Milan? Obviously, the first patriotic his motive was to: liberate Italy from a tyrant and achieve unity in the country. As such, therefore, should be judged on and he finds a place among the heroes of the Fatherland. But I want to say something morally subjective and in reference to what I said above, because the young man was educated in religious circles, first by his uncle greek priest of St. Benedict Ullano and then, as I said, the college by Bishop Bellusci Corsini. In Italy, Albanians considered guests, at least until national unity, and, as such, it is believed a group to itself, subject to its laws. This mentality was that they considered the more valid the more the warmth of the barons and bishops had been bad. In the rugged mountains of the Alps from Calabria, the government exercised a power rating of Naples and intended solely for taxes. The real power was that of the feudal lords, that the Albanians could not recognize legitimate way to turn without self-destruction. That is why, until '60, they felt governed by its laws and in the 700 to the government of Naples, as from the beginning to the feudal lords, they were fully convinced that they must give to them under these laws, treatment of the host failed On the faith, now, as I already noted, the Albanian legislation, in the absence of a state that exercised power vengeful, as the people gathered in gentes, right costume of the Illyrians and the Thracians, the law of armed men in each hand " gens' revenge not only allowing for certain crimes, but making it a requirement. E 'in the light of this view that, morally, we must judge i! Agesilaus Milan gesture and the gesture of the three priests of St. Demetrius and St. Cosmo, who, in the mountains of Campotenese, go to kill the general Lanza, without the name of many other similar gestures. The rest would be easy to show that, even in ecclesiastical court, it is not the dawn have never considered valid laws but their own, namely those of the Byzantine Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Agesilaus With the arrest of Milan, were arrested in Naples all Albanians, for whatever reason they were in that city, even for a simple business. As to the Albanians in the army, he ordered that they were all shipped to Sicily and put one in each company, and never the two together. Albanians in villages in Calabria, with around three thousand, who crowded the prisons in those years, many others were added. The persecutions were multiplying every day. The government faced several sessions in "the affair of the Albanians" and for a few days, the view had prevailed to force all the villagers to revise the 'Adriatic. But the hypothesis soon had to be discarded, not only because it was too ridiculous, but because the court of Naples, he wanted to say that Europe, in his kingdom, everything went calm as glass. It was thought then to some action against the college Corsini, since, now more than ever, "the forge of hell" and "nursery of rebels," as was commonly called. It was decided to close. But this decision had strong opposition to S. See. The college was in fact of pontifical right and deserved to be respected (18). It then fell back on the choice of the leaders of the institution, and no member of the clergy would no longer Albanians of Calabria held executive positions. What happened in the meantime

