Geographie d 'Albanie vue par les chercheurs du Kosovo Conquete
June 1854.
memoirs, records, original documents, etc..
Cudsu! of Frnucc to Scutuii (Albania).
Note Mauiy Alfred (1).
The study of ancient geography of Epirus still has many gaps that can only fill a careful exploration of the country. Sculari is placed almost in the center of the country called Illyria by ancient Greek and New Epirus Epirus Aova {), and is likely Replacement Scodra,
(i) Notes out of the various authors discussed in the meetings of the correspondence section and subsequently adopted by the Central Commission.
VII. June 1. 'M
mentioned by Livy and Ptolemy. It would be good to ensure ilu true location of the ancient city and to dig round about the ancient lake / .. <- irait.f, aujourd'bui lac de Scutari ; car il y avait des établissements romains entre le fleuve Barbana , aujourd'bui Boyana, et Clausula, ainsi qu'il résulte des indications de Procope et d'Etienne de Byzance. Au sud de Scutari se trouvaient les anciennes villes de Lissus etdePistus, dont l'emplacement n'est pas assigné d'une manière certaine à Alessio et à Vaudone. Il serait bon, en réunissant les témoignages de Tite-Live, de Polybe. de Diodore de Sicile, de Ptolémée et de la labié de Peulinger, de recbercber l'emplacement certain de ces villes antiques.
We would do well to explore the whole course of the Drin, the former Drilo, which appears to have served for a time limit between the Greek and Illyria Hlyrie barbaric.
The concepts that one possesses the ancient populations of these provinces are very incomplete. Is it yet possible to distinguish between people who babitent Lake Scutari and the White Drin, which are designated by the elders (Thucydides, Livy, Pomponius Mela, Ptolemy) as the Taulantiens, and those living Prisren south, on the other side of the White Drin, and Polybius, Plutarch and Livy called Parlhiniens? It would be extremely important to study all populations of northern Epirus, to determine what proportion were mixed breeds Slavic and Illyrian épiroles, to "look especially mountaineers of Montenegro. If Mr.
Hecquard can push his investigations a little further, it Link will recognize in its course the Fia Egnatia, which ran through Epirus and Macedonia to Byzantium, which passed by Lych-nidus today probably Okhrida on the lake of the same name.
cleCavii position, mentioned by Livy in his xliii "book, is not known and must be sought between the river and the river Genesus Panyasus, that is to say between the Scomhi or Tobi and Cavai . It is said of Bulis, often quoted by the ancients, including Caesar, Titus Ltve, Stephen of Byzantium, Cicero, and was built on the left bank of Genesus, no one can know exactly where she was.
A thorough study of what remains of the ancient Epidamnus, a colony of Corcyra, then called Durazzo, would be extremely interesting. This was the starting point of the Via Egnatia, and antiques have been little explored. Mr. Hecquard, if it can carry up to Durazzo, will do well to follow the Roman road from there, heading towards Okhrida.
North of Okbrida he found Roman towns in the direction of Scutari, and he will arrange to find locations and Draudacum OËneum.
In his exploration of the country, he will also visit, if possible, Dukapin, former Doracium Me-Ironolis, who once had great importance, and Ibala, the former Deabolis Byzantines, the Dibolia of Ptolemy.
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Mr. Hecquard éludier will not only ethnological point of view but also from the standpoint philological, the various populations of Northern Epirus, including Zingari or Bohemians, geographers say be there in overwhelming numbers.
It was published in 1835 in Frankfurt am Main, by the Knight Xylander, a book on language or Schkipetars Albanians. If our colleague could be purchased by a bookseller of Trieste and Vienna, he would do well to note, on grammar and vocabulary contained in this work, differences phrase, words and verb forms depending on the canton. M. Xylander unfortunately failed to indicate the different dialects that may exist. It is necessary to fill this gap.
Schkipetars The language includes words belonging to the families Greek, Latin, Slavic and Turkish. The latter, which are few in number, can easily be distinguished, but it is unclear whether the words in Latin form were introduced by the Romans, or derived from an ancient Greek dialect neighbor Pelasgic family, whose Latin is itself partly derived Pelasgian settlers who settled in Italy ajanta back from Greece by the Northern Gulf Adriatic. The comparison of the various forms of words could make this connection on the road (1).
(l) Since the rétlaelitm these instructions, he has released ICS Hjlin sllbaiiesiiclit: Htxdieit in which it illuminates some of the issues proposed for consideration by Mr Hecquard. I refer him so u read this scholarly work. AM
The neighborhood of Montenegro will collect the vocabulary of the language of this country and experience as well as the words of Slavic origin who entered the schkipetar.
