Sunday, May 24, 2009

Genitle Tattoo Female

flip en 1217 par les

On arrival or are Serbs in the Balkans?
history. The province was once partied Plllyrie; Belgrade belonged to a lower Nonie. Slavonic tribes, the Khorvates and Serbs invaded these lands in the mid-seventh century. The latter (Serwa <), à qui l'empereurlléraclius avait permis de s'établir dans la Macédoine, vainquirent les Avares et s'emparèrent d'une partie de leur pays, qui pril d'eux le nom de Serbie ou Servie. L'histoire nous montre les Serbes ' presque constamment en guerre, soit avec les empereurs grecs, soit avec les Hongrois ou la république de Venise, et presque toujours vaincus, malgré leur bravoure. Après avoir été pendantde longues années gouvernés par leurs propres princes (zupann, pro-

noncezjoupans), one of which took the title of arch-Zupan, but still avoid the suzerainty of the Eastern emperors. Tchoudomil, fllsd'Ourosch White, founder of the dynasty Neeman , tried in 1150, to become independent in alliance against the Emperor Manuel Comnenus Hungarians with whom he seems to have left Bosnia. Manuel marched against them, beat them and even made-prisonnierTchou domil in a fight body to body, the celebrated domestic stoves. The arch-Zupan of the Serbs achel his liberty by a bid. A new attempt of the people, under Stephen Neeman, to throw off the yoke, had no more succus. The Greek General Isaac Angelus, who was afterwards emperor, defeated on the banks of the Morava, in 1193. But peace having restored soon Etienne received the honorary title of emperor tyrant. His successor was ousted by the same name by the Hungarians. His brother Flight-kan ruled Servia, from 1208, but under the suzerainty of Hungary.

The power of the Greek emperors increasingly weakening, the Serbs had little to fear from this side and it was not the same from the Hungarians, who had reduced their dominance in Bosnia and another part of Servia. Fortunately the latter, busy with other wars, could not complete the conquest of the country. Stephen ascended the throne, and in 1221 the archbishop crowned King (Kral), as the pope had offered his brother to detach it from communion with the Eastern Church, which the princes as the people remained faithful . One son, Stephen Ourosch!''Even styled himself Veliki-kral, or great king. Another of his successors, King Stephen Doùcliân, who reigned from 1336 to 1356, made against the Greek emperors several successful campaigns, and took a few provinces, went to take the title of emperor or Czar of Servia , of Albania, and Greece Boulgaris. But dividing the country into several governments, he prepared himself the ruin of his country. Soon as the Czar was abandoned, and after the extinction of the legitimate branch of the house of Neeman, Lazarus (1371-1389) was forced to settle for the one killed by recognizing the suzerainty Hungary
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He completed the organization of the Janissaries, whose numbers increased by reason penny decelui prisoners, etdistribua the militia barracks or odas, who obeyed the leaders individuals under the command top of an Aga. To give the constitution a religious sanction, it sent the first soldiers from the body into a dervish whose holiness was in great reverence. The solitary imposed the sleeve of his coat on the head of one of these men, and exclaimed: " Their capacity is proud, their hands always victorious, always sharp swords, spears always ready to hit the enemy, and they owe their courage constant prosperity. "Since that time they have taken the name of Janissaries, that is to tell new soldiers. Their caps retained the shape of the handle of the dervish, as to remind them that the blessing of the prophet accompanies everywhere. Or

saw that the Greek emperors, conscious of their weakness, trying to destroy their enemies one by OTHERS, and were always allies of those whom they feared most. This is what happened Paleólo Jean-logue. This prince was at war with Sischman king of the Bulgarians, who helped Defeat, Moldovans and Tran

Sylvan, won upon him more of an advantage. The emperor believed that he could avert this danger by resorting to the assistance of the Turks. Contuz Andronicus and the first son of John Palaeologus, the second son of Sultan Murat, joined their forces and defeated the enemy Sirmen. The union of two young winners were apparent; Andronicus Contuz flattered the ambition, excited to revolt against his father, and he himself gave the example of rebellion. Amuratsoupçonnal'empereur of conniving with Andronicus and repassed promptementen Europe at the head of a formidable army, after telling John that his severity toward the guilty would give the measure of his good faith. The rebel army was encamped at some distance from Constantinople representations ^! Sultan's promises were soon made to return the Turks Inthe duty. The two young princes to shut themselves Dcdémotique, despite vivedéfense where they were forced to surrender. The sultan, after putting out the eyes of his son, and gold-donnéqu'on precipitate from the towers instead of the defeated garrison, demanded that he should treat John Palaeologus well Andronicus. The weak emperor dared not resist, but the ordeal had only part of its effect. Manuel, associated with the empire, attempted to retake the Turks a few places which they had seized, and retired in Thessaloniki, praying her father to send help luf: John Palaeologus dared address it; the city fell into the hands of Karatina General Ottomans etManuel had to go to Adrianople to implore the mercy of Murat. While the sultan was going care of the war to those of the administration, he created a cadilesker or supreme judge of all Kadis, and it set the functions of the grand vizier, the tsar or despot Served saw with concern the rapid progress desTurcs.Ildemanda Relief to Bosnia, Hungary r! Poland, who looked after their own divisions could not help only slightly. He waited for the enemy on the Morava, and obtained some success initially, but soon Chanrai fortune, and Nissa, capitaledu paysfutprise assault.