S. Demetrio Corone? After the battle of Campotenese, the College continued to remain closed for some years. The mark that, as I said, had fought as a volunteer, was actively sought by police. The President Bishop Demarchis, sick, for years, lived in Lungro. In 1850 it was reopened, under the Vice President Vincent Rodotà. The police surveillance was getting closer, until the death of Bishop Demarchis legitimate president. In '51, the student of Plataci Antonio Basile, with all the necessary precautions, he sent the family a copy of a Republican anthem Nicole Tarsia, taken prisoner in Rotonda. Betrayed and discovered the case led him quite a stir. The chief inspector of police in red, with a strong show of force of gendarmes and soldiers, had surrounded the school, personally performing a thorough search. Research unnecessary, because the Rodotà did burn all the cards in minutes. After the search-and yet no one knew why he was arrested-Basile and conducted in the prisons of Cosenza, where he died young, repeatedly tortured. Were expelled from college all the students who had relatives suspected; Rodotà arrested and two professors, Girolamo De Rada again and Raphael Lopez. The college remained closed until the death of Monsignor Demarchis, 1858 (19). It was on this occasion that the government implements its plan about the new direction. Bishop himself nominated as president-a man inept and unbalanced, brought from Sicily, Franco Agostino. Next put the two Jesuit fathers of confidence. The Franco was no good and, in just six months, the institution changed its face, squandering substances. The Jesuits withdrew early, learn about the environment. The acceptance that the Albanians did to the Franco revealed by a document which I found to Plataci, contemporary document, which lists the bishops of the college presidents Corsini. In the name of Franco added this postscript: "monster vomited Etna in Sicily, immoralissimo! '. The government itself was, despite himself, forced to remove him in '59 and he fled to Sicily, taking along many documents of the Institute, for whom he started a real period of decline. The direction was given, provided by the government, the Archbishop of Rossano. It was the worst insult that could be done to the Albanians. All but a persecution could not break the stubborn and proud of our character. The riots followed one another without interruption, and the police had a hard time. The Bourbon "Journal of the Two Sicilies" in number 156 Tuesday, July 19, 1859, front page second column, talks about one of the many countries in Albanian, and this time round is Lungro: "On the 16th of this month in the afternoon, a few the town of madmen began Lungro to walk the town with seditious cries urging those people to do the same, including an Stratigò Vicenzo (sic) you die 'to harangue the people, and some of his accomplices drove the nearby town of understanding signed with the same offender, but was in vain their attempt being badly received by the inhabitants. L 'order was restored immediately upon arrival Sottintendente of the District and the strength of a few policemen. Eight of the main culprits are already in prison. "So much for the newspaper, not quite accurate. The arrested Lungro as a signature, and among them were many many women like the mother of the same Stratigò. A letter preserved among the writings of this brave poet Garibaldi gives us news clear throughout that period. The Stratigò already appeared in the battles of Sant'Angelo with Damis and Campotenese, was among the Albanian renaissance personality, figure and its most important writings not only occupy a special place in Albanian literature, but is a valuable source of information for History (20). In the Albanian villages of Sicily was, among other victim of the Bourbons, in those days, Michael Barone of Mezzoiuso. In 1859 collections were made in all the Albanian villages and the funds collected were delivered to the ambassador of Piedmont in Naples. The newspapers are becoming more common in North Italy, the committees were multiplying and reorganize themselves better. The public spirit is revived; felt spring in the air. Damis, Lights, Peace, and other rewards Stratigò that some action should take place. The uprising was now in the soul of all the villages. The expectation of the signal and this was on 11 May, with the landing of Garibaldi at Marsala. Among the several thousand Albanians included. Over Crispi, like appoint Damis, Raphael, and Domenico Mauro. When the national hero set foot in Calabria, the enthusiasm was indescribable. In Cosenza ran two legions of Albanians, led by Sarri and Peace, and with them a motley crowd from all countries, to welcome the dictator, who arrived on 1 September. From Cosenza, September 2, he went to Castrovillari, passing through thick wings of Albanians, who cheered him. Here the governor appointed Muzio Peace and all urged moderation and concord. Garibaldi's army swells through this very large group of villages alloglot. The bourbon disarm the Albanians, consider this extreme shame, while the most deserving Garibaldi gave swords, medals, and as it thrilled the crowd, who saw in him a new Skanderbeg, vindicating the rights of the people. Colonel Peace, Sarri, the Stratigò with their soldiers (500 from the Stratigò had only Lungro) followed Garibaldi and Sept. 13 made their entrance in Naples, under a rain of flowers. The same hero appeared from the palace to greet Angri. On 1 and 2 October took part in the battle of the Volturno controlled by Damis, performing prodigies of valor. It was then that Garibaldi, full of admiration, he turned to the duct Albanian said: "Damis, these Albanians are your lions! '.

the Italian Parliament, among Albanians there sat Crispi, Mauro, the eminent financier Frederick Seismet Doda, John Mosciaro, Giuseppe Pace, Vincent Pace, Domenico Damis, Raffaele Majer, William Tocci. The first Italian Ministry had three ministers Albanians Crispi, the Jura and the dark, the latter with the portfolio of Justice and Religious Affairs. On October 20, from Caserta, Garibaldi issued a decree which provided for the college Orsini. It is said: "The dictator of Italy in South consideration of the reported services rendered to the national cause by Albanian brave and generous, decrees: the needs of the war ceased and made Italy with Vittorio Emanuele must immediately give the treasury of Naples, the sum of 12,000 ducats for the expansion of the college-Italian greek S. Adriano. Ilo place it under the guarantee of the magnanimous sovereign nation and its implementation of the justice of this decree. (F.to: Giuseppe Garibaldi. "

It then issued a second jurisdiction and to abolish any interference in the institution, the archbishop of Rossano, or other Latin bishops, giving it the first natural structure (21).