It would be useful for the ethnological question, to get so faithful portraits of individuals with the highest degree the type of the various breeds of Epirus.
There are various lakes Epirus. What are the causes of their food? Ouelle is the nature of their waters and their depth? Some
délails on the regime of rivers, on the time of snowmelt in the mountains that separate Epirus do Bosnia and Macedonia, would be very interesting, even to Mr. Hecquard will do well to focus h mark on the best card that will provide the names of the tributaries that are not identified in our maps.
Finally, if our colleague could do to dig in Scutari, it would look especially Greek and Latin inscriptions, medals, vases and carved stones that relate to the ancient history of the city and could tell us what 'we must believe that the tradition ascribes the founding of the city Alexander the Great. Note
Mr. Cortambert.
Mr. Hecquard render a great service to the current geography of Albania by promoting divisions and subdivisions, the political organization and religious. All he could say about Slatistical and the people of this country would be gratefully received by the Geographical Society. He would issue his opinion on the precise limits that must be assigned to Albania and the exlensioo to be attached to the name à'Êpire.
Mr. Hecquard is also requested to give Montenegro all the information he could provide. He will consult with fruit decay in this country by Karacsay, published in 1842, and handwritten by the Prince of Montenegro card, we send them a layer, which is accompanied by instructions on the High Albania , inserted in t. XV of the 2nd series of the Bulletin of the Society, p. 166. Note
Mr. Viqnesnd.
Modbbnb Geography. - My travels in Albania and Epirus back to 1836 and 1838, I accompanied my learned Auni Mr. Mud, a member of the Academy of Sciences in Vienna (Austria). This geologist issued a general description of European Turkey (Turkey in Europe, Paris, 18AO, crow. Iii-8). For my part, I published two papers in the Collection of Memoirs of the Geological Society of France (vol. V of the 1st series, 18/i2, and t. I "2 'series, 18i6). The result of our travels introduced important corrections in the geography of these regions, but there remain huge gaps. Here
routes that I followed: 1 of Novi-Bazar Uskiup, parlpek, Pristina and Katchanik, 2nd of Novi-Bazar in Scutari, the plateau Souodol, Rojai, lake and mountains dePlava Schalia ; 3 of Scutari to Lanin by Lesch, Tirana, Elbassan, Berat, Klissoura. Prémiti and Ronitza k ° LaNina to Corfu, for Philately.
In another trip (1837), Mr. Mud has gone without me: 1 Road Novi-Bazar Séraïévo by Siénitza, etc.., 2 * Uskiup to that of Scutari by Prisren and the mountains of Mynlita; 3 the road Monas-shooting Prisren. by Lake Press, Lake Ohrid, and Krilchovo Kalkandèlen 4 ° Lanin the road to Larissa by Metzovo; 5 ° to that of Kastoria Okhrida by the marshy lake of Malik.
Professor Grisebnch followed the road to Salonica to Monastir by Scutari, Uskiup, Prisren, etc.. His botanical research led him to the top of several mountains, and his book (Reisen und nach durch Rumelicn Brussa, Gœtlingen, IH'i 1 d also contains full information of interest.
Finally, Colonel Leake (Travels in northern Greece, 4 vols. in-8, 1835) visited Kastoria to lierai by Goritza and mountains and Khopari Tomorilza.
Those are the things which I took to build, under the leadership of Colonel Lapie maps that accompany my memoirs.
Mr. Grasset, Consul of France in Lanin had promised the description of his ascent to Tomoros; he could send me. Dr. Joseph Mueller, author of a pamphlet on Albania (Prague, 1844), sent me the beginning of his route to Scutari Okhrida through the valley of the Drin black, had no French, as far as I know, gone before him. This scientist hoped to come to Paris and give me verbally all the information I need to use SOS comments. Circumstances do not permit him to execute his plan and deprived me of precious materials.
If you draw on a map the routes that I just mentioned, you will see that they draw a very wide mesh network that would fill.
It seems that after our travels, observers have traveled to Albania and harvested from new discoveries. Mr. Mud currently publishes his collected cl routes the information he has collected recently (see the memoirs of fAcadémie Sciences Fiennes). He writes the following sentences: "You'll be amazed see me give the "solution of several problems, such as during" the Arzan of Drnitza, the Drin, and the five or six "streams of Ischm. We had the biggest "wrong to give in to our imporlunités botanist and" to abandon our trip to the west of Ipek. He "had to climb through vast deserts to the" tops of mountains overlooking Lake Plava. From this poinl, we would have had the card of 30 miles of "country around. This was a run-Kalou "Guier. Rougova is set with the number of its inhabitants, "representatives and the Scbar, describes individual trees; Dibre, de-" encrypted. "I just
you draw the smallness of positive knowledge we possess on Albania, to show you that your research, whatever side they are doing, you will provide a rich harvest of new facts.
