Monday, June 21, 2010

Greenhouse Effect Solutions

Terre Tumare


Saturday, December 11, 2010

hours 17-19 (registration required)
STAGE Dance Pinch-pinch
with Anna Cinzia Villani
STAGE Tamburello
with David Conte

20.30 (by reservation)

22.30 (admission charges),

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Tumara Salento is a word that indicates a soil rich in thyme, medicinal and aromatic spice typical of the Mediterranean and southern Italy. In the name Terre Tumare glimpse the presence of the sea that washes the Adriatic coast and places of origin from which they are the four components of this musical education, from low to high Salento Murgia. For the people of Puglia, the sea has always been the danger, escape, salvation, the arrival and departure. Death and life. Life and death. And each time, from life to death, these people sang and played to accompany the work, the hopes of love, quarrels, funeral rites and festive occasions. Anna Cinzia Villani, Massimiliano Morabito, David Durante and Gianni Conte Miro Gelao bring together years of experience, knowledge of vocal techniques and equipment acquired in attendance of master singers and musicians and the ability to reinvent itself, to provide modern languages \u200b\u200bwith ancient musical grammars tradition. I pinch-pizziche tarantella and keep the fighting spirit of the art 'bellows' breathing organ and tambourine dance, Wind guitar and mellow singing peasant sour, bitter, sharp and loud without affecting the intensity.


The dance of "pinch-pinch" with ANNA CINZIA VILLANI

The pinch-pinch is certainly the most known traditional local architecture and among the dances of the south that mainly attracts the attention of fans throughout Italy.
Like all popular culture, music, and hence to dance, were the responsibility of the social well-defined but today are almost entirely ignored. The current life away from the fact which has the lifestyle and mentality of archaic societies. E 'deep understanding of the rural world that is based on preparation of Anna Cinzia Villani which is then able to reconstruct the habits of rural civilization in relation to the music passing through the phenomenon of Taranto, the ritual of dance and teaching-fencing of steps of the pinch-pinch.
The stage consists of the following parts:
1) Description of the social and cultural context in which this dance is performed until a few decades ago and the distinction of three modes of dance punctuated by the same rate but with different functions:
pinch Pinch (playful dance of the couple)
Pinch tarantata (music therapy against the bite of the tarantula)
Pinch fencing (mime duel between two contestants) ..
2) Learning of the easiest steps with the help of original music and revived.
3) Dance with a friend: all participants will dance one at a time with the teacher.
4) Mention the concept of the "de Mesciu ballu" (who controlled the ball) learning more complex steps, use of the handkerchief.
5) Dance Torque: Participants will dance with each other by practicing the steps.
6) During the internship can be watching movies on the three-way pinch pinch.

I with Salento in the Tamburello David Conti

vertirà The seminar on the tambourine in Puglia and in particular the pinch in its historical evolution through various styles. Pinch the Salento and the tambourine on a journey through its historical evolution. From the ancient technique of the 50 original and the various intermediate stages of the 70 and 90 so far and the contemporary technique.
The seminar will be made a comparison of the organic different instruments from different manufacturers Puglia . This opportunity to see up close some of the instruments of rare beauty which more than 50 years old.
Level: for all. Instrument fitted. (If "no bearing" is welcome communication)
Anyway you can buy on the spot an instrument.

the organ in the high and low Salento MASSIMILIANO MORABITO

The workshop starts off by listening to the old organ-grinder of the Southern Center Puglia (Salento in southern Italy from the Lower Murgia ) to continue with the study and performance of some examples pinch pinch. The seminar is aimed at both beginners and advanced organettisti (not essential but is desirable to have a key organ in G / C). You will learn techniques like countered with two and three fingers, to bruise the blooms, accompanied with the bass and singing. The course will also analyze the different ways of looking at the posture: the position of the instrument, the use of left and right hands, the use of bellows. Traditionally, the organ could be learned and passed down by ear, without the mediation of musical notation. For this reason, the seminar will be a key acquisition of the concept of "melody" at the base of the oral tradition of music all over South Italy.

Mob 393 8619200
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IN PIU '...

"The Second Sex"

"It is the inferiority of women who have given their historical insignificance:
is their historical insignificance that has condemned all'inferiorità"
Simone De Beauvoir


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