Venetian Annals for 1457 to 1500
Annals Veneto since 1457 to 1500 Par
Domenico Malipiero, Francesco Longo, Agostino
Fragmente nga books
Ii Coosigito det DTEC sends Mark II Segretarto Auretio to negotiate peace ta 1472 Cotia door when infeiida 11 King of Persia that is not "ты great advantage against the Turks. A detailed ambasctadore King of Persia vlone аiia Signoria tetter of a friar. I knew you Generate eccIIa II King of Cyprus and The Grand Uaestro Rhodes ATIA Turkish war ii. Skip cotГarmatu above Natu, and Cape Crio ago animatl large prey and slaves. The army of King det Napoti reach Modone; pol quieted det Pope to Samos. Number of those vessels degii Atte. Assatto and sarco Setetia port of det. Tied for Cassano's Cssan sotiecilare Principles eristiant ATIA war cnntro Turks. The Repubbica of Venice is to damage dat Turks in the Morea, Albania, and Datmazia Itaty. Scanderbec defends ГAibanta. The Turks, past ГIsonzo, enter net Frini, and are up to Udine. II knew you Mocentgo sacked and burned Smyrna. Discovery detia sepottura and statue of Homer. The army is the Venetian rIIira wintering at Modone. II lcgato of Ussana Cassano is baptized in Rome by Pope Sixtus. Turkish II tries to make peace cot King 'Ungherta. Letter at the Catarino Baito Zeno of Cyprus. Antonetto Sicilian fire 's arscnate det Turks is caught and beheaded.
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Vi'i de Decembrio Sigismondo Malatesta tried in vain several times the company's de roca Misitra, et cx I went to the garrison zcuii with you, with little honor.
tîabriel Trivisani Proveditore serive in Albania, that 's Scanderbec parliament and is a co' I Subassi (3) of the Province, and that Г has heard from him, 'The Turkish Lord has sent an Ambassador to the Duke of Milan, co 'I mezo de Nicola Corner Renegade, to which' the war moves to the Lords at his own expense, and that it has held responsible Scanderbec ghe that 's not do anything, because the Lady councils powers christiane contra de lutte him. It 's Subassi falta saver mourning has this to Constantinople and ORDENE attempt by the Port de co 'l tell Scanderbec de make peace with the Lords, with bonissimc certain conditions, and with particoiarmente concederghe Metelin and alli or c when it should Scanderbec interponerse, de recognoscerto promises. They pariato together
(1) Governatorc det countryside.
(2) Padigiioni.
(3) Powers.
E'i Scanderbec ghe was held responsible, that all principles have Cliristiani capitolado together make no pase de co'I Гaltro without a Turkish, and not if that will do nothing. And 'The Lord Turkish, understood rt-move, ghe has falta dir, that means the whole el che'I if interposed, and that' l ghe gives freedom with quelte condición de coneluder that ghe par Honest. El Scanderbec a disclosure this co 'I Trivisani, and ditto de ghe has let them come in person to the Signoria. Telti read these, and I know the approach to continence, and is chiamado el Consegio dePregadi; eben ventilado the thing, and that the Lady considerado molii rivals in Italy, which procura'l so badly, 'is taken to Gabriel de seriver Trivisani predictive я ORDENE that puts the Galia de Cathari and GHE on Scanderbee, and that it inquires diligently all of you delГAlbania things, and I know the company To come into this land. In these
de Lugio 'is a serilto Lunardo Longo, who lii'u know about the floats Zaniboe, Ambassador of the Sultan, and with the Duke-in this land.
A 'and is Fevrer 9 de falta Capitanio General Vettor Capello i ', t; <, in luogho de Giacomo Loredan. A' 20 d'Avril, Vettor Capello ha iui io Г armada per consegnada; e dopo vishati i luoghi della Signoria, è andà con 25 galte in golfo de Salonichi, e ha messo in terra te ciurme e i homeni da combater; et s'ha messo fra terra , e ha preso per forza Larso et Ebro ; e tornado su Г armada, ha preso la città de Atheue, nobilissima per Г antichità , chiamada addesso Setines, e Г ha dà a saco alГ armada, et è stà falto gran preda. Poi è andà in golfo de Corinto, perché quei de Patràs ghe havea promesso de amazzar le guardie de Turchi e darghe la Terra : ma la cosa è successa attramente, perché te zente della Signoria, smontade in terra sotto la guida de Giacomo Barbarigo Proveditore, se spinge avanti vicin alia Terra, e vene alie mani con Turchi. El Proveditor è restà morto con 3,000 fanti ; el corpo del Proveditor è stà cognossudo da Turchi, e cosi morto è stà portà in la Terra, e impatà su la roca : e soito 'I Capitanio General é stà tagià a pezzi 11,000 sol- dadi ; tal che quelГimpresa è reussida infelicemente.
continued Mrs. important in this war, with great expense, and is part of Mazor descoverto that the principles of' Italy is de ligh contrary to the Lord, and fearing
1466 by de no poder ressister tautc bands, and is deliberado delegate David at the door of the Turkish Jew, except to demand amnesty for an Ambassador that if Voria send a treat and triogua pase.