It is with good reason that Mr. Maury recommends that you recognize the Via Egnatia. I tried
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island put on my card this island resorts road from Lychnidus (Okhrida) until Thessaloniki, I've never been able to achieve a satisfactory manner. This difficulty must keep our lack of knowledge about the country.
Geology. - The mountains of Lake Plava, and of Gouzinié Schalia, located in NE Scutari, we think, according to their fossils belong to the lower and middle chalk. They are composed of compact limestone, dolomite, conglomerate, sandstone. The dominant rock is limestone, dolomite is the jagged peaks, whose shapes are reminiscent of some valleys in Tyrol. A
Gouzinié between this village and that of Schalia we found in the limestone of hippuriles, the spherical rulites, of polyps, a large shell-like ISOCARD. Nearly Dêdagnê, the same limestone contains polyps, nérinées of several species and a shell which seems to belong to the cutting Tornatella gigantea.
This deposit is four hours and a quarter of Scutari, we go by Kopilik, two three-fourths Gradiska, three quarters of an hour; Dêdagnê, three quarters of an hour. It would be very interesting to break many samples et.d therein find fossils that we could collect only small specimens determinable. A oudeux days devoted to this location provide a valuable collection. Research in the vicinity of Scutari would bring the new discoveries.
Valley dcSchkrel Dêdagnê and is separated from the plain of the lake by a curtain conglomerate or perhaps tertiary alluvial, whose ele-mens come from the nearby mountains.
Climbing to the citadel of Scutari, there are calcareous shale, limestone, clay schisloîde; compact limestone forms the top of the hill. These rocks seem to belong to the Cretaceous formation. It would be useful to study the stacking order of layers and the fossils to note that found in each.
If this makes Elbassan at Scutari, found near a mound of serpentine Bouchatz which erupts in quartz sandstone. The sandstone still seems to belong to the Cretaceous formation. It's a fact check. Serpentine is an igneous rock which Mr. Mud has found huge veins in the Drina valley and on the road leading from Scutari to Prisren. (See the descriptions given by the learned traveler in his ouvage supra.)
The scarps are Zadrima limestone; we consider them as Cretaceous.
It is claimed that the island fossil fish deposits are found in the hill that borders the western bank of the Hismo and extending from the mouth of the river to near neck-Gabar Balkan. There would be research to be done from outside the fort or Ischm Ism, should determine the relationship of the layers to fish with those of the Cretaceous and Tertiary strata.
We saw oysters and nérioées in limestone Luz-Han, who has a cave where a stream comes out of sulphurous water.
A lacustrine deposit, composed of rigged, with shale and marl, formed at the hase of limestone at the bottom of the valley Hismo. There are nearly Luz-Han inélanopsis a very remarkable.
A quartz sandstone was deposited between Tirana her neck Gabar-Balkan; horizontal plain, he straightens his diapers when approaching the pass. Contain fossils? We have not seen.
Going down the opposite slope of the Montagne is located approximately 50 feet below ilu pass, a layer composed of Tertiary fossils and rounded fragments of fossiliferous limestone, scattered in a marl limestone. Celtic layer we seemed to pass under the previous sandstone (check) and use of marl and clay of various colors, which contain son subordinate sandstone and limestone marl. This deposit is very interesting to study and is independent of the Cretaceous limestone against which it is leaning. Should be sought if it contains at its base nummulites, we have cited, according to our notes on the spot, the presence of such fossils in the lower layers visible loss of the sample that contained leaves some doubt on this interesting fact.
Near Berat, the ground nummulite takes a great development. We now consider the lower level of field service; to when we were writing, we still reported in Part Upper Cretaceous. It would investigate the existence of the tertiary stage and through the upper floor of the same field, and draw the boundaries. These are fine questions to study in the doors of your residence. I dare not discuss here the chapter on major theoretical issues: however, if you allow your interests to undertake the long and arduous research required by their solution, please telling me, I'd be happy to go into explanations necessary to get you on track.
The Natural History Museum of Paris
gladly receive your shipment of fossils and the catalog raisonné indicating source and the information that you might add.
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