the midst of such disasters as the czar of Bosnia Twartko, came to offer him to yield to the fortunes and help it conquer Hungary. Many boyars supported this view and, among others, his son-Wuk Brankowitch. Lazarus, seeing himself so poorly supported, submitted to the Sultan, who demanded from him a tribute and a thousand soldiers for his army. This humiliation weighed the Prince of Servia, it would first turn his arms against the Hungarians, and soon, including the Turks only benefit all these discords, he tried to make an ally of the man he had intended to fight, but his entreaties remained without result. His envoys were more successful with the Albanians, Bulgarians and Thessaly. This league could be formidable aus Ottomans, fortunately for \\ equips, discord paralyzed projects Lazarus. He had to sons-two men of very different character: one Wuk Brankowitch, of noble birth and governor of several provinces, the other Miloscb, which should favor to his courage and often personal merit. One day their wives quarreled, each vantantson husband and raising it above his brother-Wukossawa, wife Wuk, inveighed against Mariejusqu'à give him a blow. The two leaders agreed I empty this quarrel and fight. Mi-Wuk Losch dismantled, but that there was bloodshed. Since that time, the generous Milosch was exposed to the hatred of the enemy he had saved. Wuk accused with the Tsar to maintain a secret understanding with Л Murat. While these intriguing knotted Wuk 'fords, the Turks, who had hastened their march, gathered their army in southern Servia. Lazarus troops occupied the plains of Kos-Sowo (German, Amselfeld, field of the blackbird). The Tsar, on the eve of engaging lecombat gave unfestin heads, so raising his cup and turning to Milosch, he introduced him by saying: "Milosch Obilitch, I offer you this cup for the empty the success of your project, should you tomorrow, give myself to the sultan. "Milosh rose, and emptied the cup. he solemnly swore

soon prove he was capable of betraying his religion and his king.

The next morning he disappears from the camp with two young warriors, and already the news had spread confusion in the ranks of Servians when Lazarus revived the courage of his soldiers.

Milosch went to the Turkish camp, announcing that he wanted to speak to the Sultan, and scarcely had he named it hurried him to the tent of Murat. There, kneeling before him, as usual, as he bowed to kiss his hand and struck him multiple stab wounds, and then, rushing out of the tent, he fell under the blows of the guards after having sacrificed a lot.


However the fate of Servia was decided to Kossowo (1389). Already the Turks fled in disorder before the Army Corps Lazarus, commanded in person, when Wuk treacherously betrayed the wing that had been entrusted, so that Servians, when they thought themselves sure of victory, found themselves surrounded on all forces Penuemi, infuriated by the murder of the Sultan. As Lazarus lived, the Servians stood firm, but his horse fell and he was believed dead. Then the rout became general. Led itself, Tsar fell into a ditch, where he was slain, say others, was taken to the tent of Murat who was still breathing, and there Milosch, chained, would have had time to kiss her knees and justify his conduct.

The victory was costly to the Turks, they dared not pursue the fugitives, and, content to ravage the country, they retired, after high in honor of Amurath tu-mulus a huge stone.

historians who followed the Turkish annals tell of the death of Murat differently: according to their story, battle Kossowo was weakly contested by Servians; Spahis, carrying spears adorned with banners, made a great slaughter of the cavalry Hungarian. Murat, who won, had dismounted, and addressing the Grand Vizier: No. That success, he said it, causes me more joy than last night I dreamed I was pierced by a hostile hand. "Immediately a Triballi, attached to the service of Lazarus, which lay among the dead, got up and knocked the sultan of a stabbing. It adds that the right hand of the murderer was placed in the tomb of his victim.



Bajazet, who occupied the throne after Ainurat, recoiled Jes limits of the empire by seizing the Carmania. The conquest of Constantinople and smiled at his ambition to achieve that goal surely he would submit the Danubian provinces. This prince, nicknamed the Lightning because of the rapidity of his conquests, had begun his reign by fratricide. He secured the first of Stephen, son of Lazarus, making him a part of Servia. At that time, Hungarians and Poles to unite with hours of Vlachs, the Servians and Moldovans against the enemy of Christendom, were involved in claims and tried to kill himself close to each other their allies. MIRC Mussatin, Prince of Moldavia, concluded a defensive treaty with Jagiello. This precaution did not prevent Bajazet, already master of part of Bulgaria, Vidin and take Mirce Sistow. Meanwhile Sigismund took advantage of these princes of embarrassment for invading their countries and also to avenge their alliance with the King Pologne.Dans this end, Mirce turned toward the stronger and submitted it to Bajazet Jaisse his province, and contented himself with imposing a tribute of five hundred dollars of money (1393). This tribute was not expensive, but it was the suzerainetédessultans, who later augmented according to their convenience. The expedition of Sigismund against the Vlachs, supported by the Turks, had no significant result. Besides, they would rather see them as weaker Christians to take active part in unn conflict that watched them indirectly. Bajazet soon seized the town of Silistra he had left Mirco


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