Pope Paul, moved by the King of Naples Ferundo from Dura-Ga Teaze, the Duke of Ferrara and Fiorcntini has Manita Sifjnoria el Cardenal at the Santo Angelo Spagnol, that urge them to continue the war with 'the Turkish, offering 300.000 ducats he 100.000, 100.000 and 100.000 tutlc you the King other powers d'Italia-usicme, and that if Voria cleft new intelligentsia tutli together. Ghe and is held responsible for the deliberazion Consegio de Pregadi, that if she wants to go Г company, and that if the money for this PhotoLine cifelto, but that the Earth no no coneluder puolo obligarse in the pase, when ghe is offered with bone condición . As for the confederazion de Princes' s Italy, and is ghe dilto that not happen, because the Lord if she is with all bona pase. And to deal with the Turks with avantage, and be able to continue the war, in which case no habbo Гaccordo cffetto, provision of money is is failing because of tithes; et de armar 10 and is taken as de Galie, a new time, t is is dressed K. Jerome from Verona to Governador Delie Zenti in the Morea, with WX) ca-worth and 1,000 Italians faut.
QuesГannoel suddili of Scanderbec country and is being treated badly by the Turks-Tadi is that 'if I Scanderbec Medem Despair has set in, especially seeing alice-Albanians born to him and consegnado Croia, passode great for importanzia ГAlbania, the Ministers of the Lord, and sent here iiol know, and he and I went in person to Rome and Naples to co-gnoscer in that period if you find things of that Province, and show that if 'The Turkish owner of that land if it GHE facite will pass in Italy.
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1481 Tevà has one percent of the dacü a'Christiani, three to 'carazarii (1), 4 to' Turks and Tevà being equal Delia brokerage.
A'6 of August Mr el Turkish arrived in Constantinople, and seeretamente has a falt Retegno Netherlands auspetto d'haver to help him give 'fradelo, and has high ¡torment: the gianizzeri he do that sends you free-el with de protest to Mr el fradelo, such that I'i 'relassà state, under the pretext of haverlo found innocent, and now it is occurring and restored to know degree. 'S opposition to ghe and is made, it is nassuda by another bass that is very grateful to Mr new, and has domainlа gianizzeri ghe Г for it to die. Mr El, Aldi is falta demand s'lia Fazzuoli to put a century, that ghe digando's life be spared to him, and he falta el pass on the Netherlands with similar fasta Natoli, and did despensar 30.000 ducats to gianizzeri.
fio de El Scanderbec, chiamado by Albanians, and passed from Puglia in Albania, and Г Cod ajato de Cimerioti has recovered most of Stado father, broken and if ghe 2.000 Turks opposed.
A '15 de September has arrived in Albania, a leader of Turkish people, with 1.500 altrettaDli horses and pedestrians, with cakes, rcstc and money to be dispensed among the Albanian people. Cer-fo Zuane novice avis gmnger know of, and stormed and roto, and Гba fugado, and took some horses with some money Summa de: and 'l fio de Scanderbec still know the company, with 4.000 Albanians and 600 horses. Mr El
Turkish Ambassador's falt name is Nicole Coco, Math Loredan Capitan de delte gaiie Romania and Batlista Bailo Grit, we have listened graciously to the rubamenti the already de-Nizer, who cares 15.000 ducats, and promised GbE de redo NCI trades , and not having it so many, the refarà de'contanti. Is for these motions is deliberating de iugrossar Г armada, and the quai de-ow 48 Galie.
A'5 of July has come from Ambassador Nicole Coco With Constantinople, and reffering to 'The Lord has bona Turkish willingness to the Lord: for I know the report is Antonio is falt Vil-tourism Ambassador to raltegrarse know of succession, and the renova capitulators the pase that if I havea with his father.
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A '14 de Zogno, Roof Frank Zane, Bailo Du-rocket ГAlbania from Croia alia from Vlore, offended by the Sanjak that Г Гha plundered past year, trusting that 'the Turkish alГi m step is taken of the Sultan, s'ha moved, with 1,000 horses and 3,000 pe-gifts, and attacked' the finger Sanjak, c Гha cut to pieces with the Turks who were with him and four of the main Albanian C passes in Puglia to call el fio de Scanderbec per head: 4,000 Albanians on that reductive s'ha de Durazzo. Et de c is taken to send 500 provisionadi Durazzo, to address the company cbe Albanians not enter into the land, such as to make poderave salvarse by Turks.
(1) Corseggiato.
(2) Of Corfu.
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