In 1919 the Holy See, which had always been concerned with the fate of the Albanians, accrued time, saw to their final accommodation of religion by granting them full autonomy, with the creation of an Eparchy (diocese) Byzantine, including all Albanian territories of this rite, without interference of the Latin bishops. The latter, however, to tell the truth, as if to repair the wrongs of some of their predecessors, as required by the Apostolic See to express their views, they said unanimously considered the top honor for Calabria, who was already the Magna Greece, to host a diocese Greek. And today the relations between the two rites, the two peoples, the new and the old diocese are the most friendly.

Not so I can say about the fate of the Institute of S. Adriano. The government of the new Italy has not taken any account of the efforts of Garibaldi, to do it, or, more generally, toward the Albanians. Vincenzo Stratigò the lst September 1874, accused of socialism, he who bore the wounds on the chest of S. Angelo, Campotenese and Volturno, it suffered a humiliating search, losing most of his literary works Albanians. I keep on the sad event, his protest printed, given to me by his son Angelo, together with several other manuscripts of his father. Stratigò but it seems to me a symbol, a symbol of all Albanians of Italy. The Italo-Albanian College was abandoned by the bureaucracy in the hands of a handful of miserable, that even the De Rada and drove with him every mark of Albanians. With what pretext? The pretexts of all time. De Rada and the Albanians were reactionary and Bourbon and them, gl'imboscati, here are the heroes of new epos!

Today is one of many colleges in Italy, where the Albanian language is not taught even more, despite the existence of a chair, which continues to remain empty! And the immense property of the college, always respected by the various forfeit of church property, they ended up? I prefer to cover the speech with the traditional fig leaf, not to go out, if not more, by the theme.

literature Italo-Albanian, Albanian language and the Italian Risorgimento themes, is copious. The Stratigò exalted figure in several of his songs Garibaldi and a long ode Albanian enhances the target, as the son of the people exploited by the powerful. The same theme he develops in his ode "death of the proletariat" which I published last year in the Bulletin of the University of Tirana, with the biography of the poet, whose works are unknown in the rest. Joseph Serembe, our opera major, turned in a beautiful sonnet 60 Dominic Mauro, who came back from glorious countryside Garibaldi. Other songs dedicated to Garibaldi, the liberation of Venice, Peter Irianni. But in almost all the work you hear the echo of Serembe Risorgimento (22): Subjects also from our very favorite poem is the 800 heroes of the revival of Greece. It 's easy to understand why, if you think that most of the Greek leaders were Albanians, as Botsaris, Zavella and many others, as well Bobolino, the famous national heroine. But who has devoted his pen to the environment of the Calabrian-800 700 and above is subject Risorgimento Antonio Santori. Born in St. Catherine Albanian in 1819, a contemporary of Girolamo De Rada, lived precisely during that stormy period. His first literary composition "and Hares Valley Së Madhe (dance. Much rejoicing) was written on the occasion of the promulgation of the constitution of '48, and Naples is a hymn to freedom. The same period and the other verses in his novel "The political prisoner." The theme is carried out in Italian: after long years of suffering and is moved back a prisoner to review his land and his loved ones, but even more is flooded with emotion, when it feels in your language Albanian-sing-songs similar to those learned in his childhood. And this puts a song in Albanian octosyllabic rhymed verses of eight sextuplets. Other songs, always in Albanian, giving way to celebrate love, birds singing etc.. Finally he sees an old man come and recognizes his father, from whom she learned the news from home. But the enemy had not yet subsided, and he, the prisoner sat down on a rock, releases a song of hate against them. Even this in Albania. The poem ends with a song devoted to the beloved girl, that does not match His love, in verse decasyllabic nine quatrains. Following his father's death, while the house is surrounded by enemies. Even the greatest work of A. Santori, the drama "Emira" theme is an action-Fumel in Calabria area during the repression of the Albanian-robbery in 1861. This work not only of particular importance because it is the first drama of Albanian literature, but also for the detailed description of customs and traditions of the Albanian villages. Only a part was published by De Rada. The rest is unknown, as the vast proportion of the works of Santori.

But the 'Albania is much more to the Italian Risorgimento. It owes its national revival, which took the moves among the Albanians of Calabria. E 'precisely here that by the middle of the century. XVIII, under the pressure of the struggle against the feudal lords and bishops, the Albanians in that region begin to speak of an "Albanian nation." At the end of that century, the idea had now made clear and precise. Michael Bellusci's Frascineto, in the aforementioned brochure controversial 'response to Bishop Philalethes Cardamone of 8 November 1794, clearly vindicates the Albanian, Greek and quite distinct from that of any other nationality (23). And this most trace its resolute stance, prof. Dorsa says that he turned, a mule, all countries, to prevent the preaching of churches would use different language from Albanian. Angelo Masci also published in Naples in 1807, his "speech on the Albanians' which, as noted, was translated into French by Maldebrun and, in a brief span of time, made a tour of Europe. Girolamo De Rada was born in 1814 and in 1823 he saw the light Vincenzo Dorsa, the great apostles of the idea of \u200b\u200ba free and independent Albania. Dorsa them the son of one of the leaders of the Risorgimento movement of Calabria, Francesco Dorsa then presiding judge of Foggia, published in Naples in 1847 a golden brochure entitled "On the Albanian research and thoughts." It was no longer of the Albanians in the Kingdom of Naples, as the brochure of the male, but the Albanians of homeland and their migration. Dedicates the work "to my country but a divided and dispersed." Value letter made known to the educated public of Europe, our popular literature received with the greatest favor by presenting the same time the consciousness of Europe, a problem in Albania. In the preface to the booklet he wrote: "The purpose of this paper is to revive the public rights of an illustrious nation, but not known." Close friend of De Rada, encouraged him and supported him throughout the entire literary and poetry of this man who devoted his long life to give to Albania 'literature, a unit of language and national unity. Several magazines were Albanian periodical, founded for this purpose by the De Rada. In the middle of the century were already touring Europe rhapsodies popular translated and published in Naples by Felice Basile and staff, but especially the spread Milosao, the famous romance of our national poet. Within a few years Milosao was translated into French, German, Polish, Hungarian. Tommaseo, Canterbury, Victor Hugo, Mistral, Lamartine praised him warmly. The Mistral, after. admired the poetry of De Rada, so he wrote: "Je vous Felicite, Monsieur, d'avoir votre muse consecrates, votre amour votre Existence and au culte de votre race ... '. At the same time the universities of northern Europe they begin to deal Scientifically, the Albanian language and studies of Hahn of Bopp, the epoch-Meyer. Giuseppe Garibaldi, always full of enthusiasm for the Albanians, would gladly have taken up arms for independence of Albania '. On October 2 of 60 had among other things proclaimed: "The Albanians are heroes who have excelled in all the struggles against tyranny." And in a letter to Dora d'Istria, the famous Romanian writer of Albanian origin, who asked him to do something for Albania, he replied: "The cause of the Albanians is mine: I certainly would be happy to use what I have left of life in pro of that brave people. " Gustavo Meyer wrote April 15, 1885 in New Anthology: "If I give the first activity literature of the Albanians of Italy, I do so precisely because there has reigned for some time a lively intellectual life, which is entirely unknown among us. "

Two conferences were held in Albanian language Calabria, Corigliano and Lungro, where it was debated under the chairmanship of the De Rada, the national question and the unity of the Albanian language. The League of Prizrend, which saw Christians and Muslims together, shouting "we want to be and should only be Albanian" was certainly beneficial effect of our activity and uprisings of the Italo-Albanians, without neglecting, of course The work of the brothers of the motherland. At the end of the century, Anselm Pallagorio by ear, in the province of Catanzaro, could establish the magazine "The Albanian nation" whose collection is from. only a permanent monument of the Albanians of Italy to Albania 'free and independent. While Gerardo Conforti by Greeks in the province of Avellino, Francesco Conforti family that died on the gallows with Pasquale Baffi, could create a Napoli "Albanian society" for Europe to hear the cry of freedom of the people.

But the most coveted is the Albanians of Calabria by our brothers of the motherland (24). On the 'Messagerul "of Bucharest who was then the major center of their activities, wrote in 1896, A. Cikos " Over the last decade the Albanian national question is agitated. What is certain is that the Albanians in Italy have established themselves in the land of culture, and so we have a work of literature in our language which is, in two books, the fall of the Palace d 'Albania and the Ten Steps to the arms in Pizziglia, drama of the hermit P. Antonio Santoro S. Catherine Albanian. Girolamo De Rada The great patriot, poet and professor of Albanian language, drafted in 1848-the date-known newspaper of the Albanian Italy. The beginning therefore of the Albanian national question is left Italy, and today is always classic in this country that our cultural flourishing society, the most important. Among these, the first is one of the who is vice-president of the cav. Anselmo ear, which has shown tireless work and superior intelligence, trying, through its publications, the vigor of the Albanian race and his aspirations in the Balkan Peninsula. The friendly fellow, except on the political and the reason is attributed, has yet another. Cav. Ear Anselmo has done everything possible to get connected with the Society of Albanian culture in Romania and Bulgaria, unifying the national program and establishing the unity of the nation. Considering the quality of patriotism in order to have these great men, the Albanian people are happy at the present time to extend its sincere thanks above all to the Cav. Anselmo ear, for his energy and his work, he is reserving a special place in its national history. "

then celebrating the Italian Risorgimento, in this Bari, who was always regarded by Albanians as their natural landing from sec. XV today, we say that history and geography impose the most cordial and close relations between the two sides and we can not hope that the improved relations between Italy and Albania, in accordance, of course, the most absolute of its national independence , mindful of the spiritual testament of George Skanderbek and copious blood shed by the heroes of the Risorgimento.


Review of Albanian studies

November-December 1960 No 1

(l) Cam Reg. Sum., Fol. 4. Stock Stratigò, Lungro.

(2) V. Back: "On p. ...», Albanians. 79, 1847

Napoli (3) Examination of legal political ... Napolili, MDCCXCII.

(4) A. Masci: "Speeches of the Albanians .... Naples. 1847.

(5) v. Dorsa, op. Cit., P. 97.

(6) U. Caldora" Pasquale Baffi "(excerpt from! ' Almanac Calabrese, 1959). 'New Albania', A. I, No. 7, p.. 6. In almost all Albanian Magazines 800.

(6) 0. Finger: "In Calabria," p.. 104-131.. -

(7) G. De Rada " Autobiologia I and II period '-

(8) O. Finger: op. cit., p.. 136 et seq.

(9) D. Andreotti: "History of Cosentini, III, p.. 306.

(10) C. MARINE: "S. Demetrio Corone", Catanzaro, 1913.

(11) A. Conflenti: "The Brothers Bandiera. .. ', Cosenza, 1862.

(12.) O. Castellini," Crispi ", Florence, 1928.

(13) Pepe," Memoirs of Castrovillari ...) I

1930 (14) D. Andreotti: op. cit "p. 383, et seq. Stock Stratigò and various private archives

(15) S. Croup: "The Italo-Albanians in the struggles of Independence," Bari

(16) S. Croup: op cit., P.. 47.

(17) Ed Academy of Italy, Rome, 1941.

18) G. Tunivella: "The Istituto Italo-Albanian" (excerpt), 1913.

(19) G. Tunivella: op. cit., p..

20 (20) Stock Stratigò.

(21) G. Tunivella: op. cit., p.. 23.

(22) G. Serembe "Vjershe ', Milan, 1926.

(23) Napoli, 1796.

(24) A. Ear: "The Albanian political thought ... 'Rome, 1904, p.. LXVIII. Various news items of interest are scattered in the uutte Magazines Italo-Albanian-900 8: 'The Albanian of Italy', 'the Fjamuri Arberit ',' The Albanian nation ',' New Albania ',' The Albanian question ", etc..
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